C# 클래스 DataDictionary.Interpreter.Statement.RemoveStatement

상속: DataDictionary.Interpreter.Statement.Statement, Utils.ISubDeclarator
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: ERTMSSolutions/ERTMSFormalSpecs 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AffectedElement ( ) : ModelElement

Provides the main model elemnt affected by this statement

CheckStatement ( ) : void

Checks the statement for semantical errors

ConditionSatisfied ( InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain ) : bool

Indicates whether the condition is satisfied with the value provided Hyp : the value of the iterator variable has been assigned before

Find ( string name, List retVal ) : void

Appends the INamable which match the name provided in retVal

GetChanges ( InterpretationContext context, DataDictionary.Rules.ChangeList changes, ExplanationPart explanation, bool apply, Runner runner ) : void

Provides the changes performed by this statement

GetExplain ( TextualExplanation explanation, bool explainSubElements = true ) : void

Builds the explanation of the element

InitDeclaredElements ( ) : void

Initialises the declared elements

Modifies ( ITypedElement element ) : VariableUpdateStatement

Provides the statement which modifies the element

ReadElements ( List retVal ) : void

Provides the list of variable read by this statement

RemoveStatement ( ModelElement root, ModelElement log, Expression condition, PositionEnum position, Expression listExpression, ParsingData parsingData ) : System.Collections.Generic


SemanticAnalysis ( INamable instance = null ) : bool

Performs the semantic analysis of the statement

ShortShortDescription ( ) : string

Provides a real short description of this statement

UpdateStatements ( List retVal ) : void

Provides the list of update statements induced by this statement

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
InsertInResult ( ListValue newListValue, IValue value ) : void

Inserts a value in the result set

NextIndex ( int index ) : int

Provides the next index of a given index

메소드 상세

AffectedElement() 공개 메소드

Provides the main model elemnt affected by this statement
public AffectedElement ( ) : ModelElement
리턴 ModelElement

CheckStatement() 공개 메소드

Checks the statement for semantical errors
public CheckStatement ( ) : void
리턴 void

ConditionSatisfied() 공개 메소드

Indicates whether the condition is satisfied with the value provided Hyp : the value of the iterator variable has been assigned before
public ConditionSatisfied ( InterpretationContext context, ExplanationPart explain ) : bool
context InterpretationContext
explain ExplanationPart
리턴 bool

Find() 공개 메소드

Appends the INamable which match the name provided in retVal
public Find ( string name, List retVal ) : void
name string
retVal List
리턴 void

GetChanges() 공개 메소드

Provides the changes performed by this statement
public GetChanges ( InterpretationContext context, DataDictionary.Rules.ChangeList changes, ExplanationPart explanation, bool apply, Runner runner ) : void
context InterpretationContext The context on which the changes should be computed
changes DataDictionary.Rules.ChangeList The list to fill with the changes
explanation ExplanationPart The explanatino to fill, if any
apply bool Indicates that the changes should be applied immediately
runner Runner
리턴 void

GetExplain() 공개 메소드

Builds the explanation of the element
public GetExplain ( TextualExplanation explanation, bool explainSubElements = true ) : void
explanation TextualExplanation
explainSubElements bool Precises if we need to explain the sub elements (if any)
리턴 void

InitDeclaredElements() 공개 메소드

Initialises the declared elements
public InitDeclaredElements ( ) : void
리턴 void

Modifies() 공개 메소드

Provides the statement which modifies the element
public Modifies ( ITypedElement element ) : VariableUpdateStatement
element ITypedElement
리턴 VariableUpdateStatement

ReadElements() 공개 메소드

Provides the list of variable read by this statement
public ReadElements ( List retVal ) : void
retVal List the list to fill
리턴 void

RemoveStatement() 공개 메소드

public RemoveStatement ( ModelElement root, ModelElement log, Expression condition, PositionEnum position, Expression listExpression, ParsingData parsingData ) : System.Collections.Generic
root ModelElement The root element for which this element is built
log ModelElement
condition Expression The corresponding function call designator
position PositionEnum The position in which the element should be removed
listExpression Expression The expressions used to compute the parameters
parsingData ParsingData Additional information about the parsing process
리턴 System.Collections.Generic

SemanticAnalysis() 공개 메소드

Performs the semantic analysis of the statement
public SemanticAnalysis ( INamable instance = null ) : bool
instance INamable the reference instance on which this element should analysed
리턴 bool

ShortShortDescription() 공개 메소드

Provides a real short description of this statement
public ShortShortDescription ( ) : string
리턴 string

UpdateStatements() 공개 메소드

Provides the list of update statements induced by this statement
public UpdateStatements ( List retVal ) : void
retVal List the list to fill
리턴 void