C# 클래스 Dev2.Studio.UI.Tests.UIMaps.WorkflowDesignerUIMap

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Warewolf-ESB/Warewolf 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Adorner_ClickDoneButton ( UITestControl theTab, string activityName ) : void
Adorner_ClickDoneButton ( string activityName ) : void
Adorner_ClickFixErrors ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : bool
Adorner_ClickLargeView ( UITestControl theTab ) : void
Adorner_ClickMapping ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
Adorner_CountInputMappings ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : int
Adorner_GetButton ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, string adornerFriendlyName ) : UITestControl
Adorner_GetDoneButton ( UITestControl theTab, string activityName ) : UITestControl
Adorner_GetHelpText ( UITestControl resourceToGetHelpTextFor ) : string
AssignControl_ClickLeftTextboxInRow ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int row ) : void
AssignControl_ClickQuickVariableInputButton ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
AssignControl_ClickScrollDown ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int timesToClick ) : void
AssignControl_ClickScrollUp ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int timesToClick ) : void
AssignControl_EnterData ( UITestControl theTab, string assignControlTitle, string variable, string value ) : void

Enter data into an existing Assign control on the Workflow Designer

AssignControl_GetLeftTextboxInRow ( string controlAutomationId, int row ) : UITestControl
AssignControl_GetSmallViewTable ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int row ) : WpfTable
AssignControl_GetVariableName ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int itemInList ) : string
AssignControl_IsLeftTextBoxHighlightedRed ( UITestControl leftTextBox ) : bool

Assigns the control_ is left text box highlighted red.

AssignControl_LargeViewClickLeftTextboxInRow ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int row ) : void
AssignControl_LeftTextBoxInRowIsClickable ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int row ) : bool
AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_ClickAdd ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_ClickCancel ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_ClickPreview ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_EnterData ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, string splitOn, string prefix, string suffix, string variableList ) : void
AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_GetPreviewData ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : string
BaseConvert_GetDDLHeight ( UITestControl theTab, string baseConvertControlTitle ) : int
CalculateControl_EnterData ( UITestControl theTab, string calculateControlTitle, string function, string result ) : void

Enter some data into a Calculate control

ClickCollapseAll ( UITestControl theTab ) : void
ClickControl ( UITestControl theControl ) : void

Clicks a control on the Workflow Designer

ClickExpandAll ( UITestControl theTab ) : void
ClickRestore ( UITestControl theTab ) : void
CopyWorkflowXamlWithContextMenu ( UITestControl theTab ) : void
DataSplit_ClickFirstTextbox ( UITestControl theTab, string dataSplitControlTitle ) : void
DataSplit_GetTextFromStringToSplit ( UITestControl theTab, string dataSplitControlTitle ) : string
DoesActivityDataMappingContainText ( UITestControl aControl, string text ) : bool
DoesControlExistOnWorkflowDesigner ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : bool

Checks if a control exists on the Workflow Designer

DoubleClickControlBar ( UITestControl theControl ) : void

Clicks a control on the Workflow Designer

DoubleClickOnActivity ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
DragControl ( string controlAutomationID, Point point ) : void
FindControlByAutomationId ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int waitAmt ) : UITestControl

Finds a control on the Workflow Designer

FindRecords_GetDDLHeight ( UITestControl theTab, string findRecordsControlTitle ) : int
FindStartNode ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl

Finds the Start Node on a given tab

GetAllConnectors ( ) : List

Gets all connectors.

GetAllControlsOnDesignSurface ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControlCollection

Finds controls on the Workflow Designer

GetCollapseHelpButton ( UITestControl theTab, string activityAutomationID, int index ) : UITestControl

Gets the collapse help button.

GetFlowchartDesigner ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl

Finds a control on the Workflow Designer

GetHelpPane ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int index ) : UITestControl

Gets the help pane.

GetIntellisenseItem ( int id ) : UITestControl
GetLargeViewTable ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : WpfTable
GetOpenHelpButton ( UITestControl theTab, string activityAutomationID ) : UITestControl

Gets the open help button.

GetPointUnderControl ( UITestControl control ) : Point

Returns a point 200 pixels under a control

GetPointUnderControl ( UITestControl control, int verticalOffSet, int horizontalOffSet ) : Point

Returns a point under a control

GetPointUnderStartNode ( UITestControl theTab ) : Point

Returns a point 200 pixels under the Start Node

GetScrollViewer ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl

Gets the scroll viewer.

GetSqlBulkInsertChildren ( UITestControl control ) : IEnumerable

Gets the SQL bulk insert children.

