C# 클래스 Moosesoft.Azure.ServiceBus.BackOffDelayStrategy.ConstantBackOffDelayStrategy

This strategy provides a constant delay for every Calculate call regardless of attempt count.
상속: IBackOffDelayStrategy
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: gtmoose32/moosesoft-azure-servicebus

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Calculate ( int attempts ) : TimeSpan
ConstantBackOffDelayStrategy ( TimeSpan backOffDelayTime ) : Moosesoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Abstractions

Initialize a new instance ConstantBackOffDelayStrategy.

메소드 상세

Calculate() 공개 메소드

public Calculate ( int attempts ) : TimeSpan
attempts int
리턴 TimeSpan

ConstantBackOffDelayStrategy() 공개 메소드

Initialize a new instance ConstantBackOffDelayStrategy.
public ConstantBackOffDelayStrategy ( TimeSpan backOffDelayTime ) : Moosesoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Abstractions
backOffDelayTime TimeSpan Constant TimeSpan returned always when this strategy is asked to calculate new delay.
리턴 Moosesoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Abstractions