C# 클래스 Castle.Components.Validator.SingleValidator

This is a meta validator. It is only useful to test a source content before setting it on the target instance.
상속: AbstractValidator
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: nats/castle-1.0.3-mono 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ApplyBrowserValidation ( BrowserValidationConfiguration config, InputElementType inputType, IBrowserValidationGenerator generator, IDictionary attributes, string target ) : void

Applies the browser validation by setting up one or more input rules on IBrowserValidationGenerator.

IsValid ( object instance, object fieldValue ) : bool

If the fieldValue is not null, an attempt to convert the content to a Single is performed, and the field is considered value if the conversion is successful. Null and empty are allowed.

메소드 상세

ApplyBrowserValidation() 공개 메소드

Applies the browser validation by setting up one or more input rules on IBrowserValidationGenerator.
public ApplyBrowserValidation ( BrowserValidationConfiguration config, InputElementType inputType, IBrowserValidationGenerator generator, IDictionary attributes, string target ) : void
config BrowserValidationConfiguration The config.
inputType InputElementType Type of the input.
generator IBrowserValidationGenerator The generator.
attributes IDictionary The attributes.
target string The target.
리턴 void

IsValid() 공개 메소드

If the fieldValue is not null, an attempt to convert the content to a Single is performed, and the field is considered value if the conversion is successful. Null and empty are allowed.
public IsValid ( object instance, object fieldValue ) : bool
instance object The target type instance
fieldValue object The property/field value. It can be null.
리턴 bool