C# 클래스 Glyma.SharePoint.Security.GlymaUserContext

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: chris-tomich/Glyma

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명
GetCurrentUserAccessToObject Glyma.Security.GetCurrentUserAccessToObjectResponse
GetHighestPermissionLevel IGlymaPermission
IsUserAuthorized bool
IsUserMapAuthor bool
IsUserMapManager bool
IsUserMapReader bool
IsUserProjectManager bool
IsUserSecurityManager bool
SetProjectManagerGroupAssociations Glyma.Security.ResponseObject

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GlymaUserContext ( SecurityContextManager context ) : Microsoft.SharePoint

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetCurrentUserAccessToObject ( GlymaSecurableObject securableObject, bool checkProjectsChildren = false ) : GetCurrentUserAccessToObjectResponse
GetHighestPermissionLevel ( ) : IGlymaPermission
IsUserAuthorized ( GlymaPermissionLevel permissionLevel ) : bool
IsUserMapAuthor ( ) : bool
IsUserMapManager ( ) : bool
IsUserMapReader ( ) : bool
IsUserProjectManager ( ) : bool
IsUserSecurityManager ( ) : bool
SetProjectManagerGroupAssociations ( GlymaSecurableObject securableObject ) : ResponseObject

This method is called by a Glyma Project Manager when they create a new project, it will associate any Glyma Project Manager group the user belongs to with the newly created project.

메소드 상세

GlymaUserContext() 공개 메소드

public GlymaUserContext ( SecurityContextManager context ) : Microsoft.SharePoint
context SecurityContextManager
리턴 Microsoft.SharePoint