C# 클래스 NPlot.DateTimeAxis

The DateTimeAxis class
상속: Axis
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: GridProtectionAlliance/openHistorian 1 사용 예제들

보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
LargeTickLabelType_ LargeTickLabelType

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Clone ( ) : object

Deep copy of DateTimeAxis.

DateTimeAxis ( ) : System

Default Constructor

DateTimeAxis ( Axis a ) : System


DateTimeAxis ( System.DateTime worldMin, System.DateTime worldMax ) : System


DateTimeAxis ( double worldMin, double worldMax ) : System


DateTimeAxis ( long worldMin, long worldMax ) : System


보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
DoClone ( DateTimeAxis b, DateTimeAxis a ) : void

Helper method for Clone.

DrawTicks ( Graphics g, Point physicalMin, Point physicalMax, object &labelOffset, object &boundingBox ) : void

Draw the ticks.

LargeTickLabel ( System.DateTime tickDate ) : string

Get the label corresponding to the provided date time

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Init ( ) : void
WorldTickPositions_FirstPass ( Point physicalMin, Point physicalMax, List &largeTickPositions, List &smallTickPositions ) : void

Determines the positions, in world coordinates, of the large ticks. No small tick marks are currently calculated by this method.

WorldTickPositions_SecondPass ( Point physicalMin, Point physicalMax, List largeTickPositions, List &smallTickPositions ) : void

Compute the small tick positions for largetick size of one or more years. - inside the domain or the large tick positons, is take the mid-point of pairs of large ticks - outside the large tick range, check if a half tick is inside the world min/max This method works only if there are atleast 2 large ticks, since we don't know if its minutes, hours, month, or yearly divisor.

Added by Rosco Hill

메소드 상세

Clone() 공개 메소드

Deep copy of DateTimeAxis.
public Clone ( ) : object
리턴 object

DateTimeAxis() 공개 메소드

Default Constructor
public DateTimeAxis ( ) : System
리턴 System

DateTimeAxis() 공개 메소드

public DateTimeAxis ( Axis a ) : System
a Axis Axis to construct from
리턴 System

DateTimeAxis() 공개 메소드

public DateTimeAxis ( System.DateTime worldMin, System.DateTime worldMax ) : System
worldMin System.DateTime World min of axis
worldMax System.DateTime World max of axis
리턴 System

DateTimeAxis() 공개 메소드

public DateTimeAxis ( double worldMin, double worldMax ) : System
worldMin double World min of axis
worldMax double World max of axis
리턴 System

DateTimeAxis() 공개 메소드

public DateTimeAxis ( long worldMin, long worldMax ) : System
worldMin long World min of axis
worldMax long World max of axis
리턴 System

DoClone() 보호된 정적인 메소드

Helper method for Clone.
protected static DoClone ( DateTimeAxis b, DateTimeAxis a ) : void
b DateTimeAxis The cloned object.
a DateTimeAxis The original object to clone.
리턴 void

DrawTicks() 보호된 메소드

Draw the ticks.
protected DrawTicks ( Graphics g, Point physicalMin, Point physicalMax, object &labelOffset, object &boundingBox ) : void
g System.Drawing.Graphics The drawing surface on which to draw.
physicalMin Point The minimum physical extent of the axis.
physicalMax Point The maximum physical extent of the axis.
labelOffset object out: a suitable offset from the axis to draw the axis label.
boundingBox object out: smallest box that completely encompasses all of the ticks and tick labels.
리턴 void

LargeTickLabel() 보호된 메소드

Get the label corresponding to the provided date time
protected LargeTickLabel ( System.DateTime tickDate ) : string
tickDate System.DateTime the date time to get the label for
리턴 string

프로퍼티 상세

LargeTickLabelType_ 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

this gets set after a get LargeTickPositions.
protected LargeTickLabelType LargeTickLabelType_
리턴 LargeTickLabelType