C# 클래스 Facebook.Unity.FacebookBase

상속: IFacebookImplementation
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: facebook/facebook-sdk-for-unity 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
API ( string query, HttpMethod method, string>.IDictionary formData, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
API ( string query, HttpMethod method, WWWForm formData, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
ActivateApp ( string appId = null ) : void
AppEventsLogEvent ( string logEvent, float valueToSum, object>.Dictionary parameters ) : void
AppEventsLogPurchase ( float logPurchase, string currency, object>.Dictionary parameters ) : void
AppRequest ( string message, IEnumerable to = null, IEnumerable filters = null, IEnumerable excludeIds = null, int maxRecipients = null, string data = "", string title = "", FacebookDelegate callback = null ) : void
AppRequest ( string message, Facebook.Unity.OGActionType actionType, string objectId, IEnumerable to, IEnumerable filters, IEnumerable excludeIds, int maxRecipients, string data, string title, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
FeedShare ( string toId, Uri link, string linkName, string linkCaption, string linkDescription, Uri picture, string mediaSource, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
GameGroupCreate ( string name, string description, string privacy, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
GameGroupJoin ( string id, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
GetAppLink ( FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
Init ( InitDelegate onInitComplete ) : void
LogInWithPublishPermissions ( IEnumerable scope, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
LogInWithReadPermissions ( IEnumerable scope, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
LogOut ( ) : void
OnAppRequestsComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
OnGetAppLinkComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
OnGroupCreateComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
OnGroupJoinComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
OnInitComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
OnLoginComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
OnLogoutComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
OnShareLinkComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
ShareLink ( Uri contentURL, string contentTitle, string contentDescription, Uri photoURL, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
FacebookBase ( CallbackManager callbackManager ) : System
OnAuthResponse ( Facebook.Unity.LoginResult result ) : void
ValidateAppRequestArgs ( string message, Facebook.Unity.OGActionType actionType, string objectId, IEnumerable to = null, IEnumerable filters = null, IEnumerable excludeIds = null, int maxRecipients = null, string data = "", string title = "", FacebookDelegate callback = null ) : void

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CopyByValue ( string>.IDictionary data ) : string>.IDictionary
GetGraphUrl ( string query ) : Uri

메소드 상세

API() 공개 메소드

public API ( string query, HttpMethod method, string>.IDictionary formData, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
query string
method HttpMethod
formData string>.IDictionary
callback FacebookDelegate
리턴 void

API() 공개 메소드

public API ( string query, HttpMethod method, WWWForm formData, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
query string
method HttpMethod
formData UnityEngine.WWWForm
callback FacebookDelegate
리턴 void

ActivateApp() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract ActivateApp ( string appId = null ) : void
appId string
리턴 void

AppEventsLogEvent() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract AppEventsLogEvent ( string logEvent, float valueToSum, object>.Dictionary parameters ) : void
logEvent string
valueToSum float
parameters object>.Dictionary
리턴 void

AppEventsLogPurchase() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract AppEventsLogPurchase ( float logPurchase, string currency, object>.Dictionary parameters ) : void
logPurchase float
currency string
parameters object>.Dictionary
리턴 void

AppRequest() 공개 메소드

public AppRequest ( string message, IEnumerable to = null, IEnumerable filters = null, IEnumerable excludeIds = null, int maxRecipients = null, string data = "", string title = "", FacebookDelegate callback = null ) : void
message string
to IEnumerable
filters IEnumerable
excludeIds IEnumerable
maxRecipients int
data string
title string
callback FacebookDelegate
리턴 void

AppRequest() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract AppRequest ( string message, Facebook.Unity.OGActionType actionType, string objectId, IEnumerable to, IEnumerable filters, IEnumerable excludeIds, int maxRecipients, string data, string title, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
message string
actionType Facebook.Unity.OGActionType
objectId string
to IEnumerable
filters IEnumerable
excludeIds IEnumerable
maxRecipients int
data string
title string
callback FacebookDelegate
리턴 void

FacebookBase() 보호된 메소드

protected FacebookBase ( CallbackManager callbackManager ) : System
callbackManager CallbackManager
리턴 System

FeedShare() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract FeedShare ( string toId, Uri link, string linkName, string linkCaption, string linkDescription, Uri picture, string mediaSource, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
toId string
link System.Uri
linkName string
linkCaption string
linkDescription string
picture System.Uri
mediaSource string
callback FacebookDelegate
리턴 void

GameGroupCreate() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract GameGroupCreate ( string name, string description, string privacy, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
name string
description string
privacy string
callback FacebookDelegate
리턴 void

GameGroupJoin() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract GameGroupJoin ( string id, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
id string
callback FacebookDelegate
리턴 void

GetAppLink() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract GetAppLink ( FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
callback FacebookDelegate
리턴 void

Init() 공개 메소드

public Init ( InitDelegate onInitComplete ) : void
onInitComplete InitDelegate
리턴 void

LogInWithPublishPermissions() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract LogInWithPublishPermissions ( IEnumerable scope, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
scope IEnumerable
callback FacebookDelegate
리턴 void

LogInWithReadPermissions() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract LogInWithReadPermissions ( IEnumerable scope, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
scope IEnumerable
callback FacebookDelegate
리턴 void

LogOut() 공개 메소드

public LogOut ( ) : void
리턴 void

OnAppRequestsComplete() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract OnAppRequestsComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
resultContainer ResultContainer
리턴 void

OnAuthResponse() 보호된 메소드

protected OnAuthResponse ( Facebook.Unity.LoginResult result ) : void
result Facebook.Unity.LoginResult
리턴 void

OnGetAppLinkComplete() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract OnGetAppLinkComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
resultContainer ResultContainer
리턴 void

OnGroupCreateComplete() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract OnGroupCreateComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
resultContainer ResultContainer
리턴 void

OnGroupJoinComplete() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract OnGroupJoinComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
resultContainer ResultContainer
리턴 void

OnInitComplete() 공개 메소드

public OnInitComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
resultContainer ResultContainer
리턴 void

OnLoginComplete() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract OnLoginComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
resultContainer ResultContainer
리턴 void

OnLogoutComplete() 공개 메소드

public OnLogoutComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
resultContainer ResultContainer
리턴 void

OnShareLinkComplete() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract OnShareLinkComplete ( ResultContainer resultContainer ) : void
resultContainer ResultContainer
리턴 void

ShareLink() 공개 추상적인 메소드

public abstract ShareLink ( Uri contentURL, string contentTitle, string contentDescription, Uri photoURL, FacebookDelegate callback ) : void
contentURL System.Uri
contentTitle string
contentDescription string
photoURL System.Uri
callback FacebookDelegate
리턴 void

ValidateAppRequestArgs() 보호된 메소드

protected ValidateAppRequestArgs ( string message, Facebook.Unity.OGActionType actionType, string objectId, IEnumerable to = null, IEnumerable filters = null, IEnumerable excludeIds = null, int maxRecipients = null, string data = "", string title = "", FacebookDelegate callback = null ) : void
message string
actionType Facebook.Unity.OGActionType
objectId string
to IEnumerable
filters IEnumerable
excludeIds IEnumerable
maxRecipients int
data string
title string
callback FacebookDelegate
리턴 void