C# 클래스 Microsoft.Languages.Editor.Completion.CompletionController

Base completion controller. Not language specific.
상속: IIntellisenseController
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Microsoft/RTVS

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CommitCompletionSession ( ) : bool

Close the completion dropdown, commit the selected item to the text view.

CommitCompletionSession ( char typedCharacter ) : bool

Close the completion dropdown, commit the selected item to the text view. Used when typing a char, use the one without a typed char for CompleteWord command

ConnectSubjectBuffer ( ITextBuffer subjectBuffer ) : void
Detach ( ITextView textView ) : void
DisconnectSubjectBuffer ( ITextBuffer subjectBuffer ) : void
DismissAllSessions ( ) : void

Close any sessions that I am showing

DismissCompletionSession ( ) : void

Close the completion dropdown, don't make any changes

DismissQuickInfoSession ( ITextView textView ) : void
DismissSignatureSession ( ITextView textView, ICoreShell shell ) : void
FilterCompletionSession ( ) : void

Restricts the set of completions to those that match the applicability text of the completion set, and then determines the best match. R is case-sensitive so 't' is different from 'T' (the latter is a shortcut for 'TRUE').

HandleCommand ( System.Guid group, int id, object inputArg ) : bool

Allows custom completion presenters to intercept commands

HasActiveSignatureSession ( ITextView textView, ICoreShell shell ) : bool

Is there an active signature help session? (is the tooltip showing?)

IsClosingChar ( char typedCharacter ) : bool

In some languages completion needs to know if a character is a 'closing' character. Closing character typically tells if user finished typing certain fragment. This might be semicolon in C# or JScript, closing angle bracked in HTML etc. Upon closing character language may choose to autoformat code, dismiss intellisense or change intellisense presenter.

IsCommitChar ( char typedCharacter ) : bool

Should this key press commit a completion session?

IsMuteCharacter ( char typedCharacter ) : bool

True if character should be 'eaten' when session completes rather than passed to the core editor controller. For example, '=' symbol is ignored in HTML completion since on = HTML editor inserts ="" which already contains equals.

IsTriggerChar ( char typedCharacter ) : bool

Should this key press start a completion session?

OnCompleteWord ( ) : void

Called when the user executes a command that should show the completion list, and also automatically completes the current word if possible

OnPostTypeChar ( char typedCharacter ) : void

Called when the user types a character, after it shows up in the text view

OnPreTypeChar ( char typedCharacter ) : bool

Called when the user types a character, but before it shows up in the text view.

OnShowMemberList ( bool filterList ) : void

Called when the user executes a command that should show the completion list

OnShowQuickInfo ( ) : void

Called when the user executes a command that should show the signature help tooltip

OnShowSignatureHelp ( ) : void

Called when the user executes a command that should show the signature help tooltip

ShowCompletion ( bool autoShownCompletion ) : ICompletionSession

Show the completion dropdown if it isn't showing already

ShowSignature ( bool autoShown ) : void

Shows the signature help tooltip if it isn't showing already

TriggerCompletion ( ) : ICompletionSession
TriggerSignatureHelp ( ) : void

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
CanCommitCompletionSession ( char typedCharacter ) : bool
CanDismissSignatureOnCommit ( ) : bool
CommitUniqueCompletionSession ( ) : void

Only commit the completion selection if there is a unique choice in the list

HasActiveSignatureSession ( ITextView textView ) : bool
IsAutoShownCompletion ( ) : bool

Determines if current completion session is automatically invoked such as when user types a trigger character. Oppisite is when user explicitly invokes Edit > Intellisense > Show Members or similar command such as Ctrl+J or Ctrl+Space.

IsRetriggerChar ( ICompletionSession session, char typedCharacter ) : bool

If completion is already showing, should this keypress start a new session?

OnCompletionSessionCommitted ( object sender, EventArgs eventArgs ) : void
OnCompletionSessionDismissed ( object sender, EventArgs eventArgs ) : void
OnPostTypeClosingChar ( char typedCharacter ) : void

Invoked if user typed a closing character. IsClosingChar

OnPostTypeCompletionChar ( char typedCharacter ) : void
OnPreTypeCompletionChar ( char typedCharacter ) : void
ShowSignatureAndCompletion ( bool autoShownSignature, bool autoShownCompletion ) : void

The signature and completion MUST be shown in a specific order, so use this function to get the order correct.

