C# 클래스 Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_OXCTABL.MS_OXCTABLAdapter

Adapter capture code for MS_OXCTABLAdapter
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CheckMAPIHTTPTransportSupported ( bool &isSupported ) : void

This method is used to check whether MAPIHTTP transport is supported by SUT.

CheckRequirementEnabled ( int requirementId, bool &enabled ) : void

Determines if the requirement is enabled or not.

Disconnect ( ) : void

Disconnect from the server.

Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void

Initialize the adapter.

InitializeTable ( TableType tableType ) : void

This method is used to initialize the table

Reset ( ) : void

Reset the adapter.

RopAbort ( TableStatus &tableStatus ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to Abort Rops for a table

RopCollapseRow ( bool nonexistCategoryId, bool nonexpandedCategoryId ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to Collapse row for a table

RopCreateBookmark ( ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to create bookmark for a table

RopExpandRow ( bool nonexistCategoryId, bool noncollapsedCategoryId, bool isMaxRowCountInvalid ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to expand row for a table

RopFindRow ( FindRowFlags findRowFlags, BookmarkType origin, bool isValidRestriction ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to find row for a table

RopFreeBookmark ( ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to free bookmark for a table.

RopGetCollapseState ( ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to get collapse state for a table

RopGetStatus ( TableStatus &tableStatus ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to get the status for a table

RopQueryColumnsAll ( ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to query all columns for a table

RopQueryPosition ( ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to query position for a table

RopQueryRows ( QueryRowsFlags queryRowFlags, bool forwardRead ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to query rows for a table

RopRelease ( ) : void

This method is used to release a table

RopResetTable ( ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to reset a table

RopRestrict ( uint reqId, bool validHandle, bool newRestrict, bool isRestrictAsynchronous ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to restrict for a table

RopSeekRow ( BookmarkType origin, bool forwardSeek, bool wantRowMovedCountout, bool enoughRow ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to seek row for a table

RopSeekRowBookmark ( bool forwardSeek, bool wantRowMovedCountout, bool enoughRow ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to seek row bookmark for a table

RopSeekRowFractional ( bool zeroNumerator, bool smallDenominator ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to seek row fractional for a table

RopSetCollapseState ( ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to set collapse state for a table

RopSetColumns ( uint reqId, bool invalidPropertyTag, bool newColumnSet, bool isSetColumnsAsynchronous ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to SetColumns for a table

RopSortTable ( uint reqId, bool validHandle, bool multipleSortOrders, bool isMaximumCategory, bool allSortOrdersUsedAsCategory, bool allCategoryExpanded, bool newOrder, bool isSortTableAsynchronous ) : TableRopReturnValues

This method is used to sort table

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CleanInbox ( ) : void

The method is used to clean up the inbox folder.

Connect ( string serverName ) : bool

Connect to the server for RPC calling or HTTP request.

CreateInvalidContentsTablePropertyTags ( ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.PropertyTag[]

Create invalid contentsTable PropertyTags

CreateMessageForPrepareTable ( string senderName ) : void

This method is used to create message as the content of the content table or attachment table.

CreateRulesTablePropertyTags ( ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.PropertyTag[]

Create Rules Table PropertyTags

CreateSampleContentsTablePropertyTags ( ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.PropertyTag[]

Create Sample ContentsTable PropertyTags

CreateSampleContentsTablePropertyTagsWithNoError ( ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.PropertyTag[]

Create another sample ContentsTable PropertyTags which have no error value

CreateSampleHierarchyTablePropertyTags ( ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.PropertyTag[]

Create Sample Hierarchy PropertyTags

CreateSampleSortOrdersAscending ( bool multipleSortOrders, bool isMaximumCategory ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.SortOrder[]

Create Sample SortOrders in ascending order

CreateSampleSortOrdersDescending ( bool multipleSortOrders ) : Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Common.SortOrder[]

Create Sample SortOrders in descending order

DoSingleCallROP ( ISerializable ropRequest, uint inputObjHandle, object &response, byte &rawData ) : List>

Send ROP request with single operation.

GetRowsCount ( bool forwardRead ) : uint

Gets the number of rows from current location of cursor

GetTableHandle ( TableType tableType ) : void

This method is used to get the table handle

IsExpectedSender ( string actualSenderName, string expectedSenderName ) : bool

This method is used to check whether the sender's name is correct.

Logon ( uint &objHandle ) : RopLogonResponse

This method is used to logon the server

PrepareTable ( TableType tableType ) : void

This methods is used to prepare the table with certain table type

ProcessResponse ( IDeserializable response ) : void

This method is used to process the response and call the corresponding verification method.

VerifyAsynchronousROPComplete ( RopGetStatusResponse getStatusResponse ) : void

Verify if the asynchronous ROP is complete

VerifyGetStatusResponse ( RopGetStatusResponse getStatusResponse ) : void

Verify GetStatus Response

VerifyMAPITransport ( ) : void

Verify MAPIHTTP transport.

