C# 클래스 Mapsui.Utilities.EmbeddedResourceLoader

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: pauldendulk/Mapsui

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Load ( string relativePathToEmbeddedResource, Type typeInAssemblyOfEmbeddedResource ) : Stream

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ConstructExceptionMessage ( string path, Assembly assembly ) : string
GetAssemblyName ( Assembly assembly ) : string

메소드 상세

Load() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static Load ( string relativePathToEmbeddedResource, Type typeInAssemblyOfEmbeddedResource ) : Stream
relativePathToEmbeddedResource string This is the path of the resource without the assemlby path but including /// possible project folders. So if an image 'myimage.png' is in a project folders 'images' the path is /// 'images.myimage.png'. Resources always uses '.' as separators.
typeInAssemblyOfEmbeddedResource System.Type This should be a type that is in the same assembly /// as the EmbeddedResource. It is used to infer the full path and is necessary to load the resource.
리턴 Stream