C# 클래스 ComponentFactory.Krypton.Docking.KryptonDockingFloatspace

상속: KryptonDockingSpace
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: ComponentFactory/Krypton 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
FindPageElement ( string uniqueName ) : IDockingElement

Find the docking element that contains the named page.

FindPageLocation ( string uniqueName ) : DockingLocation

Find the docking location of the named page.

FindStorePageElement ( DockingLocation location, string uniqueName ) : IDockingElement

Find the docking element that contains the location specific store page for the named page.

KryptonDockingFloatspace ( string name ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the KryptonDockingFloatspace class.

LoadElementFromXml ( XmlReader xmlReader, KryptonPageCollection pages ) : void

Loads docking configuration information using a provider xml reader.

PropogateDragTargets ( KryptonFloatingWindow floatingWindow, PageDragEndData dragData, DragTargetList targets ) : void

Propogates a request for drag targets down the hierarchy of docking elements.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
OnSpaceCellPageInserting ( object sender, KryptonPageEventArgs e ) : void

Occurs when a page is added to a cell in the workspace.

RaiseCellAdding ( KryptonWorkspaceCell cell ) : void

Raises the type specific cell adding event determinated by the derived class.

RaiseCellRemoved ( KryptonWorkspaceCell cell ) : void

Raises the type specific cell removed event determinated by the derived class.

RaiseRemoved ( ) : void

Raises the type specific space control removed event determinated by the derived class.

RaiseSpacePageDrop ( object sender, PageDropEventArgs e ) : void

Occurs when a page is dropped on the control.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
OnFloatspaceBeforePageDrag ( object sender, PageDragCancelEventArgs e ) : void
OnFloatspaceDropDownClicked ( object sender, CancelDropDownEventArgs e ) : void
OnFloatspacePageCloseClicked ( object sender, UniqueNameEventArgs e ) : void
OnFloatspacePagesDoubleClicked ( object sender, UniqueNamesEventArgs e ) : void

메소드 상세

FindPageElement() 공개 메소드

Find the docking element that contains the named page.
public FindPageElement ( string uniqueName ) : IDockingElement
uniqueName string Unique name of the page.
리턴 IDockingElement

FindPageLocation() 공개 메소드

Find the docking location of the named page.
public FindPageLocation ( string uniqueName ) : DockingLocation
uniqueName string Unique name of the page.
리턴 DockingLocation

FindStorePageElement() 공개 메소드

Find the docking element that contains the location specific store page for the named page.
public FindStorePageElement ( DockingLocation location, string uniqueName ) : IDockingElement
location DockingLocation Location to be searched.
uniqueName string Unique name of the page to be found.
리턴 IDockingElement

KryptonDockingFloatspace() 공개 메소드

Initialize a new instance of the KryptonDockingFloatspace class.
public KryptonDockingFloatspace ( string name ) : System
name string Initial name of the element.
리턴 System

LoadElementFromXml() 공개 메소드

Loads docking configuration information using a provider xml reader.
public LoadElementFromXml ( XmlReader xmlReader, KryptonPageCollection pages ) : void
xmlReader XmlReader Xml reader object.
pages KryptonPageCollection Collection of available pages for adding.
리턴 void

OnSpaceCellPageInserting() 보호된 메소드

Occurs when a page is added to a cell in the workspace.
protected OnSpaceCellPageInserting ( object sender, KryptonPageEventArgs e ) : void
sender object Source of the event.
e KryptonPageEventArgs A KryptonPageEventArgs containing the event data.
리턴 void

PropogateDragTargets() 공개 메소드

Propogates a request for drag targets down the hierarchy of docking elements.
public PropogateDragTargets ( KryptonFloatingWindow floatingWindow, PageDragEndData dragData, DragTargetList targets ) : void
floatingWindow KryptonFloatingWindow Reference to window being dragged.
dragData ComponentFactory.Krypton.Navigator.PageDragEndData Set of pages being dragged.
targets DragTargetList Collection of drag targets.
리턴 void

RaiseCellAdding() 보호된 메소드

Raises the type specific cell adding event determinated by the derived class.
protected RaiseCellAdding ( KryptonWorkspaceCell cell ) : void
cell KryptonWorkspaceCell Referecence to new cell being added.
리턴 void

RaiseCellRemoved() 보호된 메소드

Raises the type specific cell removed event determinated by the derived class.
protected RaiseCellRemoved ( KryptonWorkspaceCell cell ) : void
cell KryptonWorkspaceCell Referecence to an existing cell being removed.
리턴 void

RaiseRemoved() 보호된 메소드

Raises the type specific space control removed event determinated by the derived class.
protected RaiseRemoved ( ) : void
리턴 void

RaiseSpacePageDrop() 보호된 메소드

Occurs when a page is dropped on the control.
protected RaiseSpacePageDrop ( object sender, PageDropEventArgs e ) : void
sender object Source of the event.
e ComponentFactory.Krypton.Navigator.PageDropEventArgs A PageDropEventArgs containing the event data.
리턴 void