C# 클래스 MediaPortal.Video.Database.VideoDatabaseSqlLite

Summary description for Class1.
상속: IVideoDatabase, IDisposable
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: MediaPortal/MediaPortal-1

공개 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
m_db SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddActor ( string strActorImdbId, string strActorName ) : int
AddActorInfoMovie ( int idActor, MediaPortal.Video.Database.IMDBActor movie ) : void
AddActorToMovie ( int lMovieId, int lActorId, string role ) : void
AddBookMarkToMovie ( string strFilenameAndPath, float fTime ) : void
AddCollection ( string strCollection1 ) : int
AddCollectionDescription ( string movieCollection, string description ) : void
AddCollectionToMovie ( int lMovieId, int lCollectionId ) : void
AddFile ( int lMovieId, int lPathId, string strFileName ) : int
AddGenre ( string strGenre1 ) : int
AddGenreToMovie ( int lMovieId, int lGenreId ) : void
AddMovie ( string strFilenameAndPath, bool bHassubtitles ) : int
AddMovieFile ( string strFile ) : int
AddPath ( string strPath ) : int
AddUserGroup ( string userGroup ) : int
AddUserGroupDescription ( string userGroup, string description ) : void
AddUserGroupRuleByGroupId ( int groupId, string rule ) : void
AddUserGroupRuleByGroupName ( string groupName, string rule ) : void
AddUserGroupToMovie ( int lMovieId, int lUserGroupId ) : void
CheckActorImdbId ( string id ) : bool
CheckMovieImdbId ( string id ) : bool
ClearBookMarksOfMovie ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : void
DeleteActor ( string actorImdbId ) : void
DeleteActorFromMovie ( int movieId, int actorId ) : void
DeleteCollection ( string collection ) : void
DeleteEmptyCollections ( ) : void
DeleteFile ( int iFileId ) : void
DeleteGenre ( string genre ) : void
DeleteMovie ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : void
DeleteMovieInfo ( string strFileNameAndPath ) : void
DeleteMovieInfoById ( long lMovieId ) : void
DeleteMovieStopTime ( int iFileId ) : void
DeleteUserGroup ( string userGroup ) : void
Dispose ( ) : void
ExecuteRuleSQL ( string strSql, string fieldName, bool &error, string &errorMessage ) : ArrayList
ExecuteSQL ( string strSql, bool &error, string &errorMessage ) : void
FlushTransactionsToDisk ( ) : void
GetActorByName ( string strActorName, ArrayList actors ) : void
GetActorImdbId ( int idActor ) : string
GetActorInfo ( int idActor ) : MediaPortal.Video.Database.IMDBActor
GetActorNameById ( int actorId ) : string
GetActors ( ArrayList actors ) : void
GetActorsByMovieID ( int idMovie, ArrayList &actorsByMovieID ) : void
GetBookMarksForMovie ( string strFilenameAndPath, ArrayList &bookmarks ) : void
GetCollectionById ( int collectionId ) : string
GetCollectionDescriptionById ( int collectionId ) : string
GetCollectionId ( string movieCollection ) : int
GetCollections ( ArrayList collections ) : void
GetCollectionsForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : string
GetDVDLabel ( string strFile ) : string
GetFile ( string strFilenameAndPath, int &lPathId, int &lMovieId, bool bExact ) : int
GetFileId ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : int
GetFilesForMovie ( int lMovieId, ArrayList &files ) : void
GetGenreById ( int genreId ) : string
GetGenres ( ArrayList genres ) : void
GetGenresForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : string
GetIndexByFilter ( string sql, bool filterNonWordChar, ArrayList &movieList ) : void
GetMovieCollectionWatchedStatus ( int collection, int &percent ) : bool
GetMovieCollectionWatchedStatus ( string collection, int &percent ) : bool
GetMovieCollections ( int lMovieId, ArrayList movieCollections ) : void
GetMovieDuration ( int iMovieId ) : int
GetMovieGenres ( int lMovieId, ArrayList movieGenres ) : void
GetMovieId ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : int
GetMovieInfo ( string strFilenameAndPath, IMDBMovie &details ) : int
GetMovieInfoById ( int lMovieId, IMDBMovie &details ) : void
GetMovieStopTime ( int iFileId ) : int
GetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData ( int iFileId, byte &resumeData ) : int

Deprecated Method (this one will not use the new Blu-ray Title mode resume)

GetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData ( int iFileId, byte &resumeData, int bdtitle ) : int
GetMovieTitlesByActor ( int actorId ) : string
GetMovieTitlesByCollection ( string strCollection ) : string
GetMovieTitlesByDirector ( int directorId ) : string
GetMovieTitlesByGenre ( string strGenre ) : string
GetMovieTitlesByIndex ( string sql ) : string
GetMovieTitlesByUserGroup ( int idGroup ) : string
GetMovieTitlesByYear ( string strYear ) : string
GetMovieUserGroups ( int movieId, ArrayList userGroups ) : void
GetMovieWatchedStatus ( int idMovie, int &percent, int &timesWatched ) : bool
GetMovies ( ArrayList &movies ) : void
GetMoviesByActor ( string strActor1, ArrayList &movies ) : void
GetMoviesByCollection ( string strCollection1, ArrayList &movies ) : void
GetMoviesByFilter ( string sql, ArrayList &movies, bool actorTable, bool movieinfoTable, bool genreTable, bool usergroupTable ) : void

Deprecated Method (use GetMoviesByFilter with Movie Collection)

GetMoviesByFilter ( string sql, ArrayList &movies, bool actorTable, bool movieinfoTable, bool genreTable, bool usergroupTable, bool collectionTable ) : void
GetMoviesByGenre ( string strGenre1, ArrayList &movies ) : void
GetMoviesByPath ( string strPath1, ArrayList &movies ) : void
GetMoviesByUserGroup ( string strUserGroup, ArrayList &movies ) : void
GetMoviesByYear ( string strYear, ArrayList &movies ) : void
GetPath ( string strPath ) : int
GetRandomMoviesByActor ( string strActor1, ArrayList &movies, int limit ) : void
GetRandomMoviesByCollection ( string strCollection1, ArrayList &movies, int limit ) : void
GetRandomMoviesByGenre ( string strGenre1, ArrayList &movies, int limit ) : void
GetRandomMoviesByPath ( string strPath1, ArrayList &movies, int limit ) : void
GetRandomMoviesByUserGroup ( string strUserGroup, ArrayList &movies, int limit ) : void
GetRandomMoviesByYear ( string strYear, ArrayList &movies, int limit ) : void
GetResults ( string sql ) : SQLite.NET.SQLiteResultSet
GetRoleByMovieAndActorId ( int lMovieId, int lActorId ) : string
GetTitleBDId ( int iFileId, byte &resumeData ) : int
GetUserGroupById ( int groupId ) : string
GetUserGroupDescriptionById ( int groupId ) : string
GetUserGroupId ( string userGroup ) : int
GetUserGroupRule ( string group ) : string
GetUserGroupWatchedStatus ( int group, int &percent ) : bool
GetUserGroupWatchedStatus ( string group, int &percent ) : bool
GetUserGroups ( ArrayList userGroups ) : void
GetUserGroupsForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : string
GetUserRatingForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : int
GetUserRatingForMovie ( string lIMDBNumber ) : int
GetVideoDuration ( int iFileId ) : int
GetVideoFiles ( string path, ArrayList &availableFiles ) : void
GetVideoFilesMediaInfo ( string strFilenameAndPath, MediaPortal.Video.Database.VideoFilesMediaInfo &mediaInfo, bool refresh ) : void
GetYears ( ArrayList years ) : void
HasMediaInfo ( string fileName ) : bool
HasMovieInfo ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : bool
HasSubtitle ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : bool
ImportNfo ( string nfoFile, bool skipExisting, bool refreshdbOnly ) : void
ImportNfoUsingVideoFile ( string videoFile, bool skipExisting, bool refreshdbOnly ) : void
IsVideoThumbBlacklisted ( string path ) : bool
MakeNfo ( int movieId ) : bool
MovieWatchedCountIncrease ( int idMovie ) : void