UpdateInsertionText ( ) : void

Gives derived controllers a chance to update CompletionSession.SelectedCompletionSet.SelectionStatus.Completion.InsertionText

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ClearCompletionSession ( ) : void
CompletionController ( ITextView textView, IList subjectBuffers, ICompletionBroker completionBroker, IQuickInfoBroker quickInfoBroker, ISignatureHelpBroker signatureBroker, ICoreShell shell ) : System

메소드 상세

CanCommitCompletionSession() 보호된 메소드

protected CanCommitCompletionSession ( char typedCharacter ) : bool
typedCharacter char
리턴 bool

CanDismissSignatureOnCommit() 보호된 메소드

protected CanDismissSignatureOnCommit ( ) : bool
리턴 bool

CommitCompletionSession() 공개 메소드

Close the completion dropdown, commit the selected item to the text view.
public CommitCompletionSession ( ) : bool
리턴 bool

CommitCompletionSession() 공개 메소드

Close the completion dropdown, commit the selected item to the text view. Used when typing a char, use the one without a typed char for CompleteWord command
public CommitCompletionSession ( char typedCharacter ) : bool
typedCharacter char
리턴 bool

CommitUniqueCompletionSession() 보호된 메소드

Only commit the completion selection if there is a unique choice in the list
protected CommitUniqueCompletionSession ( ) : void
리턴 void

ConnectSubjectBuffer() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract ConnectSubjectBuffer ( ITextBuffer subjectBuffer ) : void
subjectBuffer ITextBuffer
리턴 void

Detach() 공개 메소드

public Detach ( ITextView textView ) : void
textView ITextView
리턴 void

DisconnectSubjectBuffer() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract DisconnectSubjectBuffer ( ITextBuffer subjectBuffer ) : void
subjectBuffer ITextBuffer
리턴 void

DismissAllSessions() 공개 메소드

Close any sessions that I am showing
public DismissAllSessions ( ) : void
리턴 void

DismissCompletionSession() 공개 메소드

Close the completion dropdown, don't make any changes
public DismissCompletionSession ( ) : void
리턴 void

DismissQuickInfoSession() 공개 메소드

public DismissQuickInfoSession ( ITextView textView ) : void
textView ITextView
리턴 void

DismissSignatureSession() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static DismissSignatureSession ( ITextView textView, ICoreShell shell ) : void
textView ITextView
shell ICoreShell
리턴 void

FilterCompletionSession() 공개 메소드

Restricts the set of completions to those that match the applicability text of the completion set, and then determines the best match. R is case-sensitive so 't' is different from 'T' (the latter is a shortcut for 'TRUE').
public FilterCompletionSession ( ) : void
리턴 void

HandleCommand() 공개 메소드

Allows custom completion presenters to intercept commands
public HandleCommand ( System.Guid group, int id, object inputArg ) : bool
group System.Guid
id int
inputArg object
리턴 bool

HasActiveSignatureSession() 보호된 메소드

protected HasActiveSignatureSession ( ITextView textView ) : bool
textView ITextView
리턴 bool

HasActiveSignatureSession() 공개 정적인 메소드

Is there an active signature help session? (is the tooltip showing?)
public static HasActiveSignatureSession ( ITextView textView, ICoreShell shell ) : bool
textView ITextView
shell ICoreShell
리턴 bool

IsAutoShownCompletion() 보호된 메소드

Determines if current completion session is automatically invoked such as when user types a trigger character. Oppisite is when user explicitly invokes Edit > Intellisense > Show Members or similar command such as Ctrl+J or Ctrl+Space.
protected IsAutoShownCompletion ( ) : bool
리턴 bool

IsClosingChar() 공개 메소드

In some languages completion needs to know if a character is a 'closing' character. Closing character typically tells if user finished typing certain fragment. This might be semicolon in C# or JScript, closing angle bracked in HTML etc. Upon closing character language may choose to autoformat code, dismiss intellisense or change intellisense presenter.
public IsClosingChar ( char typedCharacter ) : bool
typedCharacter char
리턴 bool

