C# 클래스 JsonFx.UI.Jbst.JbstBuildResult

Encapsulates the binding logic for instantiating a JBST on a page.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: pocket-playlab/jsonfx-v1 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
FindJbst ( string jbstName ) : JbstBuildResult
JbstBuildResult ( JsonFx.Json.EcmaScriptIdentifier jbstName ) : System


JbstBuildResult ( JsonFx.Json.EcmaScriptIdentifier jbstName, AutoMarkupType autoMarkup ) : System


Write ( TextWriter writer, object data ) : void

Renders the JBST control reference and any stored data to be used.

Write ( TextWriter writer, object data, int index, int count ) : void

Renders the JBST control reference and any stored data to be used.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Write ( TextWriter writer, object data, int index, int count, InnerCallback inner ) : void

Renders the JBST control reference and any stored data to be used.

메소드 상세

FindJbst() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static FindJbst ( string jbstName ) : JbstBuildResult
jbstName string
리턴 JbstBuildResult

JbstBuildResult() 공개 메소드

public JbstBuildResult ( JsonFx.Json.EcmaScriptIdentifier jbstName ) : System
jbstName JsonFx.Json.EcmaScriptIdentifier
리턴 System

JbstBuildResult() 공개 메소드

public JbstBuildResult ( JsonFx.Json.EcmaScriptIdentifier jbstName, AutoMarkupType autoMarkup ) : System
jbstName JsonFx.Json.EcmaScriptIdentifier
autoMarkup AutoMarkupType
리턴 System

Write() 공개 메소드

Renders the JBST control reference and any stored data to be used.
public Write ( TextWriter writer, object data ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter output
data object data to be bound as an object which will be serialized
리턴 void

Write() 공개 메소드

Renders the JBST control reference and any stored data to be used.
public Write ( TextWriter writer, object data, int index, int count ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter output
data object data to be bound as an object which will be serialized
index int the data index
count int the total data count
리턴 void