프로퍼티 | 타입 | 설명 |
메소드 | 설명 | |
CodeShallowCopier ( IMetadataHost targetHost, ISourceLocationProvider sourceLocationProvider = null, ILocalScopeProvider localScopeProvider = null ) : System |
CodeShallowCopier ( IMetadataHost targetHost, IUnit targetUnit, ISourceLocationProvider sourceLocationProvider = null ) : System |
Copy ( IAddition addition ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Addition |
Returns a shallow copy of the given addition.
Copy ( IAddressDereference addressDereference ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AddressDereference |
Returns a shallow copy of the given address dereference expression.
Copy ( IAddressOf addressOf ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AddressOf |
Returns a shallow copy of the given AddressOf expression.
Copy ( IAddressableExpression addressableExpression ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AddressableExpression |
Returns a shallow copy of the given addressable expression.
Copy ( IAnonymousDelegate anonymousDelegate ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AnonymousDelegate |
Returns a shallow copy of the given anonymous delegate expression.
Copy ( IArrayIndexer arrayIndexer ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.ArrayIndexer |
Returns a shallow copy of the given array indexer expression.
Copy ( IAssertStatement assertStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given assert statement.
Copy ( IAssignment assignment ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Assignment |
Returns a shallow copy of the given assignment expression.
Copy ( IAssumeStatement assumeStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given assume statement.
Copy ( IBitwiseAnd bitwiseAnd ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BitwiseAnd |
Returns a shallow copy of the given bitwise and expression.
Copy ( IBitwiseOr bitwiseOr ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BitwiseOr |
Returns a shallow copy of the given bitwise or expression.
Copy ( IBlockExpression blockExpression ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BlockExpression |
Returns a shallow copy of the given block expression.
Copy ( IBlockStatement block ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given statement block.
Copy ( IBoundExpression boundExpression ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BoundExpression |
Returns a shallow copy of the given bound expression.
Copy ( IBreakStatement breakStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given break statement.
Copy ( ICastIfPossible castIfPossible ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CastIfPossible |
Returns a shallow copy of the cast-if-possible expression.
Copy ( ICatchClause catchClause ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given catch clause.
Copy ( ICheckIfInstance checkIfInstance ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CheckIfInstance |
Returns a shallow copy of the given check-if-instance expression.
Copy ( ICompileTimeConstant constant ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CompileTimeConstant |
Returns a shallow copy of the given compile time constant.
Copy ( IConditional conditional ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Conditional |
Returns a shallow copy of the given conditional expression.
Copy ( IConditionalStatement conditionalStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given conditional statement.
Copy ( IContinueStatement continueStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given continue statement.
Copy ( IConversion conversion ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Conversion |
Returns a shallow copy of the given conversion expression.
Copy ( ICopyMemoryStatement copyMemoryStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given copy memory statement.
Copy ( ICreateArray createArray ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CreateArray |
Returns a shallow copy of the given array creation expression.
Copy ( ICreateDelegateInstance createDelegateInstance ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CreateDelegateInstance |
Returns a shallow copy of the anonymous object creation expression.
Copy ( ICreateObjectInstance createObjectInstance ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CreateObjectInstance |
Returns a shallow copy of the given constructor call expression.
Copy ( IDebuggerBreakStatement debuggerBreakStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given debugger break statement.
Copy ( IDefaultValue defaultValue ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.DefaultValue |
Returns a shallow copy of the given defalut value expression.
Copy ( IDivision division ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Division |
Returns a shallow copy of the given division expression.
Copy ( IDoUntilStatement doUntilStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given do until statement.
Copy ( IDupValue dupValue ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.DupValue |
Returns a shallow copy of the given dup value expression.
Copy ( IEmptyStatement emptyStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given empty statement.
Copy ( IEquality equality ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Equality |
Returns a shallow copy of the given equality expression.
