C# 클래스 MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIButtonControl

The class implementing a GUIButton.
상속: GUIControl
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: MediaPortal/MediaPortal-1 1 사용 예제들

보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
_frameCounter int
_hoverImage GUIAnimation
_imageFocused GUIAnimation
_imageNonFocused GUIAnimation
_labelControl GUIControl

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AllocResources ( ) : void

Allocates the control its DirectX resources.

Dispose ( ) : void

Frees the control its DirectX resources.

FinalizeConstruction ( ) : void

This method gets called when the control is created and all properties has been set It allows the control to do any initialization

GUIButtonControl ( int dwParentID ) : System.Diagnostics
GUIButtonControl ( int dwParentID, int dwControlId, int dwPosX, int dwPosY, int dwWidth, int dwHeight, long ltextColor, long ltextcolorNoFocus, string strTextureFocus, string strTextureNoFocus, int dwShadowAngle, int dwShadowDistance, long dwShadowColor ) : System.Diagnostics
GUIButtonControl ( int dwParentID, int dwControlId, int dwPosX, int dwPosY, int dwWidth, int dwHeight, string strTextureFocus, string strTextureNoFocus, int dwShadowAngle, int dwShadowDistance, long dwShadowColor ) : System.Diagnostics

The constructor of the GUIButtonControl class.

OnAction ( MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action action ) : void

OnAction() method. This method gets called when there's a new action like a keypress or mousemove or... By overriding this method, the control can respond to any action

OnMessage ( GUIMessage message ) : bool

OnMessage() This method gets called when there's a new message. Controls send messages to notify their parents about their state (changes) By overriding this method a control can respond to the messages of its controls

PreAllocResources ( ) : void

Preallocates the control its DirectX resources.

Refresh ( ) : void
Render ( float timePassed ) : void

Renders the GUIButtonControl.

ScaleToScreenResolution ( ) : void

This method gets called when the control is created and all properties has been set It allows the control to scale itself to the current screen resolution

SetAlpha ( int dwAlpha ) : void

Changes the alpha transparency component of the colordiffuse.

SetBorderH ( string border, GUIImage position, bool repeat, bool rotate, string texture, long colorKey, bool hasCorners, bool cornerRotate ) : void
SetBorderTF ( string border, GUIImage position, bool repeat, bool rotate, string texture, long colorKey, bool hasCorners, bool cornerRotate ) : void
SetBorderTNF ( string border, GUIImage position, bool repeat, bool rotate, string texture, long colorKey, bool hasCorners, bool cornerRotate ) : void
SetFocusedTextureMask ( string mask ) : void
SetHoverTextureMask ( string mask ) : void
SetLabel ( string strFontName, string strLabel, long dwColor ) : void

Set the text of the GUIButtonControl.

SetNonFocusedTextureMask ( string mask ) : void
SetOverlayH ( string overlay ) : void
SetOverlayTF ( string overlay ) : void
SetOverlayTNF ( string overlay ) : void
SetPosition ( int dwPosX, int dwPosY ) : void

Sets the position of the control.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
Update ( ) : void

Perform an update after a change has occured. E.g. change to a new position.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
DoContextMenu ( ) : void

메소드 상세

AllocResources() 공개 메소드

Allocates the control its DirectX resources.
public AllocResources ( ) : void
리턴 void

Dispose() 공개 메소드

Frees the control its DirectX resources.
public Dispose ( ) : void
리턴 void

FinalizeConstruction() 공개 메소드

This method gets called when the control is created and all properties has been set It allows the control to do any initialization
public FinalizeConstruction ( ) : void
리턴 void

GUIButtonControl() 공개 메소드

public GUIButtonControl ( int dwParentID ) : System.Diagnostics
dwParentID int
리턴 System.Diagnostics

GUIButtonControl() 공개 메소드

public GUIButtonControl ( int dwParentID, int dwControlId, int dwPosX, int dwPosY, int dwWidth, int dwHeight, long ltextColor, long ltextcolorNoFocus, string strTextureFocus, string strTextureNoFocus, int dwShadowAngle, int dwShadowDistance, long dwShadowColor ) : System.Diagnostics
dwParentID int
dwControlId int
dwPosX int
dwPosY int
dwWidth int
dwHeight int
ltextColor long
ltextcolorNoFocus long
strTextureFocus string
strTextureNoFocus string
dwShadowAngle int
dwShadowDistance int
dwShadowColor long
리턴 System.Diagnostics

