C# 클래스 Castle.Components.Binder.DataBinder

상속: System.MarshalByRefObject, IDataBinder, IServiceEnabledComponent
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: nats/castle-1.0.3-mono 1 사용 예제들

보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
PropertiesBindingFlags BindingFlags
errors IList

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
BindObject ( Type targetType, string prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : object
BindObject ( Type targetType, string prefix, string excludedProperties, string allowedProperties, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : object
BindObjectInstance ( object instance, string prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : void
BindObjectInstance ( object instance, string prefix, string excludedProperties, string allowedProperties, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : void
BindParameter ( Type desiredType, String paramName, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : object
CanBindObject ( Type targetType, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : bool
CanBindParameter ( Type desiredType, String paramName, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : bool
DataBinder ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the DataBinder class.

GetValidationSummary ( object instance ) : ErrorSummary

Gets the validation error summary.

Service ( IServiceProvider provider ) : void

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
AfterBinding ( object instance, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : void
BeforeBinding ( object instance, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : void
BeforeBindingProperty ( object instance, PropertyInfo prop, string prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode node ) : void
BindSpecialObjectInstance ( Type instanceType, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node, bool &succeeded ) : object

Implementations will bound the instance itself. IsSpecialType


CheckForValidationFailures ( object instance, Type instanceType, PropertyInfo prop, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode node, string name, string prefix, ErrorSummary summary ) : bool
CheckForValidationFailures ( object instance, Type instanceType, PropertyInfo prop, object value, string name, string prefix, ErrorSummary summary ) : bool
ConvertLeafNode ( Type desiredType, Castle.Components.Binder.LeafNode lNode, bool &conversionSucceeded ) : object
CreateInstance ( Type instanceType, String paramPrefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : object
CreateNormalizedList ( String csv ) : String[]
InternalBindObject ( Type instanceType, String paramPrefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : object
InternalBindObject ( Type instanceType, String paramPrefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node, bool &succeeded ) : object
InternalRecursiveBindObjectInstance ( object instance, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode node ) : void
InternalRecursiveBindObjectInstance ( object instance, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : void
IsSpecialType ( Type instanceType ) : bool

Invoked during object binding to allow subclasses to have a chance of binding the types itself. If the implementation returns true the binder will invoke BindSpecialObjectInstance

PerformCustomBinding ( object instance, string prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : bool
PopInstance ( object instance, string prefix ) : void
PushInstance ( object instance, string prefix ) : void
SetPropertyValue ( object instance, PropertyInfo prop, object value ) : void

Sets the property value of the object we are binding. Databinders that require different ways to access properties can override this method.

ShouldIgnoreType ( Type instanceType ) : bool
ShouldRecreateInstance ( object value, Type type, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : bool

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ConvertComplexNodesToArray ( Type desiredType, Castle.Components.Binder.IndexedNode parent, bool &conversionSucceeded ) : object
ConvertComplexNodesToList ( Type elemType, Castle.Components.Binder.IndexedNode parent, bool &conversionSucceeded ) : ArrayList
ConvertFlatNodesToArray ( Type desiredType, Castle.Components.Binder.Node nodes, bool &conversionSucceeded ) : object
ConvertFlatNodesToList ( Type elemType, Castle.Components.Binder.Node nodes, bool &conversionSucceeded ) : ArrayList
ConvertToArray ( Type desiredType, String key, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node, bool &conversionSucceeded ) : object
ConvertToGenericList ( Type desiredType, String key, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node, bool &conversionSucceeded ) : object
ConvertToSimpleValue ( Type desiredType, string key, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode parent, bool &conversionSucceeded ) : object
InternalBindGenericList ( Type instanceType, string paramPrefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node, bool &succeeded ) : object
InternalBindObjectArray ( Type instanceType, String paramPrefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node, bool &succeeded ) : object
IsDateTimeType ( Type desiredType ) : bool
IsGenericList ( Type instanceType ) : bool
IsSimpleProperty ( Type propType ) : bool
NormalizeList ( String list ) : void
RelaxedConvertLeafNode ( Type desiredType, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node, object defaultValue ) : object
ShouldIgnoreProperty ( PropertyInfo prop, string nodeFullName ) : bool
Translate ( Type instanceType, string paramName ) : string
TryGetDateWithUTCFormat ( Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot, string paramName, bool &conversionSucceeded ) : string
TrySpecialDateTimeBinding ( Type desiredType, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot, String paramName, bool &conversionSucceeded ) : object

메소드 상세

AfterBinding() 보호된 메소드

protected AfterBinding ( object instance, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : void
instance object
prefix String
node Castle.Components.Binder.Node
리턴 void

BeforeBinding() 보호된 메소드

protected BeforeBinding ( object instance, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : void
instance object
prefix String
node Castle.Components.Binder.Node
리턴 void

BeforeBindingProperty() 보호된 메소드

protected BeforeBindingProperty ( object instance, PropertyInfo prop, string prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode node ) : void
instance object
prop System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
prefix string
node Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode
리턴 void

BindObject() 공개 메소드

public BindObject ( Type targetType, string prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : object
targetType System.Type
prefix string
treeRoot Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode
리턴 object

BindObject() 공개 메소드

public BindObject ( Type targetType, string prefix, string excludedProperties, string allowedProperties, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : object
targetType System.Type
prefix string
excludedProperties string
allowedProperties string
treeRoot Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode
리턴 object

BindObjectInstance() 공개 메소드

public BindObjectInstance ( object instance, string prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : void
instance object
prefix string
treeRoot Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode
리턴 void

