C# 클래스 Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Contracts.CodeAndContractDeepCopier

상속: CodeDeepCopier
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: visualmutator/visualmutator 1 사용 예제들

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명
CodeAndContractDeepCopier System
Copy IEnumerable>
Copy List
Copy List
Copy List
Copy List
Copy List
Copy List
Copy List
Copy List
Copy void

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CodeAndContractDeepCopier ( IMetadataHost targetHost ) : System

CodeAndContractDeepCopier ( IMetadataHost targetHost, IUnit targetUnit ) : System

Copy ( IContractElement contractElement ) : ContractElement

Makes a deep copy of the given contract element.

Copy ( ILoopContract loopContract ) : LoopContract

Makes a deep copy of the given loop contract.

Copy ( ILoopInvariant loopInvariant ) : LoopInvariant

Makes a deep copy of the given loop invariant.

Copy ( IMethodContract methodContract ) : MethodContract

Makes a deep copy of the given method contract.

Copy ( IPostcondition postCondition ) : Postcondition

Makes a deep copy of the given postCondition.

Copy ( IPrecondition precondition ) : Precondition

Makes a deep copy of the given precondition.

Copy ( IThrownException thrownException ) : ThrownException

Makes a deep copy of the given thrown exception.

Copy ( ITypeContract typeContract ) : TypeContract

Makes a deep copy of the given type contract.

Copy ( ITypeInvariant typeInvariant ) : TypeInvariant

Makes a deep copy of the given type invariant.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CodeAndContractDeepCopier ( IMetadataHost targetHost, CodeAndContractShallowCopier shallowCopier ) : System
Copy ( IEnumerable triggers ) : IEnumerable>

Makes a deep copy of the given list of trigger expressions.

Copy ( List addressableExpressions ) : List

Makes a deep copy of the given list of addressable expressions.

Copy ( List fields ) : List

Makes a deep copy of the given list of fields.

Copy ( List loopInvariants ) : List

Makes a deep copy of the given list of loop invariants.

Copy ( List methods ) : List

Makes a deep copy of the given list of method definitions.

Copy ( List postConditions ) : List

Makes a deep copy of the given list of post conditions.

Copy ( List preconditions ) : List

Makes a deep copy of the given list of pre conditions.

Copy ( List thrownExceptions ) : List

Makes a deep copy of the given list of thrown exceptions.

Copy ( List typeInvariants ) : List

Makes a deep copy of the given list of addressable expressions.

Copy ( ContractElement contractElement ) : void

Called from the type specific copy method to copy the common part of all contract elments.

메소드 상세

CodeAndContractDeepCopier() 공개 메소드

public CodeAndContractDeepCopier ( IMetadataHost targetHost ) : System
targetHost IMetadataHost An object representing the application that will host the copies made by this copier.
리턴 System

CodeAndContractDeepCopier() 공개 메소드

public CodeAndContractDeepCopier ( IMetadataHost targetHost, IUnit targetUnit ) : System
targetHost IMetadataHost An object representing the application that will host the copies made by this copier.
targetUnit IUnit The unit of metadata into which copies made by this copier will be inserted.
리턴 System

Copy() 공개 메소드

Makes a deep copy of the given contract element.
public Copy ( IContractElement contractElement ) : ContractElement
contractElement IContractElement
리턴 Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.ContractElement

Copy() 공개 메소드

Makes a deep copy of the given loop contract.
public Copy ( ILoopContract loopContract ) : LoopContract
loopContract ILoopContract
리턴 Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.LoopContract

Copy() 공개 메소드

Makes a deep copy of the given loop invariant.
public Copy ( ILoopInvariant loopInvariant ) : LoopInvariant
loopInvariant ILoopInvariant
리턴 Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.LoopInvariant

Copy() 공개 메소드

Makes a deep copy of the given method contract.
public Copy ( IMethodContract methodContract ) : MethodContract
methodContract IMethodContract
리턴 Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.MethodContract

Copy() 공개 메소드

Makes a deep copy of the given postCondition.
public Copy ( IPostcondition postCondition ) : Postcondition
postCondition IPostcondition
리턴 Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.Postcondition

Copy() 공개 메소드

Makes a deep copy of the given precondition.
public Copy ( IPrecondition precondition ) : Precondition
precondition IPrecondition
리턴 Precondition

Copy() 공개 메소드

Makes a deep copy of the given thrown exception.
public Copy ( IThrownException thrownException ) : ThrownException
thrownException IThrownException
리턴 Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.ThrownException

Copy() 공개 메소드

Makes a deep copy of the given type contract.
public Copy ( ITypeContract typeContract ) : TypeContract
typeContract ITypeContract
리턴 Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.TypeContract

Copy() 공개 메소드

Makes a deep copy of the given type invariant.
public Copy ( ITypeInvariant typeInvariant ) : TypeInvariant
typeInvariant ITypeInvariant
리턴 Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.TypeInvariant