C# 클래스 FSO.Files.FAR3.Decompresser

Represents a decompresser that can decompress files in a FAR3 archive. If you have some kind of need to understand this code, go to: http://wiki.niotso.org/RefPack The code in this class was ported from DBPF4J: http://sc4dbpf4j.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/sc4dbpf4j/DBPF4J/
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: RHY3756547/FreeSO 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Compress ( byte Data ) : byte[]

Compresses data and returns it as an array of bytes. Assumes that the array of bytes passed contains uncompressed data.

Decompress ( byte Data ) : byte[]

Decompresses data and returns it as an uncompressed array of bytes.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ArrayCopy2 ( byte Src, int SrcPos, byte &Dest, int DestPos, long Length ) : void

Copies data from source to destination array.
The copy is byte by byte from srcPos to destPos and given length.

OffsetCopy ( byte &array, int srcPos, int destPos, long length ) : void

Copies data from array at destPos-srcPos to array at destPos.

메소드 상세

Compress() 공개 메소드

Compresses data and returns it as an array of bytes. Assumes that the array of bytes passed contains uncompressed data.
public Compress ( byte Data ) : byte[]
Data byte The data to be compressed.
리턴 byte[]

Decompress() 공개 메소드

Decompresses data and returns it as an uncompressed array of bytes.
public Decompress ( byte Data ) : byte[]
Data byte The data to decompress.
리턴 byte[]