C# 클래스 Dicom.Network.DcmAssociate

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: fo-dicom/mdcm 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddOrGetPresentationContext ( DicomUID abstractSyntax ) : byte
AddPresentationContext ( DicomUID abstractSyntax ) : byte

Adds a Presentation Context to the DICOM Associate.

AddPresentationContext ( byte pcid, DicomUID abstractSyntax ) : void

Adds a Presentation Context to the DICOM Associate.

AddPresentationContext ( byte pcid, DicomUID abstractSyntax, DicomTransferSyntax transferSyntax, DcmPresContextResult result ) : void
AddTransferSyntax ( byte pcid, DicomTransferSyntax ts ) : void

Adds a Transfer Syntax to the specified Presentation Context.

DcmAssociate ( ) : System
FindAbstractSyntax ( DicomUID abstractSyntax ) : byte

Finds the Presentation Context with the specified Abstract Syntax.

FindAbstractSyntaxWithTransferSyntax ( DicomUID abstractSyntax, DicomTransferSyntax trasferSyntax ) : byte

Finds the Presentation Context with the specified Abstract Syntax and Transfer Syntax.

FindAcceptedAbstractSyntaxWithTransferSyntax ( DicomUID abstractSyntax, DicomTransferSyntax trasferSyntax ) : byte

Finds the Presentation Context with the specified Abstract Syntax and Transfer Syntax.

GetAbstractSyntax ( byte pcid ) : DicomUID

Gets the Abstract Syntax for the specified Presentation Context.

GetAcceptedTransferSyntax ( byte pcid ) : DicomTransferSyntax

Gets the accepted Transfer Syntax for the specified Presentation Context.

GetPresentationContext ( byte pcid ) : DcmPresContext
GetPresentationContextIDs ( ) : IList

Gets a list of the Presentation Context IDs in the DICOM Associate.

GetPresentationContextResult ( byte pcid ) : DcmPresContextResult

Gets the result of the specified Presentation Context.

GetPresentationContexts ( ) : IList
GetTransferSyntax ( byte pcid, int index ) : DicomTransferSyntax

Gets the Transfer Syntax at the specified index.

GetTransferSyntaxCount ( byte pcid ) : int

Gets the number of Transfer Syntaxes in the specified Presentation Context.

HasPresentationContextID ( byte pcid ) : bool

Determines if the specified Presentation Context ID exists.

RemoveTransferSyntax ( byte pcid, DicomTransferSyntax ts ) : void

Removes a Transfer Syntax from the specified Presentation Context.

SetAcceptedTransferSyntax ( byte pcid, DicomTransferSyntax ts ) : void
SetAcceptedTransferSyntax ( byte pcid, int index ) : void
SetPresentationContextResult ( byte pcid, DcmPresContextResult result ) : void

Sets the result of the specified Presentation Context.

ToString ( ) : string

메소드 상세

AddOrGetPresentationContext() 공개 메소드

public AddOrGetPresentationContext ( DicomUID abstractSyntax ) : byte
abstractSyntax Dicom.Data.DicomUID
리턴 byte

AddPresentationContext() 공개 메소드

Adds a Presentation Context to the DICOM Associate.
public AddPresentationContext ( DicomUID abstractSyntax ) : byte
abstractSyntax Dicom.Data.DicomUID
리턴 byte

AddPresentationContext() 공개 메소드

Adds a Presentation Context to the DICOM Associate.
public AddPresentationContext ( byte pcid, DicomUID abstractSyntax ) : void
pcid byte
abstractSyntax Dicom.Data.DicomUID
리턴 void

AddPresentationContext() 공개 메소드

public AddPresentationContext ( byte pcid, DicomUID abstractSyntax, DicomTransferSyntax transferSyntax, DcmPresContextResult result ) : void
pcid byte
abstractSyntax Dicom.Data.DicomUID
transferSyntax Dicom.Data.DicomTransferSyntax
result DcmPresContextResult
리턴 void

AddTransferSyntax() 공개 메소드

Adds a Transfer Syntax to the specified Presentation Context.
public AddTransferSyntax ( byte pcid, DicomTransferSyntax ts ) : void
pcid byte Presentation Context ID
ts Dicom.Data.DicomTransferSyntax Transfer Syntax
리턴 void