GetSqlBulkInsertLargeViewFirstInputTextbox ( UITestControl sqlBulkInsertToolOnWorkflow ) : UITestControl

Gets the SQL bulk insert large view first input textbox.

GetStartNodeBottomAutoConnectorPoint ( UITestControl theTab ) : Point
GetWizardTitle ( UITestControl theTab ) : string
IsActivityIconVisible ( UITestControl activity ) : bool

Determines whether [is activity icon visible] [the specified activity].

IsAdornerVisible ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : bool
IsControlSelected ( UITestControl workflow ) : bool

Determines whether [is control selected] [the specified workflow].

MoveMouseForAdornersToAppear ( Rectangle boundingRectangle ) : void

Gets the adorner hover point.

OpenCloseLargeView ( ToolType tool, UITestControl theTab ) : void
OpenCloseLargeView ( UITestControl activity ) : void
OpenCloseLargeView ( string tool, UITestControl theTab ) : void
OpenCloseLargeViewUsingContextMenu ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void

RunWorkflowAndWaitUntilOutputStepCountAtLeast ( int expectedStepCount, int timeout = 5000 ) : void

Runs the workflow and wait until output step count attribute least.

ScrollControlIntoView ( UITestControl theTab, UITestControl theControl ) : void
ScrollViewer_ClickScrollDown ( UITestControl theTab, int count ) : void

Scrolls the viewer_ click scroll down.

ScrollViewer_GetHorizontalScrollBar ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl
ScrollViewer_GetScrollDown ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl

Scrolls the viewer_ get scroll down.

ScrollViewer_GetScrollLeft ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl

Scrolls the viewer_ get scroll up.

ScrollViewer_GetScrollRight ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl

Scrolls the viewer_ get scroll down.

ScrollViewer_GetScrollUp ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl

Scrolls the viewer_ get scroll up.

ScrollViewer_GetVerticalScrollBar ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl
SetStartNode ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void

Sort_GetDDLHeight ( UITestControl theTab, string sortControlTitle ) : int
Tool_GetAllTextBoxes ( UITestControl theTab, string toolAutomationId, string toolDesignerTemplate ) : List

Tool_s the get all text boxes.

TryCloseMappings ( string controlAutomationID ) : bool

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetQVIControl ( UITestControlCollection assignControlCollection ) : UITestControl

Gets the qvi control.

GetQuickVariableInputButton ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : WpfButton

메소드 상세

Adorner_ClickDoneButton() 공개 메소드

public Adorner_ClickDoneButton ( UITestControl theTab, string activityName ) : void
theTab UITestControl
activityName string
리턴 void

Adorner_ClickDoneButton() 공개 메소드

public Adorner_ClickDoneButton ( string activityName ) : void
activityName string
리턴 void

Adorner_ClickFixErrors() 공개 메소드

public Adorner_ClickFixErrors ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : bool
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
리턴 bool

Adorner_ClickLargeView() 공개 메소드

public Adorner_ClickLargeView ( UITestControl theTab ) : void
theTab UITestControl
리턴 void

Adorner_ClickMapping() 공개 메소드

public Adorner_ClickMapping ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
리턴 void

Adorner_CountInputMappings() 공개 메소드

public Adorner_CountInputMappings ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : int
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
리턴 int

Adorner_GetButton() 공개 메소드

public Adorner_GetButton ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, string adornerFriendlyName ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
adornerFriendlyName string
리턴 UITestControl

Adorner_GetDoneButton() 공개 메소드

public Adorner_GetDoneButton ( UITestControl theTab, string activityName ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl
activityName string
리턴 UITestControl

Adorner_GetHelpText() 공개 메소드

public Adorner_GetHelpText ( UITestControl resourceToGetHelpTextFor ) : string
resourceToGetHelpTextFor UITestControl
리턴 string

AssignControl_ClickLeftTextboxInRow() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_ClickLeftTextboxInRow ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int row ) : void
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
row int
리턴 void

AssignControl_ClickQuickVariableInputButton() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_ClickQuickVariableInputButton ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
리턴 void

AssignControl_ClickScrollDown() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_ClickScrollDown ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int timesToClick ) : void
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
timesToClick int
리턴 void

AssignControl_ClickScrollUp() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_ClickScrollUp ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int timesToClick ) : void
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
timesToClick int
리턴 void

AssignControl_EnterData() 공개 메소드

Enter data into an existing Assign control on the Workflow Designer
public AssignControl_EnterData ( UITestControl theTab, string assignControlTitle, string variable, string value ) : void
theTab UITestControl A tab from TabManagerUIMap.FindTabByName
assignControlTitle string The title of the Assign box on the workflow
variable string The value to input into the left textbox
value string The value to input into the right textbox
리턴 void

