C# 클래스 MidiSharp.Events.Voice.ControllerVoiceMidiEvent

MIDI event to modify the tone with data from a pedal, lever, or other device; also used for miscellaneous controls such as volume and bank select.
상속: MidiSharp.Events.Voice.VoiceMidiEvent
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: ianespana/Wintergatan-Laser-MIDI

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ControllerVoiceMidiEvent ( long deltaTime, byte channel, Controller number, byte value ) : System

Initialize the Controller MIDI event message.

ControllerVoiceMidiEvent ( long deltaTime, byte channel, byte number, byte value ) : System

Initialize the Controller MIDI event message.

DeepClone ( ) : MidiEvent

Creates a deep copy of the MIDI event.

ToString ( ) : string

Generate a string representation of the event.

Write ( Stream outputStream ) : void

Write the event to the output stream.

메소드 상세

ControllerVoiceMidiEvent() 공개 메소드

Initialize the Controller MIDI event message.
public ControllerVoiceMidiEvent ( long deltaTime, byte channel, Controller number, byte value ) : System
deltaTime long The delta-time since the previous message.
channel byte The channel to which to write the message (0 through 15).
number Controller The type of controller message to be written.
value byte The value of the controller message.
리턴 System

ControllerVoiceMidiEvent() 공개 메소드

Initialize the Controller MIDI event message.
public ControllerVoiceMidiEvent ( long deltaTime, byte channel, byte number, byte value ) : System
deltaTime long The delta-time since the previous message.
channel byte The channel to which to write the message (0 through 15).
number byte The type of controller message to be written.
value byte The value of the controller message.
리턴 System

DeepClone() 공개 메소드

Creates a deep copy of the MIDI event.
public DeepClone ( ) : MidiEvent
리턴 MidiEvent

ToString() 공개 메소드

Generate a string representation of the event.
public ToString ( ) : string
리턴 string

Write() 공개 메소드

Write the event to the output stream.
public Write ( Stream outputStream ) : void
outputStream Stream The stream to which the event should be written.
리턴 void