Increase times watched by 1

RemoveActorInfoMovie ( int actorId ) : void
RemoveActorsForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : void
RemoveAllVideoThumbBlacklistEntries ( ) : void
RemoveCollectionFromMovie ( int lMovieId, int lCollectionId ) : void
RemoveCollectionsForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : void
RemoveExpiredVideoThumbBlacklistEntries ( ) : void
RemoveFilesForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : void
RemoveGenresForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : void
RemoveUserGroupFromMovie ( int lMovieId, int lUserGroupId ) : void
RemoveUserGroupRule ( string groupName ) : void
RemoveUserGroupsForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : void
RevertFlushTransactionsToDisk ( ) : void
SetActorInfo ( int idActor, MediaPortal.Video.Database.IMDBActor actor ) : void
SetDVDLabel ( int lMovieId, string strDVDLabel1 ) : void
SetDateWatched ( IMDBMovie details ) : void
SetFanartURL ( int lMovieId, string fanartURL ) : void
SetMovieDuration ( int iMovieId, int duration ) : void
SetMovieInfo ( string strFilenameAndPath, IMDBMovie &details ) : void
SetMovieInfoById ( int lMovieId, IMDBMovie &details ) : void
SetMovieInfoById ( int lMovieId, IMDBMovie &details, bool updateTimeStamp ) : void
SetMovieStopTime ( int iFileId, int stoptime ) : void
SetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData ( int iFileId, int stoptime, byte resumeData ) : void

Deprecated Method (this one will not use the new Blu-ray Title mode resume)

SetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData ( int iFileId, int stoptime, byte resumeData, int bdtitle ) : void
SetMovieWatchedCount ( int movieId, int watchedCount ) : void
SetMovieWatchedStatus ( int idMovie, bool watched, int percent ) : void
SetThumbURL ( int lMovieId, string thumbURL ) : void
SetUserRatingForMovie ( int lMovieId, int lUserRating ) : void
SetVideoDuration ( int iFileId, int duration ) : void
SetWatched ( IMDBMovie details ) : void
UpdateCDLabel ( IMDBMovie movieDetails, string CDlabel ) : void
VideoDatabaseSqlLite ( ) : System
VideoThumbBlacklist ( string path, System.DateTime expiresOn ) : int
VideoThumbRemoveFromBlacklist ( string path ) : bool

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CheckActorByName ( string strActorName ) : int
CheckMediaInfo ( string file, string fullPathFilename, int pathID, int fileID, bool refresh ) : void
CreateCovers ( string titleExt, string coverImage, IMDBMovie movie ) : void
CreateTables ( ) : void
CreateXmlNode ( XmlNode mainNode, XmlDocument doc, string element, string innerTxt ) : void
DeleteMoviesInFolder ( string strPath ) : void
DeleteSingleMovie ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : void
FromHexString ( string s ) : byte[]
GetFileId ( int movieId ) : int
GetMovie ( string strFilenameAndPath, bool bExact ) : int
GetVideoFilesMediaInfo ( int movieId, MediaPortal.Video.Database.VideoFilesMediaInfo &mediaInfo ) : void
MovieDuration ( ArrayList files ) : int
Open ( ) : void
SetLatestMovieProperties ( ) : void
SetMovieDetails ( IMDBMovie &details, int iRow, SQLite.NET.SQLiteResultSet results ) : void
ToHexString ( byte bytes ) : string
UpgradeDatabase ( ) : void

메소드 상세

AddActor() 공개 메소드

public AddActor ( string strActorImdbId, string strActorName ) : int
strActorImdbId string
strActorName string
리턴 int

AddActorInfoMovie() 공개 메소드

public AddActorInfoMovie ( int idActor, MediaPortal.Video.Database.IMDBActor movie ) : void
idActor int
movie MediaPortal.Video.Database.IMDBActor
리턴 void

AddActorToMovie() 공개 메소드

public AddActorToMovie ( int lMovieId, int lActorId, string role ) : void
lMovieId int
lActorId int
role string
리턴 void

AddBookMarkToMovie() 공개 메소드

public AddBookMarkToMovie ( string strFilenameAndPath, float fTime ) : void
strFilenameAndPath string
fTime float
리턴 void

AddCollection() 공개 메소드

public AddCollection ( string strCollection1 ) : int
strCollection1 string
리턴 int

AddCollectionDescription() 공개 메소드

public AddCollectionDescription ( string movieCollection, string description ) : void
movieCollection string
description string
리턴 void

AddCollectionToMovie() 공개 메소드

public AddCollectionToMovie ( int lMovieId, int lCollectionId ) : void
lMovieId int
lCollectionId int
리턴 void

AddFile() 공개 메소드

public AddFile ( int lMovieId, int lPathId, string strFileName ) : int
lMovieId int
lPathId int
strFileName string
리턴 int