AssignControl_GetLeftTextboxInRow() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_GetLeftTextboxInRow ( string controlAutomationId, int row ) : UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
row int
리턴 UITestControl

AssignControl_GetSmallViewTable() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_GetSmallViewTable ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int row ) : WpfTable
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
row int
리턴 WpfTable

AssignControl_GetVariableName() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_GetVariableName ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int itemInList ) : string
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
itemInList int
리턴 string

AssignControl_IsLeftTextBoxHighlightedRed() 공개 메소드

Assigns the control_ is left text box highlighted red.
public AssignControl_IsLeftTextBoxHighlightedRed ( UITestControl leftTextBox ) : bool
leftTextBox UITestControl The left text box.
리턴 bool

AssignControl_LargeViewClickLeftTextboxInRow() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_LargeViewClickLeftTextboxInRow ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int row ) : void
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
row int
리턴 void

AssignControl_LeftTextBoxInRowIsClickable() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_LeftTextBoxInRowIsClickable ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int row ) : bool
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
row int
리턴 bool

AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_ClickAdd() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_ClickAdd ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
리턴 void

AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_ClickCancel() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_ClickCancel ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
리턴 void

AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_ClickPreview() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_ClickPreview ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
리턴 void

AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_EnterData() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_EnterData ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, string splitOn, string prefix, string suffix, string variableList ) : void
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
splitOn string
prefix string
suffix string
variableList string
리턴 void

AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_GetPreviewData() 공개 메소드

public AssignControl_QuickVariableInputControl_GetPreviewData ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : string
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
리턴 string

BaseConvert_GetDDLHeight() 공개 메소드

public BaseConvert_GetDDLHeight ( UITestControl theTab, string baseConvertControlTitle ) : int
theTab UITestControl
baseConvertControlTitle string
리턴 int

CalculateControl_EnterData() 공개 메소드

Enter some data into a Calculate control
public CalculateControl_EnterData ( UITestControl theTab, string calculateControlTitle, string function, string result ) : void
theTab UITestControl A tab from TabManagerUIMap.FindTabByName
calculateControlTitle string The title of the Calculate control on the workflow
function string The value to input into the top (function / fx) textbox
result string The value to enter into the bottom (Result) textbox
리턴 void

ClickCollapseAll() 공개 메소드

public ClickCollapseAll ( UITestControl theTab ) : void
theTab UITestControl
리턴 void

ClickControl() 공개 메소드

Clicks a control on the Workflow Designer
public ClickControl ( UITestControl theControl ) : void
theControl UITestControl A control from WorkflowDesignerUIMap.FindControlByAutomationID
리턴 void

ClickExpandAll() 공개 메소드

public ClickExpandAll ( UITestControl theTab ) : void
theTab UITestControl
리턴 void

ClickRestore() 공개 메소드

public ClickRestore ( UITestControl theTab ) : void
theTab UITestControl
리턴 void

CopyWorkflowXamlWithContextMenu() 공개 메소드

public CopyWorkflowXamlWithContextMenu ( UITestControl theTab ) : void
theTab UITestControl
리턴 void

DataSplit_ClickFirstTextbox() 공개 메소드

public DataSplit_ClickFirstTextbox ( UITestControl theTab, string dataSplitControlTitle ) : void
theTab UITestControl
dataSplitControlTitle string
리턴 void

DataSplit_GetTextFromStringToSplit() 공개 메소드

public DataSplit_GetTextFromStringToSplit ( UITestControl theTab, string dataSplitControlTitle ) : string
theTab UITestControl
dataSplitControlTitle string
리턴 string

DoesActivityDataMappingContainText() 공개 메소드

public DoesActivityDataMappingContainText ( UITestControl aControl, string text ) : bool
aControl UITestControl
text string
리턴 bool

DoesControlExistOnWorkflowDesigner() 공개 메소드

Checks if a control exists on the Workflow Designer
public DoesControlExistOnWorkflowDesigner ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : bool
theTab UITestControl A tab from TabManagerUIMap.FindTabByName
controlAutomationId string A control from WorkflowDesignerUIMap.FindControlByAutomationID
리턴 bool

DoubleClickControlBar() 공개 메소드

Clicks a control on the Workflow Designer
public DoubleClickControlBar ( UITestControl theControl ) : void
theControl UITestControl A control from WorkflowDesignerUIMap.FindControlByAutomationID
리턴 void

