C# 클래스 Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.ConfigureLists.ConfigureList

A class to configure lists
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Microsoft/mattercenter

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Main ( string args ) : void

Main method - Start of the program

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddRoleDetails ( ClientContext clientContext ) : void

Function to include Role details into Roles List

AddValuesToChoiceColumn ( ClientContext clientcontext ) : void

Creates choice field for contextual help list

AssignPermission ( ClientContext clientcontext, Group matterCenterGroup, List list, string listName, bool isCustomPermission ) : bool

Assigns permission to group

CreateLookUpField ( ClientContext clientcontext ) : void

Creates lookup field for contextual help list

CreateNewPermissionLevel ( ClientContext context, string permissionLevelName, string description ) : bool

Creates a new permission level in specified web context

CreateSharePointList ( ClientContext clientContext, int listCount, string groupName ) : void

Method to create list in site collection

RemovePermissionLevelIfExists ( ClientContext context, string permissionLevelName ) : void

Removes Permission level if exists in web context

RevertCreatedList ( ClientContext clientContext, int listCount, string errorFilePath ) : void

A method to delete a list, if it exists

메소드 상세

Main() 공개 정적인 메소드

Main method - Start of the program
public static Main ( string args ) : void
args string Input from console
리턴 void