AddGenre() 공개 메소드

public AddGenre ( string strGenre1 ) : int
strGenre1 string
리턴 int

AddGenreToMovie() 공개 메소드

public AddGenreToMovie ( int lMovieId, int lGenreId ) : void
lMovieId int
lGenreId int
리턴 void

AddMovie() 공개 메소드

public AddMovie ( string strFilenameAndPath, bool bHassubtitles ) : int
strFilenameAndPath string
bHassubtitles bool
리턴 int

AddMovieFile() 공개 메소드

public AddMovieFile ( string strFile ) : int
strFile string
리턴 int

AddPath() 공개 메소드

public AddPath ( string strPath ) : int
strPath string
리턴 int

AddUserGroup() 공개 메소드

public AddUserGroup ( string userGroup ) : int
userGroup string
리턴 int

AddUserGroupDescription() 공개 메소드

public AddUserGroupDescription ( string userGroup, string description ) : void
userGroup string
description string
리턴 void

AddUserGroupRuleByGroupId() 공개 메소드

public AddUserGroupRuleByGroupId ( int groupId, string rule ) : void
groupId int
rule string
리턴 void

AddUserGroupRuleByGroupName() 공개 메소드

public AddUserGroupRuleByGroupName ( string groupName, string rule ) : void
groupName string
rule string
리턴 void

AddUserGroupToMovie() 공개 메소드

public AddUserGroupToMovie ( int lMovieId, int lUserGroupId ) : void
lMovieId int
lUserGroupId int
리턴 void

CheckActorImdbId() 공개 메소드

public CheckActorImdbId ( string id ) : bool
id string
리턴 bool

CheckMovieImdbId() 공개 메소드

public CheckMovieImdbId ( string id ) : bool
id string
리턴 bool

ClearBookMarksOfMovie() 공개 메소드

public ClearBookMarksOfMovie ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : void
strFilenameAndPath string
리턴 void

DeleteActor() 공개 메소드

public DeleteActor ( string actorImdbId ) : void
actorImdbId string
리턴 void

DeleteActorFromMovie() 공개 메소드

public DeleteActorFromMovie ( int movieId, int actorId ) : void
movieId int
actorId int
리턴 void

DeleteCollection() 공개 메소드

public DeleteCollection ( string collection ) : void
collection string
리턴 void

DeleteEmptyCollections() 공개 메소드

public DeleteEmptyCollections ( ) : void
리턴 void

DeleteFile() 공개 메소드

public DeleteFile ( int iFileId ) : void
iFileId int
리턴 void

DeleteGenre() 공개 메소드

public DeleteGenre ( string genre ) : void
genre string
리턴 void

DeleteMovie() 공개 메소드

public DeleteMovie ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : void
strFilenameAndPath string
리턴 void

DeleteMovieInfo() 공개 메소드

public DeleteMovieInfo ( string strFileNameAndPath ) : void
strFileNameAndPath string
리턴 void

DeleteMovieInfoById() 공개 메소드

public DeleteMovieInfoById ( long lMovieId ) : void
lMovieId long
리턴 void

DeleteMovieStopTime() 공개 메소드

public DeleteMovieStopTime ( int iFileId ) : void
iFileId int
리턴 void

DeleteUserGroup() 공개 메소드

public DeleteUserGroup ( string userGroup ) : void
userGroup string
리턴 void

Dispose() 공개 메소드

public Dispose ( ) : void
리턴 void

ExecuteRuleSQL() 공개 메소드

public ExecuteRuleSQL ( string strSql, string fieldName, bool &error, string &errorMessage ) : ArrayList
strSql string
fieldName string
error bool
errorMessage string
리턴 System.Collections.ArrayList

ExecuteSQL() 공개 메소드

public ExecuteSQL ( string strSql, bool &error, string &errorMessage ) : void
strSql string
error bool
errorMessage string
리턴 void

FlushTransactionsToDisk() 공개 메소드

public FlushTransactionsToDisk ( ) : void
리턴 void

GetActorByName() 공개 메소드

public GetActorByName ( string strActorName, ArrayList actors ) : void
strActorName string
actors System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetActorImdbId() 공개 메소드

public GetActorImdbId ( int idActor ) : string
idActor int
리턴 string

GetActorInfo() 공개 메소드

public GetActorInfo ( int idActor ) : MediaPortal.Video.Database.IMDBActor
idActor int
리턴 MediaPortal.Video.Database.IMDBActor

