C# 클래스 Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DependencyCollector.Implementation.ProfilerHttpProcessing

Concrete class with all processing logic to generate RDD data from the calls backs received from Profiler instrumentation for HTTP .
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-dotnet-server 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
OnBeginForBeginGetRequestStream ( object thisObj, object callback, object state ) : object

On begin for BeginGetRequestStream callback.

OnBeginForBeginGetResponse ( object thisObj, object callback, object state ) : object

On begin for BeginGetResponse callback.

OnBeginForGetRequestStream ( object thisObj, object transportContext ) : object

On begin callback for GetRequestStream callback.

OnBeginForGetResponse ( object thisObj ) : object

On begin callback for GetResponse.

OnEndForEndGetResponse ( object context, object returnValue, object thisObj, object asyncResult ) : object

On end for EndGetResponse callbacks.

OnEndForGetResponse ( object context, object returnValue, object thisObj ) : object

On end callback for GetResponse.

OnExceptionForEndGetRequestStream ( object context, object exception, object thisObj, object asyncResult, object transportContext ) : void

On exception for EndGetRequestStream callback. Note: There is no call back required for EndGetRequestStream except on exception cases.

OnExceptionForEndGetResponse ( object context, object exception, object thisObj, object asyncResult ) : void

On exception for EndGetResponse callbacks.

OnExceptionForGetRequestStream ( object context, object exception, object thisObj, object transportContext ) : void

On exception for GetRequestStream callback. Note: There is no call back required for GetRequestStream except on exception cases.

OnExceptionForGetResponse ( object context, object exception, object thisObj ) : void

On exception callback for GetResponse callback.

ProfilerHttpProcessing ( Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.TelemetryConfiguration configuration, string agentVersion, Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DependencyCollector.Implementation.Operation.ObjectInstanceBasedOperationHolder telemetryTupleHolder, bool setCorrelationHeaders, ICollection correlationDomainExclusionList ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ProfilerHttpProcessing class.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetUrl ( WebRequest webRequest ) : Uri

Gets HTTP request url.

OnBegin ( object thisObj, bool isAsyncCall ) : object

Common helper for all Begin Callbacks.

OnEnd ( object exception, object thisObj, object returnValue ) : void

Common helper for all End Callbacks.

메소드 상세

OnBeginForBeginGetRequestStream() 공개 메소드

On begin for BeginGetRequestStream callback.
public OnBeginForBeginGetRequestStream ( object thisObj, object callback, object state ) : object
thisObj object This object.
callback object The callback parameter.
state object The state parameter.
리턴 object

OnBeginForBeginGetResponse() 공개 메소드

On begin for BeginGetResponse callback.
public OnBeginForBeginGetResponse ( object thisObj, object callback, object state ) : object
thisObj object This object.
callback object The callback parameter.
state object The state parameter.
리턴 object

OnBeginForGetRequestStream() 공개 메소드

On begin callback for GetRequestStream callback.
public OnBeginForGetRequestStream ( object thisObj, object transportContext ) : object
thisObj object This object.
transportContext object The transport context parameter.
리턴 object

OnBeginForGetResponse() 공개 메소드

On begin callback for GetResponse.
public OnBeginForGetResponse ( object thisObj ) : object
thisObj object This object.
리턴 object

OnEndForEndGetResponse() 공개 메소드

On end for EndGetResponse callbacks.
public OnEndForEndGetResponse ( object context, object returnValue, object thisObj, object asyncResult ) : object
context object The context.
returnValue object The return value.
thisObj object This object.
asyncResult object The asyncResult parameter.
리턴 object

OnEndForGetResponse() 공개 메소드

On end callback for GetResponse.
public OnEndForGetResponse ( object context, object returnValue, object thisObj ) : object
context object The context.
returnValue object The return value.
thisObj object This object.
리턴 object

OnExceptionForEndGetRequestStream() 공개 메소드

On exception for EndGetRequestStream callback. Note: There is no call back required for EndGetRequestStream except on exception cases.
public OnExceptionForEndGetRequestStream ( object context, object exception, object thisObj, object asyncResult, object transportContext ) : void
context object The context.
exception object The exception.
thisObj object This object.
asyncResult object The asyncResult parameter.
transportContext object The transportContext parameter.
리턴 void

OnExceptionForEndGetResponse() 공개 메소드

On exception for EndGetResponse callbacks.
public OnExceptionForEndGetResponse ( object context, object exception, object thisObj, object asyncResult ) : void
context object The context.
exception object The exception.
thisObj object This object.
asyncResult object The asyncResult parameter.
리턴 void

OnExceptionForGetRequestStream() 공개 메소드

On exception for GetRequestStream callback. Note: There is no call back required for GetRequestStream except on exception cases.
public OnExceptionForGetRequestStream ( object context, object exception, object thisObj, object transportContext ) : void
context object The context.
exception object The exception.
thisObj object This object.
transportContext object The transport context parameter.
리턴 void

OnExceptionForGetResponse() 공개 메소드

On exception callback for GetResponse callback.
public OnExceptionForGetResponse ( object context, object exception, object thisObj ) : void
context object The context.
exception object The exception object.
thisObj object This object.
리턴 void

ProfilerHttpProcessing() 공개 메소드

Initializes a new instance of the ProfilerHttpProcessing class.
public ProfilerHttpProcessing ( Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.TelemetryConfiguration configuration, string agentVersion, Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DependencyCollector.Implementation.Operation.ObjectInstanceBasedOperationHolder telemetryTupleHolder, bool setCorrelationHeaders, ICollection correlationDomainExclusionList ) : System
configuration Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.TelemetryConfiguration
agentVersion string
telemetryTupleHolder Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DependencyCollector.Implementation.Operation.ObjectInstanceBasedOperationHolder
setCorrelationHeaders bool
correlationDomainExclusionList ICollection
리턴 System