IsCommitChar() 공개 메소드

Should this key press commit a completion session?
public IsCommitChar ( char typedCharacter ) : bool
typedCharacter char
리턴 bool

IsMuteCharacter() 공개 메소드

True if character should be 'eaten' when session completes rather than passed to the core editor controller. For example, '=' symbol is ignored in HTML completion since on = HTML editor inserts ="" which already contains equals.
public IsMuteCharacter ( char typedCharacter ) : bool
typedCharacter char
리턴 bool

IsRetriggerChar() 보호된 메소드

If completion is already showing, should this keypress start a new session?
protected IsRetriggerChar ( ICompletionSession session, char typedCharacter ) : bool
session ICompletionSession
typedCharacter char
리턴 bool

IsTriggerChar() 공개 메소드

Should this key press start a completion session?
public IsTriggerChar ( char typedCharacter ) : bool
typedCharacter char
리턴 bool

OnCompleteWord() 공개 메소드

Called when the user executes a command that should show the completion list, and also automatically completes the current word if possible
public OnCompleteWord ( ) : void
리턴 void

OnCompletionSessionCommitted() 보호된 메소드

protected OnCompletionSessionCommitted ( object sender, EventArgs eventArgs ) : void
sender object
eventArgs System.EventArgs
리턴 void

OnCompletionSessionDismissed() 보호된 메소드

protected OnCompletionSessionDismissed ( object sender, EventArgs eventArgs ) : void
sender object
eventArgs System.EventArgs
리턴 void

OnPostTypeChar() 공개 메소드

Called when the user types a character, after it shows up in the text view
public OnPostTypeChar ( char typedCharacter ) : void
typedCharacter char
리턴 void

OnPostTypeClosingChar() 보호된 메소드

Invoked if user typed a closing character. IsClosingChar
protected OnPostTypeClosingChar ( char typedCharacter ) : void
typedCharacter char
리턴 void

OnPostTypeCompletionChar() 보호된 메소드

protected OnPostTypeCompletionChar ( char typedCharacter ) : void
typedCharacter char
리턴 void

OnPreTypeChar() 공개 메소드

Called when the user types a character, but before it shows up in the text view.
public OnPreTypeChar ( char typedCharacter ) : bool
typedCharacter char
리턴 bool

OnPreTypeCompletionChar() 보호된 메소드

protected OnPreTypeCompletionChar ( char typedCharacter ) : void
typedCharacter char
리턴 void

OnShowMemberList() 공개 메소드

Called when the user executes a command that should show the completion list
public OnShowMemberList ( bool filterList ) : void
filterList bool
리턴 void

OnShowQuickInfo() 공개 메소드

Called when the user executes a command that should show the signature help tooltip
public OnShowQuickInfo ( ) : void
리턴 void

OnShowSignatureHelp() 공개 메소드

Called when the user executes a command that should show the signature help tooltip
public OnShowSignatureHelp ( ) : void
리턴 void

ShowCompletion() 공개 메소드

Show the completion dropdown if it isn't showing already
public ShowCompletion ( bool autoShownCompletion ) : ICompletionSession
autoShownCompletion bool
리턴 ICompletionSession

ShowSignature() 공개 메소드

Shows the signature help tooltip if it isn't showing already
public ShowSignature ( bool autoShown ) : void
autoShown bool
리턴 void

ShowSignatureAndCompletion() 보호된 메소드

The signature and completion MUST be shown in a specific order, so use this function to get the order correct.
protected ShowSignatureAndCompletion ( bool autoShownSignature, bool autoShownCompletion ) : void
autoShownSignature bool
autoShownCompletion bool
리턴 void

TriggerCompletion() 공개 메소드

public TriggerCompletion ( ) : ICompletionSession
리턴 ICompletionSession

TriggerSignatureHelp() 공개 메소드

public TriggerSignatureHelp ( ) : void
리턴 void

UpdateInsertionText() 보호된 메소드

Gives derived controllers a chance to update CompletionSession.SelectedCompletionSet.SelectionStatus.Completion.InsertionText
protected UpdateInsertionText ( ) : void
리턴 void