Copy ( IExclusiveOr exclusiveOr ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.ExclusiveOr |
Returns a shallow copy of the given exclusive or expression.
Copy ( IExpression expression ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Expression |
Returns a shallow copy of the given expression.
Copy ( IExpressionStatement expressionStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given expression statement.
Copy ( IFillMemoryStatement fillMemoryStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given fill memory block statement.
Copy ( IForEachStatement forEachStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given foreach statement.
Copy ( IForStatement forStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given for statement.
Copy ( IGetTypeOfTypedReference getTypeOfTypedReference ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GetTypeOfTypedReference |
Returns a shallow copy of the given get type of typed reference expression.
Copy ( IGetValueOfTypedReference getValueOfTypedReference ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GetValueOfTypedReference |
Returns a shallow copy of the given get value of typed reference expression.
Copy ( IGotoStatement gotoStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given goto statement.
Copy ( IGotoSwitchCaseStatement gotoSwitchCaseStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given goto switch case statement.
Copy ( IGreaterThan greaterThan ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GreaterThan |
Returns a shallow copy of the given greater-than expression.
Copy ( IGreaterThanOrEqual greaterThanOrEqual ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GreaterThanOrEqual |
Returns a shallow copy of the given greater-than-or-equal expression.
Copy ( ILabeledStatement labeledStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given labeled statement.
Copy ( ILeftShift leftShift ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.LeftShift |
Returns a shallow copy of the given left shift expression.
Copy ( ILessThan lessThan ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.LessThan |
Returns a shallow copy of the given less-than expression.
Copy ( ILessThanOrEqual lessThanOrEqual ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.LessThanOrEqual |
Returns a shallow copy of the given less-than-or-equal expression.
Copy ( ILocalDeclarationStatement localDeclarationStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given local declaration statement.
Copy ( ILockStatement lockStatement ) : |
Returns a shallow copy of the given lock statement.
Copy ( ILogicalNot logicalNot ) : LogicalNot |
Returns a shallow copy of the given logical not expression.
Copy ( IMakeTypedReference makeTypedReference ) : MakeTypedReference |
Returns a shallow copy of the given make typed reference expression.
Copy ( IMethodCall methodCall ) : MethodCall |
Returns a shallow copy of the given method call.
Copy ( IModulus modulus ) : Modulus |
Returns a shallow copy of the given modulus expression.
Copy ( IMultiplication multiplication ) : Multiplication |
Returns a shallow copy of the given multiplication expression.
Copy ( INamedArgument namedArgument ) : NamedArgument |
Returns a shallow copy of the given named argument expression.
Copy ( INotEquality notEquality ) : NotEquality |
Returns a shallow copy of the given not equality expression.
Copy ( IOldValue oldValue ) : OldValue |
Returns a shallow copy of the given old value expression.
Copy ( IOnesComplement onesComplement ) : OnesComplement |
Returns a shallow copy of the given one's complement expression.
Copy ( IOutArgument outArgument ) : OutArgument |
Returns a shallow copy of the given out argument expression.
Copy ( IPointerCall pointerCall ) : PointerCall |
Returns a shallow copy of the given pointer call.
Copy ( IPopValue popValue ) : PopValue |
Returns a shallow copy of the given pop value expression.
Copy ( IPushStatement pushStatement ) : PushStatement |
Returns a shallow copy of the given push statement.
Copy ( IRefArgument refArgument ) : RefArgument |
Returns a shallow copy of the given ref argument expression.
Copy ( IResourceUseStatement resourceUseStatement ) : ResourceUseStatement |
Returns a shallow copy of the given resource usage statement.
Copy ( IRethrowStatement rethrowStatement ) : RethrowStatement |
Returns a shallow copy of the rethrow statement.
Copy ( IReturnStatement returnStatement ) : ReturnStatement |
Returns a shallow copy of the return statement.
Copy ( IReturnValue returnValue ) : ReturnValue |
Returns a shallow copy of the given return value expression.