GetActorNameById() 공개 메소드

public GetActorNameById ( int actorId ) : string
actorId int
리턴 string

GetActors() 공개 메소드

public GetActors ( ArrayList actors ) : void
actors System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetActorsByMovieID() 공개 메소드

public GetActorsByMovieID ( int idMovie, ArrayList &actorsByMovieID ) : void
idMovie int
actorsByMovieID System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetBookMarksForMovie() 공개 메소드

public GetBookMarksForMovie ( string strFilenameAndPath, ArrayList &bookmarks ) : void
strFilenameAndPath string
bookmarks System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetCollectionById() 공개 메소드

public GetCollectionById ( int collectionId ) : string
collectionId int
리턴 string

GetCollectionDescriptionById() 공개 메소드

public GetCollectionDescriptionById ( int collectionId ) : string
collectionId int
리턴 string

GetCollectionId() 공개 메소드

public GetCollectionId ( string movieCollection ) : int
movieCollection string
리턴 int

GetCollections() 공개 메소드

public GetCollections ( ArrayList collections ) : void
collections System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetCollectionsForMovie() 공개 메소드

public GetCollectionsForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : string
lMovieId int
리턴 string

GetDVDLabel() 공개 메소드

public GetDVDLabel ( string strFile ) : string
strFile string
리턴 string

GetFile() 공개 메소드

public GetFile ( string strFilenameAndPath, int &lPathId, int &lMovieId, bool bExact ) : int
strFilenameAndPath string
lPathId int
lMovieId int
bExact bool
리턴 int

GetFileId() 공개 메소드

public GetFileId ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : int
strFilenameAndPath string
리턴 int

GetFilesForMovie() 공개 메소드

public GetFilesForMovie ( int lMovieId, ArrayList &files ) : void
lMovieId int
files System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetGenreById() 공개 메소드

public GetGenreById ( int genreId ) : string
genreId int
리턴 string

GetGenres() 공개 메소드

public GetGenres ( ArrayList genres ) : void
genres System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetGenresForMovie() 공개 메소드

public GetGenresForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : string
lMovieId int
리턴 string

GetIndexByFilter() 공개 메소드

public GetIndexByFilter ( string sql, bool filterNonWordChar, ArrayList &movieList ) : void
sql string
filterNonWordChar bool
movieList System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetMovieCollectionWatchedStatus() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieCollectionWatchedStatus ( int collection, int &percent ) : bool
collection int
percent int
리턴 bool

GetMovieCollectionWatchedStatus() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieCollectionWatchedStatus ( string collection, int &percent ) : bool
collection string
percent int
리턴 bool

GetMovieCollections() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieCollections ( int lMovieId, ArrayList movieCollections ) : void
lMovieId int
movieCollections System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetMovieDuration() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieDuration ( int iMovieId ) : int
iMovieId int
리턴 int

GetMovieGenres() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieGenres ( int lMovieId, ArrayList movieGenres ) : void
lMovieId int
movieGenres System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetMovieId() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieId ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : int
strFilenameAndPath string
리턴 int

GetMovieInfo() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieInfo ( string strFilenameAndPath, IMDBMovie &details ) : int
strFilenameAndPath string
details IMDBMovie
리턴 int

GetMovieInfoById() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieInfoById ( int lMovieId, IMDBMovie &details ) : void
lMovieId int
details IMDBMovie
리턴 void

GetMovieStopTime() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieStopTime ( int iFileId ) : int
iFileId int
리턴 int

GetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData() 공개 메소드

Deprecated Method (this one will not use the new Blu-ray Title mode resume)
public GetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData ( int iFileId, byte &resumeData ) : int
iFileId int
resumeData byte
리턴 int

GetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData ( int iFileId, byte &resumeData, int bdtitle ) : int
iFileId int
resumeData byte
bdtitle int
리턴 int

GetMovieTitlesByActor() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieTitlesByActor ( int actorId ) : string
actorId int
리턴 string

GetMovieTitlesByCollection() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieTitlesByCollection ( string strCollection ) : string
strCollection string
리턴 string

GetMovieTitlesByDirector() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieTitlesByDirector ( int directorId ) : string
directorId int
리턴 string

GetMovieTitlesByGenre() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieTitlesByGenre ( string strGenre ) : string
strGenre string
리턴 string

GetMovieTitlesByIndex() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieTitlesByIndex ( string sql ) : string
sql string
리턴 string