BindObjectInstance() 공개 메소드

public BindObjectInstance ( object instance, string prefix, string excludedProperties, string allowedProperties, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : void
instance object
prefix string
excludedProperties string
allowedProperties string
treeRoot Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode
리턴 void

BindParameter() 공개 메소드

public BindParameter ( Type desiredType, String paramName, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : object
desiredType System.Type
paramName String
treeRoot Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode
리턴 object

BindSpecialObjectInstance() 보호된 메소드

Implementations will bound the instance itself. IsSpecialType
protected BindSpecialObjectInstance ( Type instanceType, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node, bool &succeeded ) : object
instanceType System.Type
prefix String
node Castle.Components.Binder.Node
succeeded bool
리턴 object

CanBindObject() 공개 메소드

public CanBindObject ( Type targetType, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : bool
targetType System.Type
prefix String
treeRoot Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode
리턴 bool

CanBindParameter() 공개 메소드

public CanBindParameter ( Type desiredType, String paramName, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode treeRoot ) : bool
desiredType System.Type
paramName String
treeRoot Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode
리턴 bool

CheckForValidationFailures() 보호된 메소드

protected CheckForValidationFailures ( object instance, Type instanceType, PropertyInfo prop, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode node, string name, string prefix, ErrorSummary summary ) : bool
instance object
instanceType System.Type
prop System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
node Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode
name string
prefix string
summary Castle.Components.Validator.ErrorSummary
리턴 bool

CheckForValidationFailures() 보호된 메소드

protected CheckForValidationFailures ( object instance, Type instanceType, PropertyInfo prop, object value, string name, string prefix, ErrorSummary summary ) : bool
instance object
instanceType System.Type
prop System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
value object
name string
prefix string
summary Castle.Components.Validator.ErrorSummary
리턴 bool

ConvertLeafNode() 보호된 메소드

protected ConvertLeafNode ( Type desiredType, Castle.Components.Binder.LeafNode lNode, bool &conversionSucceeded ) : object
desiredType System.Type
lNode Castle.Components.Binder.LeafNode
conversionSucceeded bool
리턴 object

CreateInstance() 보호된 메소드

protected CreateInstance ( Type instanceType, String paramPrefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : object
instanceType System.Type
paramPrefix String
node Castle.Components.Binder.Node
리턴 object

CreateNormalizedList() 보호된 메소드

protected CreateNormalizedList ( String csv ) : String[]
csv String
리턴 String[]

DataBinder() 공개 메소드

Initializes a new instance of the DataBinder class.
public DataBinder ( ) : System
리턴 System

GetValidationSummary() 공개 메소드

Gets the validation error summary.
public GetValidationSummary ( object instance ) : ErrorSummary
instance object The instance.
리턴 Castle.Components.Validator.ErrorSummary

InternalBindObject() 보호된 메소드

protected InternalBindObject ( Type instanceType, String paramPrefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : object
instanceType System.Type
paramPrefix String
node Castle.Components.Binder.Node
리턴 object

InternalBindObject() 보호된 메소드

protected InternalBindObject ( Type instanceType, String paramPrefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node, bool &succeeded ) : object
instanceType System.Type
paramPrefix String
node Castle.Components.Binder.Node
succeeded bool
리턴 object

InternalRecursiveBindObjectInstance() 보호된 메소드

protected InternalRecursiveBindObjectInstance ( object instance, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode node ) : void
instance object
prefix String
node Castle.Components.Binder.CompositeNode
리턴 void

InternalRecursiveBindObjectInstance() 보호된 메소드

protected InternalRecursiveBindObjectInstance ( object instance, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : void
instance object
prefix String
node Castle.Components.Binder.Node
리턴 void

IsSpecialType() 보호된 메소드

Invoked during object binding to allow subclasses to have a chance of binding the types itself. If the implementation returns true the binder will invoke BindSpecialObjectInstance
protected IsSpecialType ( Type instanceType ) : bool
instanceType System.Type Type about to be bound
리턴 bool

PerformCustomBinding() 보호된 메소드

protected PerformCustomBinding ( object instance, string prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : bool
instance object
prefix string
node Castle.Components.Binder.Node
리턴 bool

PopInstance() 보호된 메소드

protected PopInstance ( object instance, string prefix ) : void
instance object
prefix string
리턴 void

PushInstance() 보호된 메소드

protected PushInstance ( object instance, string prefix ) : void
instance object
prefix string
리턴 void

Service() 공개 메소드

public Service ( IServiceProvider provider ) : void
provider IServiceProvider
리턴 void

SetPropertyValue() 보호된 메소드

Sets the property value of the object we are binding. Databinders that require different ways to access properties can override this method.
protected SetPropertyValue ( object instance, PropertyInfo prop, object value ) : void
instance object
prop System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
value object
리턴 void

ShouldIgnoreType() 보호된 메소드

protected ShouldIgnoreType ( Type instanceType ) : bool
instanceType System.Type
리턴 bool

ShouldRecreateInstance() 보호된 메소드

protected ShouldRecreateInstance ( object value, Type type, String prefix, Castle.Components.Binder.Node node ) : bool
value object
type System.Type
prefix String
node Castle.Components.Binder.Node
리턴 bool

프로퍼티 상세

PropertiesBindingFlags 보호되어 있는 정적으로 프로퍼티

protected static BindingFlags PropertiesBindingFlags
리턴 BindingFlags

errors 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

Collect the databind errors
protected IList errors
리턴 IList