Copy ( IRightShift rightShift ) : RightShift |
Returns a shallow copy of the given right shift expression.
Copy ( IRuntimeArgumentHandleExpression runtimeArgumentHandleExpression ) : RuntimeArgumentHandleExpression |
Returns a shallow copy of the given runtime argument handle expression.
Copy ( ISizeOf sizeOf ) : SizeOf |
Returns a shallow copy of the given sizeof() expression.
Copy ( ISourceMethodBody sourceMethodBody ) : SourceMethodBody |
Returns a shallow copy of the given source method body.
Copy ( IStackArrayCreate stackArrayCreate ) : StackArrayCreate |
Returns a shallow copy of the given stack array create expression.
Copy ( IStatement statement ) : Statement |
Visits the specified statement.
Copy ( ISubtraction subtraction ) : Subtraction |
Returns a shallow copy of the given subtraction expression.
Copy ( ISwitchCase switchCase ) : SwitchCase |
Returns a shallow copy of the given switch case.
Copy ( ISwitchStatement switchStatement ) : SwitchStatement |
Returns a shallow copy of the given switch statement.
Copy ( ITargetExpression targetExpression ) : TargetExpression |
Returns a shallow copy of the given target expression.
Copy ( IThisReference thisReference ) : ThisReference |
Returns a shallow copy of the given this reference expression.
Copy ( IThrowStatement throwStatement ) : ThrowStatement |
Returns a shallow copy of the throw statement.
Copy ( ITokenOf tokenOf ) : TokenOf |
Returns a shallow copy of the given tokenof() expression.
Copy ( ITryCatchFinallyStatement tryCatchFilterFinallyStatement ) : TryCatchFinallyStatement |
Returns a shallow copy of the try-catch-filter-finally statement.
Copy ( ITypeOf typeOf ) : TypeOf |
Returns a shallow copy of the given typeof() expression.
Copy ( IUnaryNegation unaryNegation ) : UnaryNegation |
Returns a shallow copy of the given unary negation expression.
Copy ( IUnaryPlus unaryPlus ) : UnaryPlus |
Returns a shallow copy of the given unary plus expression.
Copy ( IVectorLength vectorLength ) : VectorLength |
Returns a shallow copy of the given vector length expression.
Copy ( IWhileDoStatement whileDoStatement ) : WhileDoStatement |
Returns a shallow copy of the given while do statement.
Copy ( IYieldBreakStatement yieldBreakStatement ) : YieldBreakStatement |
Returns a shallow copy of the given yield break statement.
Copy ( IYieldReturnStatement yieldReturnStatement ) : YieldReturnStatement |
Returns a shallow copy of the given yield return statement.
Visit ( IEnumerable |
Visits the specified named arguments.
Visit ( IEnumerable |
Visits the specified statements.
Visit ( IEnumerable |
Visits the specified switch cases.
