C# 클래스 MohawkCollege.EHR.Util.XsdDiff.DiffBuilder

Build Diff trees
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: MohawkMEDIC/schematool

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
BuildTree ( XmlSchemaSet schemaA, XmlSchemaSet schemaB ) : MohawkCollege.EHR.Util.XsdDiff.DiffTree

Build a diff tree for the two schemas

BuildTree ( XmlSchemaObject obj ) : IDiffNode

Build a tree of only one schema

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CompareNodes ( List haystack, IDiffNode needle, IDiffNode parent ) : void
CompareNodes ( List haystack, List needles, IDiffNode parent ) : void

Compare a list of needles to a the haystack

CopyChildNodes ( XmlSchemaChoice choice, IDiffNode parent, Stack typeStack ) : void

Copy child nodes for a choice

CopyChildNodes ( XmlSchemaComplexType type, IDiffNode parent, Stack typeStack, bool quickSearch ) : void

Process a diff node of xmlschemaelement

CopyChildNodes ( XmlSchemaElement element, IDiffNode parent, Stack typeStack ) : void

Copy element data

CopyChildNodes ( XmlSchemaSequence sequence, IDiffNode parent, Stack typeStack ) : void
FindProbableCandidate ( IEnumerable haystackNeedleChoice, IDiffNode needle ) : DiffNode

Find a probable candidate for match

SwapContent ( IDiffNode node ) : void

Swap the content

메소드 상세

BuildTree() 공개 메소드

Build a diff tree for the two schemas
public BuildTree ( XmlSchemaSet schemaA, XmlSchemaSet schemaB ) : MohawkCollege.EHR.Util.XsdDiff.DiffTree
schemaA XmlSchemaSet
schemaB XmlSchemaSet
리턴 MohawkCollege.EHR.Util.XsdDiff.DiffTree

BuildTree() 공개 메소드

Build a tree of only one schema
public BuildTree ( XmlSchemaObject obj ) : IDiffNode
obj XmlSchemaObject
리턴 IDiffNode