VerifyMailCount ( int mailCount ) : void

The method is used to verify whether the mail count is equal to the mails sent.

VerifyPropertyRowStructure ( PropertyRow propertyRow ) : void

Verify PropertyRow Structure

VerifyRPCLayerRequirement ( ) : void

Verify RPC layer requirement

VerifyRopAbortResponse ( RopAbortResponse abortResponse ) : void

Verify RopAbort Response

VerifyRopCollapseRowResponse ( RopCollapseRowResponse collapseRowResponse ) : void

Verify RopCollapseRow Response

VerifyRopCreateBookmarkResponse ( RopCreateBookmarkResponse createBookmarkResponse ) : void

Verify RopCreateBookmark Response

VerifyRopExpandRowResponse ( RopExpandRowResponse expandRowResponse, ushort theValueMaxRowCountInExpandRowrequest ) : void

Verify ropExpandRow

VerifyRopFindRowResponse ( RopFindRowResponse findRowResponse ) : void

Verify RopFindRow Response

VerifyRopGetCollapseStateResponse ( RopGetCollapseStateResponse getCollapseStateResponse ) : void

Verify RopGetCollapseState Response

VerifyRopQueryColumnsALLResponse ( RopQueryColumnsAllResponse queryColumnsAllResponse ) : void

Verify RopQueryColumnsALL Response

VerifyRopQueryPositionResponse ( RopQueryPositionResponse queryPositionResponse ) : void

Verify ropQuery position

VerifyRopQueryRowsResponse ( RopQueryRowsResponse queryRowsResponse, ushort rowCountRequest ) : void

Verify RopQueryRows Response

VerifyRopRestrictResponse ( RopRestrictResponse restrictResponse ) : void

Verify RopRestrict Response

VerifyRopSeekRowBookmarkResponse ( RopSeekRowBookmarkResponse seekRowBookmarkResponse, long rowCountValueInTheReques ) : void

Verify RopSeekRowBookmark Response

VerifyRopSeekRowResponse ( RopSeekRowResponse seekRowResponse, long rowCountValueInTheRequest ) : void

Verify RopSeekRow Response

VerifyRopSetCollapseStateResponse ( RopSetCollapseStateResponse setCollapseStateResponse ) : void

Verify RopGetCollapseState Response

VerifyRopSetColumnsResponse ( RopSetColumnsResponse setColumnsResponse ) : void

Verify RopSetColumns Response

VerifyRopSortTableResponse ( RopSortTableResponse sortTableResponse ) : void

Verify RopSortTable Response

메소드 상세

CheckMAPIHTTPTransportSupported() 공개 메소드

This method is used to check whether MAPIHTTP transport is supported by SUT.
public CheckMAPIHTTPTransportSupported ( bool &isSupported ) : void
isSupported bool The transport is supported or not.
리턴 void

CheckRequirementEnabled() 공개 메소드

Determines if the requirement is enabled or not.
public CheckRequirementEnabled ( int requirementId, bool &enabled ) : void
requirementId int The requirement Id
enabled bool Requirement is enable or not.
리턴 void

Disconnect() 공개 메소드

Disconnect from the server.
public Disconnect ( ) : void
리턴 void

Initialize() 공개 메소드

Initialize the adapter.
public Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void
testSite ITestSite Test site.
리턴 void

InitializeTable() 공개 메소드

This method is used to initialize the table
public InitializeTable ( TableType tableType ) : void
tableType TableType Identify the table type
리턴 void

Reset() 공개 메소드

Reset the adapter.
public Reset ( ) : void
리턴 void

RopAbort() 공개 메소드

This method is used to Abort Rops for a table
public RopAbort ( TableStatus &tableStatus ) : TableRopReturnValues
tableStatus TableStatus Identify the table status
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopCollapseRow() 공개 메소드

This method is used to Collapse row for a table
public RopCollapseRow ( bool nonexistCategoryId, bool nonexpandedCategoryId ) : TableRopReturnValues
nonexistCategoryId bool Identify whether the CategoryId row exists
nonexpandedCategoryId bool Identify whether the CategoryId row is not expanded
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopCreateBookmark() 공개 메소드

This method is used to create bookmark for a table
public RopCreateBookmark ( ) : TableRopReturnValues
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopExpandRow() 공개 메소드

This method is used to expand row for a table
public RopExpandRow ( bool nonexistCategoryId, bool noncollapsedCategoryId, bool isMaxRowCountInvalid ) : TableRopReturnValues
nonexistCategoryId bool Identify whether the CategoryId row exists
noncollapsedCategoryId bool Identify whether the CategoryId row is not collapsed
isMaxRowCountInvalid bool Identify whether the MaxRowCount is invalid
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopFindRow() 공개 메소드