public CodeShallowCopier ( IMetadataHost targetHost, ISourceLocationProvider sourceLocationProvider = null, ILocalScopeProvider localScopeProvider = null ) : System | ||
targetHost | IMetadataHost | An object representing the application that will host the copies made by this copier. |
sourceLocationProvider | ISourceLocationProvider | |
localScopeProvider | ILocalScopeProvider | |
리턴 | System |
public CodeShallowCopier ( IMetadataHost targetHost, IUnit targetUnit, ISourceLocationProvider sourceLocationProvider = null ) : System | ||
targetHost | IMetadataHost | An object representing the application that will host the copies made by this copier. |
targetUnit | IUnit | The unit of metadata into which copies made by this copier will be inserted. |
sourceLocationProvider | ISourceLocationProvider | |
리턴 | System |
public Copy ( IAddition addition ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Addition | ||
addition | IAddition | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Addition |
public Copy ( IAddressDereference addressDereference ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AddressDereference | ||
addressDereference | IAddressDereference | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AddressDereference |
public Copy ( IAddressOf addressOf ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AddressOf | ||
addressOf | IAddressOf | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AddressOf |
public Copy ( IAddressableExpression addressableExpression ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AddressableExpression | ||
addressableExpression | IAddressableExpression | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AddressableExpression |
public Copy ( IAnonymousDelegate anonymousDelegate ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AnonymousDelegate | ||
anonymousDelegate | IAnonymousDelegate | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AnonymousDelegate |
public Copy ( IArrayIndexer arrayIndexer ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.ArrayIndexer | ||
arrayIndexer | IArrayIndexer | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.ArrayIndexer |
public Copy ( IAssertStatement assertStatement ) : |
assertStatement | IAssertStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IAssignment assignment ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Assignment | ||
assignment | IAssignment | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Assignment |
public Copy ( IAssumeStatement assumeStatement ) : |
assumeStatement | IAssumeStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IBitwiseAnd bitwiseAnd ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BitwiseAnd | ||
bitwiseAnd | IBitwiseAnd | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BitwiseAnd |
public Copy ( IBitwiseOr bitwiseOr ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BitwiseOr | ||
bitwiseOr | IBitwiseOr | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BitwiseOr |
public Copy ( IBlockExpression blockExpression ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BlockExpression | ||
blockExpression | IBlockExpression | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BlockExpression |
public Copy ( IBlockStatement block ) : |
block | IBlockStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IBoundExpression boundExpression ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BoundExpression | ||
boundExpression | IBoundExpression | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BoundExpression |
public Copy ( IBreakStatement breakStatement ) : |
breakStatement | IBreakStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( ICastIfPossible castIfPossible ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CastIfPossible | ||
castIfPossible | ICastIfPossible | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CastIfPossible |
public Copy ( ICatchClause catchClause ) : |
catchClause | ICatchClause | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( ICheckIfInstance checkIfInstance ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CheckIfInstance | ||
checkIfInstance | ICheckIfInstance | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CheckIfInstance |
public Copy ( ICompileTimeConstant constant ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CompileTimeConstant | ||
constant | ICompileTimeConstant | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CompileTimeConstant |
public Copy ( IConditional conditional ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Conditional | ||
conditional | IConditional | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Conditional |
public Copy ( IConditionalStatement conditionalStatement ) : |
conditionalStatement | IConditionalStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IContinueStatement continueStatement ) : |