GetMovieTitlesByUserGroup() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieTitlesByUserGroup ( int idGroup ) : string
idGroup int
리턴 string

GetMovieTitlesByYear() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieTitlesByYear ( string strYear ) : string
strYear string
리턴 string

GetMovieUserGroups() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieUserGroups ( int movieId, ArrayList userGroups ) : void
movieId int
userGroups System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetMovieWatchedStatus() 공개 메소드

public GetMovieWatchedStatus ( int idMovie, int &percent, int &timesWatched ) : bool
idMovie int
percent int
timesWatched int
리턴 bool

GetMovies() 공개 메소드

public GetMovies ( ArrayList &movies ) : void
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetMoviesByActor() 공개 메소드

public GetMoviesByActor ( string strActor1, ArrayList &movies ) : void
strActor1 string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetMoviesByCollection() 공개 메소드

public GetMoviesByCollection ( string strCollection1, ArrayList &movies ) : void
strCollection1 string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetMoviesByFilter() 공개 메소드

Deprecated Method (use GetMoviesByFilter with Movie Collection)
public GetMoviesByFilter ( string sql, ArrayList &movies, bool actorTable, bool movieinfoTable, bool genreTable, bool usergroupTable ) : void
sql string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
actorTable bool
movieinfoTable bool
genreTable bool
usergroupTable bool
리턴 void

GetMoviesByFilter() 공개 메소드

public GetMoviesByFilter ( string sql, ArrayList &movies, bool actorTable, bool movieinfoTable, bool genreTable, bool usergroupTable, bool collectionTable ) : void
sql string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
actorTable bool
movieinfoTable bool
genreTable bool
usergroupTable bool
collectionTable bool
리턴 void

GetMoviesByGenre() 공개 메소드

public GetMoviesByGenre ( string strGenre1, ArrayList &movies ) : void
strGenre1 string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetMoviesByPath() 공개 메소드

public GetMoviesByPath ( string strPath1, ArrayList &movies ) : void
strPath1 string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetMoviesByUserGroup() 공개 메소드

public GetMoviesByUserGroup ( string strUserGroup, ArrayList &movies ) : void
strUserGroup string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetMoviesByYear() 공개 메소드

public GetMoviesByYear ( string strYear, ArrayList &movies ) : void
strYear string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetPath() 공개 메소드

public GetPath ( string strPath ) : int
strPath string
리턴 int

GetRandomMoviesByActor() 공개 메소드

public GetRandomMoviesByActor ( string strActor1, ArrayList &movies, int limit ) : void
strActor1 string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
limit int
리턴 void

GetRandomMoviesByCollection() 공개 메소드

public GetRandomMoviesByCollection ( string strCollection1, ArrayList &movies, int limit ) : void
strCollection1 string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
limit int
리턴 void

GetRandomMoviesByGenre() 공개 메소드

public GetRandomMoviesByGenre ( string strGenre1, ArrayList &movies, int limit ) : void
strGenre1 string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
limit int
리턴 void

GetRandomMoviesByPath() 공개 메소드

public GetRandomMoviesByPath ( string strPath1, ArrayList &movies, int limit ) : void
strPath1 string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
limit int
리턴 void

GetRandomMoviesByUserGroup() 공개 메소드

public GetRandomMoviesByUserGroup ( string strUserGroup, ArrayList &movies, int limit ) : void
strUserGroup string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
limit int
리턴 void

GetRandomMoviesByYear() 공개 메소드

public GetRandomMoviesByYear ( string strYear, ArrayList &movies, int limit ) : void
strYear string
movies System.Collections.ArrayList
limit int
리턴 void

GetResults() 공개 메소드

public GetResults ( string sql ) : SQLite.NET.SQLiteResultSet
sql string
리턴 SQLite.NET.SQLiteResultSet

GetRoleByMovieAndActorId() 공개 메소드

public GetRoleByMovieAndActorId ( int lMovieId, int lActorId ) : string
lMovieId int
lActorId int
리턴 string

GetTitleBDId() 공개 메소드

public GetTitleBDId ( int iFileId, byte &resumeData ) : int
iFileId int
resumeData byte
리턴 int

GetUserGroupById() 공개 메소드

public GetUserGroupById ( int groupId ) : string
groupId int
리턴 string

GetUserGroupDescriptionById() 공개 메소드

public GetUserGroupDescriptionById ( int groupId ) : string
groupId int
리턴 string