This method is used to find row for a table
public RopFindRow ( FindRowFlags findRowFlags, BookmarkType origin, bool isValidRestriction ) : TableRopReturnValues
findRowFlags FindRowFlags Identify the flags for this operation
origin BookmarkType Identify the bookmark
isValidRestriction bool Identify whether the restriction is valid
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopFreeBookmark() 공개 메소드

This method is used to free bookmark for a table.
public RopFreeBookmark ( ) : TableRopReturnValues
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopGetCollapseState() 공개 메소드

This method is used to get collapse state for a table
public RopGetCollapseState ( ) : TableRopReturnValues
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopGetStatus() 공개 메소드

This method is used to get the status for a table
public RopGetStatus ( TableStatus &tableStatus ) : TableRopReturnValues
tableStatus TableStatus Identify the table status
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopQueryColumnsAll() 공개 메소드

This method is used to query all columns for a table
public RopQueryColumnsAll ( ) : TableRopReturnValues
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopQueryPosition() 공개 메소드

This method is used to query position for a table
public RopQueryPosition ( ) : TableRopReturnValues
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopQueryRows() 공개 메소드

This method is used to query rows for a table
public RopQueryRows ( QueryRowsFlags queryRowFlags, bool forwardRead ) : TableRopReturnValues
queryRowFlags QueryRowsFlags A flag for the query row operation
forwardRead bool Identify whether to read the data forward
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopRelease() 공개 메소드

This method is used to release a table
public RopRelease ( ) : void
리턴 void

RopResetTable() 공개 메소드

This method is used to reset a table
public RopResetTable ( ) : TableRopReturnValues
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopRestrict() 공개 메소드

This method is used to restrict for a table
public RopRestrict ( uint reqId, bool validHandle, bool newRestrict, bool isRestrictAsynchronous ) : TableRopReturnValues
reqId uint Identify the request ID
validHandle bool Identify whether the InputHandleIndex is valid, this is used to trigger the error code in Restrict
newRestrict bool A identify whether new restriction is required
isRestrictAsynchronous bool Indicate whether RopRestrict Rop is to be performed asynchronously
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopSeekRow() 공개 메소드

This method is used to seek row for a table
public RopSeekRow ( BookmarkType origin, bool forwardSeek, bool wantRowMovedCountout, bool enoughRow ) : TableRopReturnValues
origin BookmarkType Identify the origin position
forwardSeek bool Identify whether to seek row forward
wantRowMovedCountout bool Identify whether to return the actual moved row number
enoughRow bool Identify whether there is enough row to seek
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopSeekRowBookmark() 공개 메소드

This method is used to seek row bookmark for a table
public RopSeekRowBookmark ( bool forwardSeek, bool wantRowMovedCountout, bool enoughRow ) : TableRopReturnValues
forwardSeek bool Identify whether to seek bookmark forward
wantRowMovedCountout bool Identify whether to return the actual moved row number
enoughRow bool Identify whether there is enough row to seek
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopSeekRowFractional() 공개 메소드

This method is used to seek row fractional for a table
public RopSeekRowFractional ( bool zeroNumerator, bool smallDenominator ) : TableRopReturnValues
zeroNumerator bool Identify whether the Numerator is zero
smallDenominator bool Identify whether the Numerator bigger than Denominator
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopSetCollapseState() 공개 메소드

This method is used to set collapse state for a table
public RopSetCollapseState ( ) : TableRopReturnValues
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopSetColumns() 공개 메소드

This method is used to SetColumns for a table
public RopSetColumns ( uint reqId, bool invalidPropertyTag, bool newColumnSet, bool isSetColumnsAsynchronous ) : TableRopReturnValues
reqId uint Identify the request ID
invalidPropertyTag bool Indicate whether there are invalid property tags in the column set
newColumnSet bool Indicate whether to change the current column set with new one
isSetColumnsAsynchronous bool Indicate whether RopsetColumns Rop is to be performed asynchronously
리턴 TableRopReturnValues

RopSortTable() 공개 메소드

This method is used to sort table
public RopSortTable ( uint reqId, bool validHandle, bool multipleSortOrders, bool isMaximumCategory, bool allSortOrdersUsedAsCategory, bool allCategoryExpanded, bool newOrder, bool isSortTableAsynchronous ) : TableRopReturnValues
reqId uint Identify the request ID
validHandle bool Identify whether the InputHandleIndex is valid, this is used to trigger the error code in sort table
multipleSortOrders bool Indicate whether the sort order array contains more than one SortOrder structure
isMaximumCategory bool Indicate whether the sort order array contains a SortOrder structure with the order set to MaximumCategory
allSortOrdersUsedAsCategory bool Identify whether all sort orders used as category
allCategoryExpanded bool Identify whether all categories are expanded
newOrder bool Identify whether to change the current sort order
isSortTableAsynchronous bool Indicate whether RopSortTable Rop is to be performed asynchronously
리턴 TableRopReturnValues