DoubleClickOnActivity() 공개 메소드

public DoubleClickOnActivity ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
리턴 void

DragControl() 공개 메소드

public DragControl ( string controlAutomationID, Point point ) : void
controlAutomationID string
point Point
리턴 void

FindControlByAutomationId() 공개 메소드

Finds a control on the Workflow Designer
public FindControlByAutomationId ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int waitAmt ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl A tab from TabManagerUIMap.FindTabByName
controlAutomationId string The automation ID of the control you are looking for
waitAmt int
리턴 UITestControl

FindRecords_GetDDLHeight() 공개 메소드

public FindRecords_GetDDLHeight ( UITestControl theTab, string findRecordsControlTitle ) : int
theTab UITestControl
findRecordsControlTitle string
리턴 int

FindStartNode() 공개 메소드

Finds the Start Node on a given tab
public FindStartNode ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl A tab from TabManagerUIMap.FindTabByName
리턴 UITestControl

GetAllConnectors() 공개 메소드

Gets all connectors.
public GetAllConnectors ( ) : List
리턴 List

GetAllControlsOnDesignSurface() 공개 메소드

Finds controls on the Workflow Designer
public GetAllControlsOnDesignSurface ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControlCollection
theTab UITestControl
리턴 UITestControlCollection

GetCollapseHelpButton() 공개 메소드

Gets the collapse help button.
public GetCollapseHelpButton ( UITestControl theTab, string activityAutomationID, int index ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl The tab.
activityAutomationID string The activity automation unique identifier.
index int The index.
리턴 UITestControl

GetFlowchartDesigner() 공개 메소드

Finds a control on the Workflow Designer
public GetFlowchartDesigner ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl A tab from TabManagerUIMap.FindTabByName
리턴 UITestControl

GetHelpPane() 공개 메소드

Gets the help pane.
public GetHelpPane ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId, int index ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl The tab.
controlAutomationId string The control automation unique identifier.
index int The index.
리턴 UITestControl

GetIntellisenseItem() 공개 메소드

public GetIntellisenseItem ( int id ) : UITestControl
id int
리턴 UITestControl

GetLargeViewTable() 공개 메소드

public GetLargeViewTable ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : WpfTable
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
리턴 WpfTable

GetOpenHelpButton() 공개 메소드

Gets the open help button.
public GetOpenHelpButton ( UITestControl theTab, string activityAutomationID ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl The tab.
activityAutomationID string The activity automation unique identifier.
리턴 UITestControl

GetPointUnderControl() 공개 메소드

Returns a point 200 pixels under a control
public GetPointUnderControl ( UITestControl control ) : Point
control UITestControl A UITestControl from FindControlByAutomationID
리턴 Point

GetPointUnderControl() 공개 메소드

Returns a point under a control
public GetPointUnderControl ( UITestControl control, int verticalOffSet, int horizontalOffSet ) : Point
control UITestControl A UITestControl from FindControlByAutomationID
verticalOffSet int How many pixels under the control
horizontalOffSet int
리턴 Point

GetPointUnderStartNode() 공개 메소드

Returns a point 200 pixels under the Start Node
public GetPointUnderStartNode ( UITestControl theTab ) : Point
theTab UITestControl A tab from TabManagerUIMap.FindTabByName
리턴 Point

GetScrollViewer() 공개 메소드

Gets the scroll viewer.
public GetScrollViewer ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl The tab.
리턴 UITestControl

GetSqlBulkInsertChildren() 공개 메소드

Gets the SQL bulk insert children.
public GetSqlBulkInsertChildren ( UITestControl control ) : IEnumerable
control UITestControl The control.
리턴 IEnumerable

GetSqlBulkInsertLargeViewFirstInputTextbox() 공개 메소드

Gets the SQL bulk insert large view first input textbox.
public GetSqlBulkInsertLargeViewFirstInputTextbox ( UITestControl sqlBulkInsertToolOnWorkflow ) : UITestControl
sqlBulkInsertToolOnWorkflow UITestControl The SQL bulk insert tool configuration workflow.
리턴 UITestControl

GetStartNodeBottomAutoConnectorPoint() 공개 메소드

public GetStartNodeBottomAutoConnectorPoint ( UITestControl theTab ) : Point
theTab UITestControl
리턴 Point

GetWizardTitle() 공개 메소드

public GetWizardTitle ( UITestControl theTab ) : string
theTab UITestControl
리턴 string

IsActivityIconVisible() 공개 메소드

Determines whether [is activity icon visible] [the specified activity].
public IsActivityIconVisible ( UITestControl activity ) : bool
activity UITestControl The activity.
리턴 bool