GetUserGroupId() 공개 메소드

public GetUserGroupId ( string userGroup ) : int
userGroup string
리턴 int

GetUserGroupRule() 공개 메소드

public GetUserGroupRule ( string group ) : string
group string
리턴 string

GetUserGroupWatchedStatus() 공개 메소드

public GetUserGroupWatchedStatus ( int group, int &percent ) : bool
group int
percent int
리턴 bool

GetUserGroupWatchedStatus() 공개 메소드

public GetUserGroupWatchedStatus ( string group, int &percent ) : bool
group string
percent int
리턴 bool

GetUserGroups() 공개 메소드

public GetUserGroups ( ArrayList userGroups ) : void
userGroups System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetUserGroupsForMovie() 공개 메소드

public GetUserGroupsForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : string
lMovieId int
리턴 string

GetUserRatingForMovie() 공개 메소드

public GetUserRatingForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : int
lMovieId int
리턴 int

GetUserRatingForMovie() 공개 메소드

public GetUserRatingForMovie ( string lIMDBNumber ) : int
lIMDBNumber string
리턴 int

GetVideoDuration() 공개 메소드

public GetVideoDuration ( int iFileId ) : int
iFileId int
리턴 int

GetVideoFiles() 공개 메소드

public GetVideoFiles ( string path, ArrayList &availableFiles ) : void
path string
availableFiles System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

GetVideoFilesMediaInfo() 공개 메소드

public GetVideoFilesMediaInfo ( string strFilenameAndPath, MediaPortal.Video.Database.VideoFilesMediaInfo &mediaInfo, bool refresh ) : void
strFilenameAndPath string
mediaInfo MediaPortal.Video.Database.VideoFilesMediaInfo
refresh bool
리턴 void

GetYears() 공개 메소드

public GetYears ( ArrayList years ) : void
years System.Collections.ArrayList
리턴 void

HasMediaInfo() 공개 메소드

public HasMediaInfo ( string fileName ) : bool
fileName string
리턴 bool

HasMovieInfo() 공개 메소드

public HasMovieInfo ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : bool
strFilenameAndPath string
리턴 bool

HasSubtitle() 공개 메소드

public HasSubtitle ( string strFilenameAndPath ) : bool
strFilenameAndPath string
리턴 bool

ImportNfo() 공개 메소드

public ImportNfo ( string nfoFile, bool skipExisting, bool refreshdbOnly ) : void
nfoFile string
skipExisting bool
refreshdbOnly bool
리턴 void

ImportNfoUsingVideoFile() 공개 메소드

public ImportNfoUsingVideoFile ( string videoFile, bool skipExisting, bool refreshdbOnly ) : void
videoFile string
skipExisting bool
refreshdbOnly bool
리턴 void

IsVideoThumbBlacklisted() 공개 메소드

public IsVideoThumbBlacklisted ( string path ) : bool
path string
리턴 bool

MakeNfo() 공개 메소드

public MakeNfo ( int movieId ) : bool
movieId int
리턴 bool

MovieWatchedCountIncrease() 공개 메소드

Increase times watched by 1
public MovieWatchedCountIncrease ( int idMovie ) : void
idMovie int
리턴 void

RemoveActorInfoMovie() 공개 메소드

public RemoveActorInfoMovie ( int actorId ) : void
actorId int
리턴 void

RemoveActorsForMovie() 공개 메소드

public RemoveActorsForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : void
lMovieId int
리턴 void

RemoveAllVideoThumbBlacklistEntries() 공개 메소드

public RemoveAllVideoThumbBlacklistEntries ( ) : void
리턴 void

RemoveCollectionFromMovie() 공개 메소드

public RemoveCollectionFromMovie ( int lMovieId, int lCollectionId ) : void
lMovieId int
lCollectionId int
리턴 void

RemoveCollectionsForMovie() 공개 메소드

public RemoveCollectionsForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : void
lMovieId int
리턴 void

RemoveExpiredVideoThumbBlacklistEntries() 공개 메소드

public RemoveExpiredVideoThumbBlacklistEntries ( ) : void
리턴 void

RemoveFilesForMovie() 공개 메소드

public RemoveFilesForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : void
lMovieId int
리턴 void

RemoveGenresForMovie() 공개 메소드

public RemoveGenresForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : void
lMovieId int
리턴 void

