C# 클래스 Kentico.KInspector.Modules.PagesAnalyzerModule

상속: IModule
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Kentico/KInspector

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetModuleMetadata ( ) : Kentico.KInspector.Core.ModuleMetadata
GetResults ( IInstanceInfo instanceInfo ) : ModuleResults

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
EvaluateAppleTouchIconAvailability ( string html, Uri baseUri, string>.Dictionary touchIconAvailabilityCache, bool evaluatePrecomposed = false ) : string

Evaluates availability of all Apple touch icons within given html.

EvaluateFaviconAvailability ( string html, Uri baseUri, string>.Dictionary faviconAvailabilityCache ) : string

Evaluates availability of all favicons within given html.

GetAppleTouchIconHrefs ( string html ) : ISet

Gets values of href attribute of all Apple touch icon precomosed link elements within html.

GetAppleTouchIconPrecomposedHrefs ( string html ) : ISet

Gets values of href attribute of all Apple touch icon link elements within html.

GetFaviconHrefs ( string html ) : ISet

Gets values of href attribute of all favicon link elements within html.

GetHrefAttributeValue ( string elementXml ) : string

Locates the href attribute within elementXml and returns its value.

GetImagesWithoutAlt ( string html ) : string
GetLinkElementHrefs ( string html, string linkRelValueRegex ) : ISet

Gets values of href attribute of all link elements within html, which have rel attribute value equal to linkRelValueRegex.

GetUri ( Uri baseUri, string href ) : Uri

Gets URI from the provided baseUri and href.

ProbeUri ( Uri uri ) : bool

Tests whether given uri exists and reads the content.

메소드 상세

GetModuleMetadata() 공개 메소드

public GetModuleMetadata ( ) : Kentico.KInspector.Core.ModuleMetadata
리턴 Kentico.KInspector.Core.ModuleMetadata

GetResults() 공개 메소드

public GetResults ( IInstanceInfo instanceInfo ) : ModuleResults
instanceInfo IInstanceInfo
리턴 Kentico.KInspector.Core.ModuleResults