continueStatement | IContinueStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IConversion conversion ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Conversion | ||
conversion | IConversion | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Conversion |
public Copy ( ICopyMemoryStatement copyMemoryStatement ) : |
copyMemoryStatement | ICopyMemoryStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( ICreateArray createArray ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CreateArray | ||
createArray | ICreateArray | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CreateArray |
public Copy ( ICreateDelegateInstance createDelegateInstance ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CreateDelegateInstance | ||
createDelegateInstance | ICreateDelegateInstance | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CreateDelegateInstance |
public Copy ( ICreateObjectInstance createObjectInstance ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CreateObjectInstance | ||
createObjectInstance | ICreateObjectInstance | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CreateObjectInstance |
public Copy ( IDebuggerBreakStatement debuggerBreakStatement ) : |
debuggerBreakStatement | IDebuggerBreakStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IDefaultValue defaultValue ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.DefaultValue | ||
defaultValue | IDefaultValue | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.DefaultValue |
public Copy ( IDivision division ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Division | ||
division | IDivision | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Division |
public Copy ( IDoUntilStatement doUntilStatement ) : |
doUntilStatement | IDoUntilStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IDupValue dupValue ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.DupValue | ||
dupValue | IDupValue | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.DupValue |
public Copy ( IEmptyStatement emptyStatement ) : |
emptyStatement | IEmptyStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IEquality equality ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Equality | ||
equality | IEquality | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Equality |
public Copy ( IExclusiveOr exclusiveOr ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.ExclusiveOr | ||
exclusiveOr | IExclusiveOr | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.ExclusiveOr |
public Copy ( IExpression expression ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Expression | ||
expression | IExpression | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Expression |
public Copy ( IExpressionStatement expressionStatement ) : |
expressionStatement | IExpressionStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IFillMemoryStatement fillMemoryStatement ) : |
fillMemoryStatement | IFillMemoryStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IForEachStatement forEachStatement ) : |
forEachStatement | IForEachStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IForStatement forStatement ) : |
forStatement | IForStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IGetTypeOfTypedReference getTypeOfTypedReference ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GetTypeOfTypedReference | ||
getTypeOfTypedReference | IGetTypeOfTypedReference | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GetTypeOfTypedReference |
public Copy ( IGetValueOfTypedReference getValueOfTypedReference ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GetValueOfTypedReference | ||
getValueOfTypedReference | IGetValueOfTypedReference | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GetValueOfTypedReference |
public Copy ( IGotoStatement gotoStatement ) : |
gotoStatement | IGotoStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IGotoSwitchCaseStatement gotoSwitchCaseStatement ) : |
gotoSwitchCaseStatement | IGotoSwitchCaseStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( IGreaterThan greaterThan ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GreaterThan | ||
greaterThan | IGreaterThan | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GreaterThan |
public Copy ( IGreaterThanOrEqual greaterThanOrEqual ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GreaterThanOrEqual | ||
greaterThanOrEqual | IGreaterThanOrEqual | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GreaterThanOrEqual |
public Copy ( ILabeledStatement labeledStatement ) : |
labeledStatement | ILabeledStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( ILeftShift leftShift ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.LeftShift | ||
leftShift | ILeftShift | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.LeftShift |
public Copy ( ILessThan lessThan ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.LessThan | ||
lessThan | ILessThan | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.LessThan |