IsAdornerVisible() 공개 메소드

public IsAdornerVisible ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : bool
theTab UITestControl
controlAutomationId string
리턴 bool

IsControlSelected() 공개 메소드

Determines whether [is control selected] [the specified workflow].
public IsControlSelected ( UITestControl workflow ) : bool
workflow UITestControl The workflow.
리턴 bool

MoveMouseForAdornersToAppear() 공개 메소드

Gets the adorner hover point.
public MoveMouseForAdornersToAppear ( Rectangle boundingRectangle ) : void
boundingRectangle System.Drawing.Rectangle The bounding rectangle.
리턴 void

OpenCloseLargeView() 공개 메소드

public OpenCloseLargeView ( ToolType tool, UITestControl theTab ) : void
tool ToolType
theTab UITestControl
리턴 void

OpenCloseLargeView() 공개 메소드

public OpenCloseLargeView ( UITestControl activity ) : void
activity UITestControl
리턴 void

OpenCloseLargeView() 공개 메소드

public OpenCloseLargeView ( string tool, UITestControl theTab ) : void
tool string
theTab UITestControl
리턴 void

OpenCloseLargeViewUsingContextMenu() 공개 메소드

public OpenCloseLargeViewUsingContextMenu ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
theTab UITestControl A tab from TabManagerUIMap.FindTabByName
controlAutomationId string A control from WorkflowDesignerUIMap.FindControlByAutomationID
리턴 void

RunWorkflowAndWaitUntilOutputStepCountAtLeast() 공개 메소드

Runs the workflow and wait until output step count attribute least.
Debug input dialog not shown within the given timeout
public RunWorkflowAndWaitUntilOutputStepCountAtLeast ( int expectedStepCount, int timeout = 5000 ) : void
expectedStepCount int The expected step count.
timeout int The timeout.
리턴 void

ScrollControlIntoView() 공개 메소드

public ScrollControlIntoView ( UITestControl theTab, UITestControl theControl ) : void
theTab UITestControl
theControl UITestControl
리턴 void

ScrollViewer_ClickScrollDown() 공개 메소드

Scrolls the viewer_ click scroll down.
public ScrollViewer_ClickScrollDown ( UITestControl theTab, int count ) : void
theTab UITestControl The tab.
count int The count.
리턴 void

ScrollViewer_GetHorizontalScrollBar() 공개 메소드

public ScrollViewer_GetHorizontalScrollBar ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl
리턴 UITestControl

ScrollViewer_GetScrollDown() 공개 메소드

Scrolls the viewer_ get scroll down.
public ScrollViewer_GetScrollDown ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl The tab.
리턴 UITestControl

ScrollViewer_GetScrollLeft() 공개 메소드

Scrolls the viewer_ get scroll up.
public ScrollViewer_GetScrollLeft ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl The tab.
리턴 UITestControl

ScrollViewer_GetScrollRight() 공개 메소드

Scrolls the viewer_ get scroll down.
public ScrollViewer_GetScrollRight ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl The tab.
리턴 UITestControl

ScrollViewer_GetScrollUp() 공개 메소드

Scrolls the viewer_ get scroll up.
public ScrollViewer_GetScrollUp ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl The tab.
리턴 UITestControl

ScrollViewer_GetVerticalScrollBar() 공개 메소드

public ScrollViewer_GetVerticalScrollBar ( UITestControl theTab ) : UITestControl
theTab UITestControl
리턴 UITestControl

SetStartNode() 공개 메소드

public SetStartNode ( UITestControl theTab, string controlAutomationId ) : void
theTab UITestControl A tab from TabManagerUIMap.FindTabByName
controlAutomationId string A control from WorkflowDesignerUIMap.FindControlByAutomationID
리턴 void

Sort_GetDDLHeight() 공개 메소드

public Sort_GetDDLHeight ( UITestControl theTab, string sortControlTitle ) : int
theTab UITestControl
sortControlTitle string
리턴 int

Tool_GetAllTextBoxes() 공개 메소드

Tool_s the get all text boxes.
public Tool_GetAllTextBoxes ( UITestControl theTab, string toolAutomationId, string toolDesignerTemplate ) : List
theTab UITestControl The tab.
toolAutomationId string The tool automation unique identifier.
toolDesignerTemplate string The tool designer template.
리턴 List

TryCloseMappings() 공개 메소드

public TryCloseMappings ( string controlAutomationID ) : bool
controlAutomationID string
리턴 bool