GUIButtonControl() 공개 메소드

The constructor of the GUIButtonControl class.
public GUIButtonControl ( int dwParentID, int dwControlId, int dwPosX, int dwPosY, int dwWidth, int dwHeight, string strTextureFocus, string strTextureNoFocus, int dwShadowAngle, int dwShadowDistance, long dwShadowColor ) : System.Diagnostics
dwParentID int The parent of this control.
dwControlId int The ID of this control.
dwPosX int The X position of this control.
dwPosY int The Y position of this control.
dwWidth int The width of this control.
dwHeight int The height of this control.
strTextureFocus string The filename containing the texture of the butten, when the button has the focus.
strTextureNoFocus string The filename containing the texture of the butten, when the button does not have the focus.
dwShadowAngle int The angle of the shadow; zero degress along x-axis.
dwShadowDistance int The distance of the shadow.
dwShadowColor long The color of the shadow.
리턴 System.Diagnostics

OnAction() 공개 메소드

OnAction() method. This method gets called when there's a new action like a keypress or mousemove or... By overriding this method, the control can respond to any action
public OnAction ( MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action action ) : void
action MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action action : contains the action
리턴 void

OnMessage() 공개 메소드

OnMessage() This method gets called when there's a new message. Controls send messages to notify their parents about their state (changes) By overriding this method a control can respond to the messages of its controls
public OnMessage ( GUIMessage message ) : bool
message GUIMessage message : contains the message
리턴 bool

PreAllocResources() 공개 메소드

Preallocates the control its DirectX resources.
public PreAllocResources ( ) : void
리턴 void

Refresh() 공개 메소드

public Refresh ( ) : void
리턴 void

Render() 공개 메소드

Renders the GUIButtonControl.
public Render ( float timePassed ) : void
timePassed float
리턴 void

ScaleToScreenResolution() 공개 메소드

This method gets called when the control is created and all properties has been set It allows the control to scale itself to the current screen resolution
public ScaleToScreenResolution ( ) : void
리턴 void

SetAlpha() 공개 메소드

Changes the alpha transparency component of the colordiffuse.
public SetAlpha ( int dwAlpha ) : void
dwAlpha int The new value of the colordiffuse.
리턴 void

SetBorderH() 공개 메소드

public SetBorderH ( string border, GUIImage position, bool repeat, bool rotate, string texture, long colorKey, bool hasCorners, bool cornerRotate ) : void
border string
position GUIImage
repeat bool
rotate bool
texture string
colorKey long
hasCorners bool
cornerRotate bool
리턴 void

SetBorderTF() 공개 메소드

public SetBorderTF ( string border, GUIImage position, bool repeat, bool rotate, string texture, long colorKey, bool hasCorners, bool cornerRotate ) : void
border string
position GUIImage
repeat bool
rotate bool
texture string
colorKey long
hasCorners bool
cornerRotate bool
리턴 void

SetBorderTNF() 공개 메소드

public SetBorderTNF ( string border, GUIImage position, bool repeat, bool rotate, string texture, long colorKey, bool hasCorners, bool cornerRotate ) : void
border string
position GUIImage
repeat bool
rotate bool
texture string
colorKey long
hasCorners bool
cornerRotate bool
리턴 void

SetFocusedTextureMask() 공개 메소드

public SetFocusedTextureMask ( string mask ) : void
mask string
리턴 void

SetHoverTextureMask() 공개 메소드

public SetHoverTextureMask ( string mask ) : void
mask string
리턴 void

SetLabel() 공개 메소드

Set the text of the GUIButtonControl.
public SetLabel ( string strFontName, string strLabel, long dwColor ) : void
strFontName string The font name.
strLabel string The text.
dwColor long The font color.
리턴 void

SetNonFocusedTextureMask() 공개 메소드

public SetNonFocusedTextureMask ( string mask ) : void
mask string
리턴 void

SetOverlayH() 공개 메소드

public SetOverlayH ( string overlay ) : void
overlay string
리턴 void

SetOverlayTF() 공개 메소드

public SetOverlayTF ( string overlay ) : void
overlay string
리턴 void

SetOverlayTNF() 공개 메소드

public SetOverlayTNF ( string overlay ) : void
overlay string
리턴 void

SetPosition() 공개 메소드

Sets the position of the control.
public SetPosition ( int dwPosX, int dwPosY ) : void
dwPosX int The X position.
dwPosY int The Y position.
리턴 void

Update() 보호된 메소드

Perform an update after a change has occured. E.g. change to a new position.
protected Update ( ) : void
리턴 void

프로퍼티 상세

_frameCounter 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected int _frameCounter
리턴 int

_hoverImage 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected GUIAnimation,MediaPortal.GUI.Library _hoverImage
리턴 GUIAnimation

_imageFocused 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected GUIAnimation,MediaPortal.GUI.Library _imageFocused
리턴 GUIAnimation

_imageNonFocused 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected GUIAnimation,MediaPortal.GUI.Library _imageNonFocused
리턴 GUIAnimation

_labelControl 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected GUIControl,MediaPortal.GUI.Library _labelControl
리턴 GUIControl