public Copy ( ILessThanOrEqual lessThanOrEqual ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.LessThanOrEqual | ||
lessThanOrEqual | ILessThanOrEqual | |
리턴 | Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.LessThanOrEqual |
public Copy ( ILocalDeclarationStatement localDeclarationStatement ) : |
localDeclarationStatement | ILocalDeclarationStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( ILockStatement lockStatement ) : |
lockStatement | ILockStatement | |
리턴 |
public Copy ( ILogicalNot logicalNot ) : LogicalNot | ||
logicalNot | ILogicalNot | |
리턴 | LogicalNot |
public Copy ( IMakeTypedReference makeTypedReference ) : MakeTypedReference | ||
makeTypedReference | IMakeTypedReference | |
리턴 | MakeTypedReference |
public Copy ( IMethodCall methodCall ) : MethodCall | ||
methodCall | IMethodCall | |
리턴 | MethodCall |
public Copy ( IMultiplication multiplication ) : Multiplication | ||
multiplication | IMultiplication | |
리턴 | Multiplication |
public Copy ( INamedArgument namedArgument ) : NamedArgument | ||
namedArgument | INamedArgument | |
리턴 | NamedArgument |
public Copy ( INotEquality notEquality ) : NotEquality | ||
notEquality | INotEquality | |
리턴 | NotEquality |
public Copy ( IOnesComplement onesComplement ) : OnesComplement | ||
onesComplement | IOnesComplement | |
리턴 | OnesComplement |
public Copy ( IOutArgument outArgument ) : OutArgument | ||
outArgument | IOutArgument | |
리턴 | OutArgument |
public Copy ( IPointerCall pointerCall ) : PointerCall | ||
pointerCall | IPointerCall | |
리턴 | PointerCall |
public Copy ( IPushStatement pushStatement ) : PushStatement | ||
pushStatement | IPushStatement | |
리턴 | PushStatement |
public Copy ( IRefArgument refArgument ) : RefArgument | ||
refArgument | IRefArgument | |
리턴 | RefArgument |
public Copy ( IResourceUseStatement resourceUseStatement ) : ResourceUseStatement | ||
resourceUseStatement | IResourceUseStatement | |
리턴 | ResourceUseStatement |
public Copy ( IRethrowStatement rethrowStatement ) : RethrowStatement | ||
rethrowStatement | IRethrowStatement | |
리턴 | RethrowStatement |
public Copy ( IReturnStatement returnStatement ) : ReturnStatement | ||
returnStatement | IReturnStatement | |
리턴 | ReturnStatement |
public Copy ( IReturnValue returnValue ) : ReturnValue | ||
returnValue | IReturnValue | |
리턴 | ReturnValue |
public Copy ( IRightShift rightShift ) : RightShift | ||
rightShift | IRightShift | |
리턴 | RightShift |
public Copy ( IRuntimeArgumentHandleExpression runtimeArgumentHandleExpression ) : RuntimeArgumentHandleExpression | ||
runtimeArgumentHandleExpression | IRuntimeArgumentHandleExpression | |
리턴 | RuntimeArgumentHandleExpression |
public Copy ( ISourceMethodBody sourceMethodBody ) : SourceMethodBody | ||
sourceMethodBody | ISourceMethodBody | |
리턴 | SourceMethodBody |
public Copy ( IStackArrayCreate stackArrayCreate ) : StackArrayCreate | ||
stackArrayCreate | IStackArrayCreate | |
리턴 | StackArrayCreate |
public Copy ( IStatement statement ) : Statement | ||
statement | IStatement | The statement. |
리턴 | Statement |
public Copy ( ISubtraction subtraction ) : Subtraction | ||
subtraction | ISubtraction | |
리턴 | Subtraction |
public Copy ( ISwitchCase switchCase ) : SwitchCase | ||
switchCase | ISwitchCase | |
리턴 | SwitchCase |
public Copy ( ISwitchStatement switchStatement ) : SwitchStatement | ||
switchStatement | ISwitchStatement | |
리턴 | SwitchStatement |
public Copy ( ITargetExpression targetExpression ) : TargetExpression | ||
targetExpression | ITargetExpression | |
리턴 | TargetExpression |
public Copy ( IThisReference thisReference ) : ThisReference | ||
thisReference | IThisReference | |
리턴 | ThisReference |
public Copy ( IThrowStatement throwStatement ) : ThrowStatement | ||
throwStatement | IThrowStatement | |
리턴 | ThrowStatement |
public Copy ( ITryCatchFinallyStatement tryCatchFilterFinallyStatement ) : TryCatchFinallyStatement | ||
tryCatchFilterFinallyStatement | ITryCatchFinallyStatement | |
리턴 | TryCatchFinallyStatement |
public Copy ( IUnaryNegation unaryNegation ) : UnaryNegation | ||
unaryNegation | IUnaryNegation | |
리턴 | UnaryNegation |
public Copy ( IVectorLength vectorLength ) : VectorLength | ||
vectorLength | IVectorLength | |
리턴 | VectorLength |
public Copy ( IWhileDoStatement whileDoStatement ) : WhileDoStatement | ||
whileDoStatement | IWhileDoStatement | |
리턴 | WhileDoStatement |
public Copy ( IYieldBreakStatement yieldBreakStatement ) : YieldBreakStatement | ||
yieldBreakStatement | IYieldBreakStatement | |
리턴 | YieldBreakStatement |
public Copy ( IYieldReturnStatement yieldReturnStatement ) : YieldReturnStatement | ||
yieldReturnStatement | IYieldReturnStatement | |
리턴 | YieldReturnStatement |
public Visit ( IEnumerable |
namedArguments | IEnumerable |
The named arguments. |
리턴 | void |
public Visit ( IEnumerable |
statements | IEnumerable |
The statements. |
리턴 | void |
public Visit ( IEnumerable |
switchCases | IEnumerable |
The switch cases. |
리턴 | void |