C# 클래스 GeoNorgeAPI.SimpleMetadata

Simple abstraction of the opengis metadata. Provides convenience methods for extracting information from the metadata object.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: kartverket/GeoNorgeAPI 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CreateDataset ( ) : SimpleMetadata
CreateService ( ) : SimpleMetadata
GetEnglishValueFromFreeText ( CharacterString_PropertyType input ) : string
GetMetadata ( ) : MD_Metadata_Type
IsDataset ( ) : bool
IsDimensionGroup ( ) : bool
IsService ( ) : bool
SetLocale ( string locale ) : void
SimpleMetadata ( MD_Metadata_Type md ) : System

Construct simple metadata object based on the opengis metadata.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddOnlineResourceToMetadataExtensionInfo ( CI_OnlineResource_Type onlineResource ) : void
CreateExtent ( ) : EX_Extent_Type
CreateFreeTextElement ( string characterString, string englishLocalizedValue ) : PT_FreeText_PropertyType
CreateOrUpdateContactWithRole ( string roleCodeValue, SimpleContact contact ) : void
CreateResponsiblePartyFromSimpleContact ( SimpleContact contact ) : CI_ResponsibleParty_Type
CreateSimpleMetadata ( string hierarchyLevel, AbstractMD_Identification_Type identification ) : SimpleMetadata
DecimalFromString ( string input ) : Decimal_PropertyType
GetAbstractElement ( ) : CharacterString_PropertyType
GetContactInformationResponsiblePartyWithRole ( string roleCodeValue ) : CI_ResponsibleParty_Type
GetContactWithRole ( string roleCodeValue ) : SimpleContact
GetDatasetIdentification ( ) : MD_DataIdentification_Type
GetDateFromCitationWithType ( CI_Citation_Type citation, string dateType ) : DateTime?
GetEnglishValueFromFreeText ( MD_Keyword input ) : string
GetIdentification ( ) : AbstractMD_Identification_Type
GetIdentificationCitation ( ) : CI_Citation_Type
GetIdentificationExtents ( ) : www.opengis.net.EX_Extent_PropertyType[]
GetIdentificationNotNull ( ) : AbstractMD_Identification_Type
GetLinkOrNull ( MD_Keyword keywordElement ) : string
GetMetadataExtensionInfoNameWithApplicationProfile ( string applicationProfile ) : string
GetMetadataExtensionInfoURLWithApplicationProfile ( string applicationProfile ) : string
GetMetadataExtensionInfoWithApplicationProfile ( string applicationProfile ) : CI_OnlineResource_Type
GetProcessHistoryElement ( ) : CharacterString_PropertyType
GetPurposeElement ( ) : CharacterString_PropertyType
GetServiceIdentification ( ) : SV_ServiceIdentification_Type
GetSpecificUsageElement ( ) : CharacterString_PropertyType
GetStringOrNull ( CharacterString_PropertyType input ) : string
GetStringOrNull ( MD_Keyword keywordElement ) : string
GetSupplementalDescriptionElement ( ) : CharacterString_PropertyType
GetTitleElement ( ) : CharacterString_PropertyType
ParseDateProperty ( Date_PropertyType dateProperty ) : DateTime?
ParseResponsiblePartyToSimpleContact ( CI_ResponsibleParty_Type responsibleParty ) : SimpleContact
PopuplateResponsiblePartyFromSimpleContact ( CI_ResponsibleParty_Type responsibleParty, SimpleContact contact ) : CI_ResponsibleParty_Type
RemoveOnlineResourceMetadataExtensionInfoWithApplicationProfile ( string applicationProfile ) : void
SetTitleElement ( CharacterString_PropertyType element ) : void
UpdateCitationDateForType ( CI_Citation_Type citation, string dateType, System.DateTime incomingDateTime ) : void
createKeywordKey ( string keyword, SimpleKeyword simpleKeyword ) : string
toCharString ( string input ) : CharacterString_PropertyType

메소드 상세

CreateDataset() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static CreateDataset ( ) : SimpleMetadata
리턴 SimpleMetadata

CreateService() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static CreateService ( ) : SimpleMetadata
리턴 SimpleMetadata

GetEnglishValueFromFreeText() 공개 메소드

public GetEnglishValueFromFreeText ( CharacterString_PropertyType input ) : string
input www.opengis.net.CharacterString_PropertyType
리턴 string

GetMetadata() 공개 메소드

public GetMetadata ( ) : MD_Metadata_Type
리턴 www.opengis.net.MD_Metadata_Type

IsDataset() 공개 메소드

public IsDataset ( ) : bool
리턴 bool

IsDimensionGroup() 공개 메소드

public IsDimensionGroup ( ) : bool
리턴 bool

IsService() 공개 메소드

public IsService ( ) : bool
리턴 bool

SetLocale() 공개 메소드

public SetLocale ( string locale ) : void
locale string
리턴 void

SimpleMetadata() 공개 메소드

Construct simple metadata object based on the opengis metadata.
public SimpleMetadata ( MD_Metadata_Type md ) : System
md www.opengis.net.MD_Metadata_Type The original metadata object
리턴 System