DcmAssociate() 공개 메소드

public DcmAssociate ( ) : System
리턴 System

FindAbstractSyntax() 공개 메소드

Finds the Presentation Context with the specified Abstract Syntax.
public FindAbstractSyntax ( DicomUID abstractSyntax ) : byte
abstractSyntax Dicom.Data.DicomUID Abstract Syntax
리턴 byte

FindAbstractSyntaxWithTransferSyntax() 공개 메소드

Finds the Presentation Context with the specified Abstract Syntax and Transfer Syntax.
public FindAbstractSyntaxWithTransferSyntax ( DicomUID abstractSyntax, DicomTransferSyntax trasferSyntax ) : byte
abstractSyntax Dicom.Data.DicomUID Abstract Syntax
trasferSyntax Dicom.Data.DicomTransferSyntax
리턴 byte

FindAcceptedAbstractSyntaxWithTransferSyntax() 공개 메소드

Finds the Presentation Context with the specified Abstract Syntax and Transfer Syntax.
public FindAcceptedAbstractSyntaxWithTransferSyntax ( DicomUID abstractSyntax, DicomTransferSyntax trasferSyntax ) : byte
abstractSyntax Dicom.Data.DicomUID Abstract Syntax
trasferSyntax Dicom.Data.DicomTransferSyntax
리턴 byte

GetAbstractSyntax() 공개 메소드

Gets the Abstract Syntax for the specified Presentation Context.
public GetAbstractSyntax ( byte pcid ) : DicomUID
pcid byte Presentation Context ID
리턴 Dicom.Data.DicomUID

GetAcceptedTransferSyntax() 공개 메소드

Gets the accepted Transfer Syntax for the specified Presentation Context.
public GetAcceptedTransferSyntax ( byte pcid ) : DicomTransferSyntax
pcid byte Presentation Context ID
리턴 Dicom.Data.DicomTransferSyntax

GetPresentationContext() 공개 메소드

public GetPresentationContext ( byte pcid ) : DcmPresContext
pcid byte
리턴 DcmPresContext

GetPresentationContextIDs() 공개 메소드

Gets a list of the Presentation Context IDs in the DICOM Associate.
public GetPresentationContextIDs ( ) : IList
리턴 IList

GetPresentationContextResult() 공개 메소드

Gets the result of the specified Presentation Context.
public GetPresentationContextResult ( byte pcid ) : DcmPresContextResult
pcid byte Presentation Context ID
리턴 DcmPresContextResult

GetPresentationContexts() 공개 메소드

public GetPresentationContexts ( ) : IList
리턴 IList

GetTransferSyntax() 공개 메소드

Gets the Transfer Syntax at the specified index.
public GetTransferSyntax ( byte pcid, int index ) : DicomTransferSyntax
pcid byte Presentation Context ID
index int Index of Transfer Syntax
리턴 Dicom.Data.DicomTransferSyntax

GetTransferSyntaxCount() 공개 메소드

Gets the number of Transfer Syntaxes in the specified Presentation Context.
public GetTransferSyntaxCount ( byte pcid ) : int
pcid byte Presentation Context ID
리턴 int

HasPresentationContextID() 공개 메소드

Determines if the specified Presentation Context ID exists.
public HasPresentationContextID ( byte pcid ) : bool
pcid byte Presentation Context ID
리턴 bool

RemoveTransferSyntax() 공개 메소드

Removes a Transfer Syntax from the specified Presentation Context.
public RemoveTransferSyntax ( byte pcid, DicomTransferSyntax ts ) : void
pcid byte Presentation Context ID
ts Dicom.Data.DicomTransferSyntax Transfer Syntax
리턴 void

SetAcceptedTransferSyntax() 공개 메소드

public SetAcceptedTransferSyntax ( byte pcid, DicomTransferSyntax ts ) : void
pcid byte
ts Dicom.Data.DicomTransferSyntax
리턴 void

SetAcceptedTransferSyntax() 공개 메소드

public SetAcceptedTransferSyntax ( byte pcid, int index ) : void
pcid byte
index int
리턴 void

SetPresentationContextResult() 공개 메소드

Sets the result of the specified Presentation Context.
public SetPresentationContextResult ( byte pcid, DcmPresContextResult result ) : void
pcid byte Presentation Context ID
result DcmPresContextResult Result
리턴 void

ToString() 공개 메소드

public ToString ( ) : string
리턴 string