C# 클래스 Krs.Ats.IBNet.UpdatePortfolioEventArgs

상속: System.EventArgs
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: qusma/ib-csharp 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
UpdatePortfolioEventArgs ( ) : System

Uninitialized Constructor for Serialization

UpdatePortfolioEventArgs ( Contract contract, double position, decimal marketPrice, decimal marketValue, decimal averageCost, decimal unrealizedPnl, decimal realizedPnl, string accountName ) : System

Full Constructor

메소드 상세

UpdatePortfolioEventArgs() 공개 메소드

Uninitialized Constructor for Serialization
public UpdatePortfolioEventArgs ( ) : System
리턴 System

UpdatePortfolioEventArgs() 공개 메소드

Full Constructor
public UpdatePortfolioEventArgs ( Contract contract, double position, decimal marketPrice, decimal marketValue, decimal averageCost, decimal unrealizedPnl, decimal realizedPnl, string accountName ) : System
contract Contract This structure contains a description of the contract which is being traded. /// The exchange field in a contract is not set for portfolio update.
position double This integer indicates the position on the contract. /// If the position is 0, it means the position has just cleared.
marketPrice decimal Unit price of the instrument.
marketValue decimal The total market value of the instrument.
averageCost decimal The average cost per share is calculated by dividing your cost /// (execution price + commission) by the quantity of your position.
unrealizedPnl decimal The difference between the current market value of your open positions and the average cost, or Value - Average Cost.
realizedPnl decimal Shows your profit on closed positions, which is the difference between your entry execution cost /// (execution price + commissions to open the position) and exit execution cost ((execution price + commissions to close the position)
accountName string The name of the account the message applies to. Useful for Financial Advisor sub-account messages.
리턴 System