C# 클래스 Henchmen.Lua.Thread

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: henchmeninteractive/HenchLua

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AbsIndex ( int index ) : int
Call ( Callable func, int numArgs, int numResults ) : void
Call ( int numArgs, int numResults ) : void
CheckSpace ( int spaceNeeded ) : void
ConvertToString ( Value &val ) : void
GetStackElements ( int index0, int index1 ) : Value[]
GetTable ( IHasMetatable table, Value key ) : Value

Performs a full table get, invoking the __index metamethod if appropriate.

Insert ( int index, Value value ) : void
Pop ( ) : void
Pop ( int count ) : void
PopValue ( ) : Value
Push ( Value value ) : void
Push ( Value value0, Value value1 ) : void
Push ( Value value0, Value value1, Value value2 ) : void
Push ( Value value0, Value value1, Value value2, Value value3 ) : void
Remove ( int index ) : void
SetNilReturnValue ( ) : int
SetReturnValues ( Value v0 ) : int
SetReturnValues ( Value v0, Value v1 ) : int
SetReturnValues ( Value v0, Value v1, Value v2 ) : int
SetStack ( Value v0 ) : int
SetStack ( Value v0, Value v1 ) : int
SetStack ( Value v0, Value v1, Value v2 ) : int
SetStack ( Value v0, Value v1, Value v2, Value v3 ) : int
SetTable ( IHasMetatable table, Value key, Value value ) : void
this ( int index ) : Value

Gets or sets a value on the stack.

If you attempt to read beyond the top or bottom of the stack, you'll get

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
BeginCall ( int funcIdx, int numArgs, int numResults ) : void
CallMetaMethod ( object metaMethod, Value &arg0, Value &arg1, Value &ret ) : void
CallMetaMethod2 ( object metaMethod, Value &arg0, Value &arg1, Value &arg2 ) : void
CallUserCode ( ) : int
CheckStack ( int minLen ) : void
CloseUpValues ( int index ) : void

Closes all open upvalues pointing to stack locations >= index.

CreateClosure ( Proto proto, Value parentUpValues ) : Function
DoArith ( TagMethods opCode, Value a, Value b, Value &ret ) : void
DoConcat ( int index, int count, Value &ret ) : void
DoGetLen ( Value &val, Value &ret ) : void
EndCall ( ) : void
Equal ( Value &a, Value &b ) : bool
Execute ( ) : void

Runs the code at the top of the callstack.

ExecuteUserCode ( ) : void
GetMetamethod ( Value &val, LString tmName ) : Value
GetMetatable ( Value &val ) : Table
GetStrBuilder ( int minCapacity ) : StrBuilder
GetTable ( Value obj, Value &key ) : Value
GetTable ( Value obj, Value &key, int retStkIdx ) : void
Less ( Value &a, Value &b ) : bool
Less ( Value a, Value b, Callable less ) : bool
LessEqual ( Value &a, Value &b ) : bool
ReadUpValue ( Value &upVal, Value &ret ) : void
RealIndex ( int index ) : int
RegisterOpenUpvalue ( Value storage, int index, int stackIndex ) : void
RetireStrBuilder ( StrBuilder b ) : void
SetTable ( Value obj, Value &key, Value &value ) : void
ToNumber ( Value &val ) : bool
ValToStr ( Value &val ) : bool
WriteUpValue ( Value &upVal, Value &value ) : void

메소드 상세

AbsIndex() 공개 메소드

public AbsIndex ( int index ) : int
index int
리턴 int

Call() 공개 메소드

public Call ( Callable func, int numArgs, int numResults ) : void
func Callable
numArgs int
numResults int
리턴 void

Call() 공개 메소드

public Call ( int numArgs, int numResults ) : void
numArgs int
numResults int
리턴 void

CheckSpace() 공개 메소드

public CheckSpace ( int spaceNeeded ) : void
spaceNeeded int
리턴 void

ConvertToString() 공개 메소드

public ConvertToString ( Value &val ) : void
val Value
리턴 void

GetStackElements() 공개 메소드

public GetStackElements ( int index0, int index1 ) : Value[]
index0 int
index1 int
리턴 Value[]

GetTable() 공개 메소드

Performs a full table get, invoking the __index metamethod if appropriate.
public GetTable ( IHasMetatable table, Value key ) : Value
table IHasMetatable
key Value
리턴 Value

Insert() 공개 메소드

public Insert ( int index, Value value ) : void
index int
value Value
리턴 void

Pop() 공개 메소드

public Pop ( ) : void
리턴 void

Pop() 공개 메소드

public Pop ( int count ) : void
count int
리턴 void

PopValue() 공개 메소드

public PopValue ( ) : Value
리턴 Value

Push() 공개 메소드

public Push ( Value value ) : void
value Value
리턴 void

Push() 공개 메소드

public Push ( Value value0, Value value1 ) : void
value0 Value
value1 Value
리턴 void

Push() 공개 메소드

public Push ( Value value0, Value value1, Value value2 ) : void
value0 Value
value1 Value
value2 Value
리턴 void

Push() 공개 메소드

public Push ( Value value0, Value value1, Value value2, Value value3 ) : void
value0 Value
value1 Value
value2 Value
value3 Value
리턴 void

Remove() 공개 메소드

public Remove ( int index ) : void
index int
리턴 void

SetNilReturnValue() 공개 메소드

public SetNilReturnValue ( ) : int
리턴 int

SetReturnValues() 공개 메소드

public SetReturnValues ( Value v0 ) : int
v0 Value
리턴 int

SetReturnValues() 공개 메소드

public SetReturnValues ( Value v0, Value v1 ) : int
v0 Value
v1 Value
리턴 int

SetReturnValues() 공개 메소드

public SetReturnValues ( Value v0, Value v1, Value v2 ) : int
v0 Value
v1 Value
v2 Value
리턴 int

SetStack() 공개 메소드

public SetStack ( Value v0 ) : int
v0 Value
리턴 int

SetStack() 공개 메소드

public SetStack ( Value v0, Value v1 ) : int
v0 Value
v1 Value
리턴 int

SetStack() 공개 메소드

public SetStack ( Value v0, Value v1, Value v2 ) : int
v0 Value
v1 Value
v2 Value
리턴 int

SetStack() 공개 메소드

public SetStack ( Value v0, Value v1, Value v2, Value v3 ) : int
v0 Value
v1 Value
v2 Value
v3 Value
리턴 int

SetTable() 공개 메소드

public SetTable ( IHasMetatable table, Value key, Value value ) : void
table IHasMetatable
key Value
value Value
리턴 void

this() 공개 메소드

Gets or sets a value on the stack.
If you attempt to read beyond the top or bottom of the stack, you'll get
public this ( int index ) : Value
index int /// The index to get or set. Positive indexes refer to elements /// from the bottom of the stack up (so index 1 is the lowest element /// on the stack). Negative indices refer to elements from the /// top of the stack down (so -1 is the top element on the stack). /// Zero is always an invalid index. ///
리턴 Value