C# 클래스 MapAround.CoordinateSystems.Transformations.CoordinateTransformationFactory

Creates coordinate transformations.
상속: ICoordinateTransformationFactory
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: gkrsu/maparound.core 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CreateFromCoordinateSystems ( ICoordinateSystem sourceCS, ICoordinateSystem targetCS ) : ICoordinateTransformation

Creates a transformation between two coordinate systems.

This method will examine the coordinate systems in order to construct a transformation between them. This method may fail if no path between the coordinate systems is found, using the normal failing behavior of the DCP (e.g. throwing an exception).

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CreateCoordinateOperation ( IGeocentricCoordinateSystem geo ) : IMathTransform
CreateCoordinateOperation ( IProjection projection, IEllipsoid ellipsoid, ILinearUnit unit ) : IMathTransform
CreateGeoc2Geoc ( IGeocentricCoordinateSystem source, IGeocentricCoordinateSystem target ) : ICoordinateTransformation

Creates geocentric to geocentric transformation.

Adds a datum shift if nessesary

CreateGeog2Geog ( IGeographicCoordinateSystem source, IGeographicCoordinateSystem target ) : ICoordinateTransformation

Creates geographic to geographic transformation.

Adds a datum shift if nessesary

Geoc2Geog ( IGeocentricCoordinateSystem source, IGeographicCoordinateSystem target ) : ICoordinateTransformation
Geog2Geoc ( IGeographicCoordinateSystem source, IGeocentricCoordinateSystem target ) : ICoordinateTransformation
Geog2Proj ( IGeographicCoordinateSystem source, IProjectedCoordinateSystem target ) : ICoordinateTransformation
Proj2Geog ( IProjectedCoordinateSystem source, IGeographicCoordinateSystem target ) : ICoordinateTransformation
Proj2Proj ( IProjectedCoordinateSystem source, IProjectedCoordinateSystem target ) : ICoordinateTransformation

메소드 상세

CreateFromCoordinateSystems() 공개 메소드

Creates a transformation between two coordinate systems.
This method will examine the coordinate systems in order to construct a transformation between them. This method may fail if no path between the coordinate systems is found, using the normal failing behavior of the DCP (e.g. throwing an exception).
public CreateFromCoordinateSystems ( ICoordinateSystem sourceCS, ICoordinateSystem targetCS ) : ICoordinateTransformation
sourceCS ICoordinateSystem Source coordinate system
targetCS ICoordinateSystem Target coordinate system
리턴 ICoordinateTransformation