C# 클래스 Encog.Neural.Networks.Structure.ValidateForFlat

Validate to determine if this network can be flattened.
상속: Encog.Engine.Validate.BasicMachineLearningValidate
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: encog/encog-silverlight-core 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
IsValid ( IEngineMachineLearning eml ) : String

Determine if the specified neural network can be flat. If it can a null is returned, otherwise, an error is returned to show why the network cannot be flattened.

메소드 상세

IsValid() 공개 메소드

Determine if the specified neural network can be flat. If it can a null is returned, otherwise, an error is returned to show why the network cannot be flattened.
public IsValid ( IEngineMachineLearning eml ) : String
eml IEngineMachineLearning The network to check.
리턴 String