RemoveUserGroupFromMovie() 공개 메소드

public RemoveUserGroupFromMovie ( int lMovieId, int lUserGroupId ) : void
lMovieId int
lUserGroupId int
리턴 void

RemoveUserGroupRule() 공개 메소드

public RemoveUserGroupRule ( string groupName ) : void
groupName string
리턴 void

RemoveUserGroupsForMovie() 공개 메소드

public RemoveUserGroupsForMovie ( int lMovieId ) : void
lMovieId int
리턴 void

RevertFlushTransactionsToDisk() 공개 메소드

public RevertFlushTransactionsToDisk ( ) : void
리턴 void

SetActorInfo() 공개 메소드

public SetActorInfo ( int idActor, MediaPortal.Video.Database.IMDBActor actor ) : void
idActor int
actor MediaPortal.Video.Database.IMDBActor
리턴 void

SetDVDLabel() 공개 메소드

public SetDVDLabel ( int lMovieId, string strDVDLabel1 ) : void
lMovieId int
strDVDLabel1 string
리턴 void

SetDateWatched() 공개 메소드

public SetDateWatched ( IMDBMovie details ) : void
details IMDBMovie
리턴 void

SetFanartURL() 공개 메소드

public SetFanartURL ( int lMovieId, string fanartURL ) : void
lMovieId int
fanartURL string
리턴 void

SetMovieDuration() 공개 메소드

public SetMovieDuration ( int iMovieId, int duration ) : void
iMovieId int
duration int
리턴 void

SetMovieInfo() 공개 메소드

public SetMovieInfo ( string strFilenameAndPath, IMDBMovie &details ) : void
strFilenameAndPath string
details IMDBMovie
리턴 void

SetMovieInfoById() 공개 메소드

public SetMovieInfoById ( int lMovieId, IMDBMovie &details ) : void
lMovieId int
details IMDBMovie
리턴 void

SetMovieInfoById() 공개 메소드

public SetMovieInfoById ( int lMovieId, IMDBMovie &details, bool updateTimeStamp ) : void
lMovieId int
details IMDBMovie
updateTimeStamp bool
리턴 void

SetMovieStopTime() 공개 메소드

public SetMovieStopTime ( int iFileId, int stoptime ) : void
iFileId int
stoptime int
리턴 void

SetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData() 공개 메소드

Deprecated Method (this one will not use the new Blu-ray Title mode resume)
public SetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData ( int iFileId, int stoptime, byte resumeData ) : void
iFileId int
stoptime int
resumeData byte
리턴 void

SetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData() 공개 메소드

public SetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData ( int iFileId, int stoptime, byte resumeData, int bdtitle ) : void
iFileId int
stoptime int
resumeData byte
bdtitle int
리턴 void

SetMovieWatchedCount() 공개 메소드

public SetMovieWatchedCount ( int movieId, int watchedCount ) : void
movieId int
watchedCount int
리턴 void

SetMovieWatchedStatus() 공개 메소드

public SetMovieWatchedStatus ( int idMovie, bool watched, int percent ) : void
idMovie int
watched bool
percent int
리턴 void

SetThumbURL() 공개 메소드

public SetThumbURL ( int lMovieId, string thumbURL ) : void
lMovieId int
thumbURL string
리턴 void

SetUserRatingForMovie() 공개 메소드

public SetUserRatingForMovie ( int lMovieId, int lUserRating ) : void
lMovieId int
lUserRating int
리턴 void

SetVideoDuration() 공개 메소드

public SetVideoDuration ( int iFileId, int duration ) : void
iFileId int
duration int
리턴 void

SetWatched() 공개 메소드

public SetWatched ( IMDBMovie details ) : void
details IMDBMovie
리턴 void

UpdateCDLabel() 공개 메소드

public UpdateCDLabel ( IMDBMovie movieDetails, string CDlabel ) : void
movieDetails IMDBMovie
CDlabel string
리턴 void

VideoDatabaseSqlLite() 공개 메소드

public VideoDatabaseSqlLite ( ) : System
리턴 System

VideoThumbBlacklist() 공개 메소드

public VideoThumbBlacklist ( string path, System.DateTime expiresOn ) : int
path string
expiresOn System.DateTime
리턴 int

VideoThumbRemoveFromBlacklist() 공개 메소드

public VideoThumbRemoveFromBlacklist ( string path ) : bool
path string
리턴 bool

프로퍼티 상세

m_db 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public SQLiteClient,SQLite.NET m_db
리턴 SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient