C# 클래스 Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.Internal.AbstractDepthFirstVisitor

Base class for visitors that needs to traverse the entire Active Record Model
상속: IVisitor
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: nats/castle-1.0.3-mono

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GuessType ( Type type, Type propertyType ) : Type

Guesses the type of the other end.

VisitAny ( AnyModel model ) : void

Visits any.

VisitBelongsTo ( BelongsToModel model ) : void

Visits the belongs to.

VisitCollectionID ( CollectionIDModel model ) : void

Visits the collection ID.

VisitCompositePrimaryKey ( CompositeKeyModel model ) : void

Visits the composite primary key.

VisitCompositeUserType ( CompositeUserTypeModel model ) : void

Visits the custom composite user type.

VisitDependentObject ( DependentObjectModel model ) : void

Visits the Dependent Object à

VisitField ( FieldModel model ) : void

Visits the field.

VisitHasAndBelongsToMany ( HasAndBelongsToManyModel model ) : void

Visits the has and belongs to many.

VisitHasMany ( HasManyModel model ) : void

Visits the has many.

VisitHasManyToAny ( HasManyToAnyModel model ) : void

Visits the has many to any.

VisitHasManyToAnyConfig ( HasManyToAnyModel hasManyToAnyConfigModel ) : void

Visits the has many to any config.

VisitHilo ( Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.Internal.HiloModel model ) : void

Visits the hilo.

VisitImport ( ImportModel model ) : void

Visits the import.

VisitKey ( KeyModel model ) : void

Visits the key.

VisitModel ( ActiveRecordModel model ) : void

Visits the model.

VisitNested ( Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.Internal.NestedModel model ) : void

Visits the nested.

VisitNestedParentReference ( NestedParentReferenceModel referenceModel ) : void

Visits the component parent

VisitNode ( IVisitable visitable ) : void

Visits the node.

VisitNodes ( IEnumerable nodes ) : void

Visits the nodes.

VisitOneToOne ( Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.Internal.OneToOneModel model ) : void

Visits the one to one.

VisitPrimaryKey ( PrimaryKeyModel model ) : void

Visits the primary key.

VisitProperty ( PropertyModel model ) : void

Visits the property.

VisitTimestamp ( TimestampModel model ) : void

Visits the timestamp.

VisitVersion ( VersionModel model ) : void

Visits the version.

메소드 상세

GuessType() 공개 정적인 메소드

Guesses the type of the other end.
public static GuessType ( Type type, Type propertyType ) : Type
type System.Type The type.
propertyType System.Type Type of the property.
리턴 System.Type

VisitAny() 공개 메소드

Visits any.
public VisitAny ( AnyModel model ) : void
model AnyModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitBelongsTo() 공개 메소드

Visits the belongs to.
public VisitBelongsTo ( BelongsToModel model ) : void
model BelongsToModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitCollectionID() 공개 메소드

Visits the collection ID.
public VisitCollectionID ( CollectionIDModel model ) : void
model CollectionIDModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitCompositePrimaryKey() 공개 메소드

Visits the composite primary key.
public VisitCompositePrimaryKey ( CompositeKeyModel model ) : void
model CompositeKeyModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitCompositeUserType() 공개 메소드

Visits the custom composite user type.
public VisitCompositeUserType ( CompositeUserTypeModel model ) : void
model CompositeUserTypeModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitDependentObject() 공개 메소드

Visits the Dependent Object à
public VisitDependentObject ( DependentObjectModel model ) : void
model DependentObjectModel The model
리턴 void

VisitField() 공개 메소드

Visits the field.
public VisitField ( FieldModel model ) : void
model FieldModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitHasAndBelongsToMany() 공개 메소드

Visits the has and belongs to many.
public VisitHasAndBelongsToMany ( HasAndBelongsToManyModel model ) : void
model HasAndBelongsToManyModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitHasMany() 공개 메소드

Visits the has many.
public VisitHasMany ( HasManyModel model ) : void
model HasManyModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitHasManyToAny() 공개 메소드

Visits the has many to any.
public VisitHasManyToAny ( HasManyToAnyModel model ) : void
model HasManyToAnyModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitHasManyToAnyConfig() 공개 메소드

Visits the has many to any config.
public VisitHasManyToAnyConfig ( HasManyToAnyModel hasManyToAnyConfigModel ) : void
hasManyToAnyConfigModel HasManyToAnyModel The has many to any config model.
리턴 void

VisitHilo() 공개 메소드

Visits the hilo.
public VisitHilo ( Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.Internal.HiloModel model ) : void
model Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.Internal.HiloModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitImport() 공개 메소드

Visits the import.
public VisitImport ( ImportModel model ) : void
model ImportModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitKey() 공개 메소드

Visits the key.
public VisitKey ( KeyModel model ) : void
model KeyModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitModel() 공개 메소드

Visits the model.
public VisitModel ( ActiveRecordModel model ) : void
model ActiveRecordModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitNested() 공개 메소드

Visits the nested.
public VisitNested ( Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.Internal.NestedModel model ) : void
model Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.Internal.NestedModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitNestedParentReference() 공개 메소드

Visits the component parent
public VisitNestedParentReference ( NestedParentReferenceModel referenceModel ) : void
referenceModel NestedParentReferenceModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitNode() 공개 메소드

Visits the node.
public VisitNode ( IVisitable visitable ) : void
visitable IVisitable The visitable.
리턴 void

VisitNodes() 공개 메소드

Visits the nodes.
public VisitNodes ( IEnumerable nodes ) : void
nodes IEnumerable The nodes.
리턴 void

VisitOneToOne() 공개 메소드

Visits the one to one.
public VisitOneToOne ( Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.Internal.OneToOneModel model ) : void
model Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.Internal.OneToOneModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitPrimaryKey() 공개 메소드

Visits the primary key.
public VisitPrimaryKey ( PrimaryKeyModel model ) : void
model PrimaryKeyModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitProperty() 공개 메소드

Visits the property.
public VisitProperty ( PropertyModel model ) : void
model PropertyModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitTimestamp() 공개 메소드

Visits the timestamp.
public VisitTimestamp ( TimestampModel model ) : void
model TimestampModel The model.
리턴 void

VisitVersion() 공개 메소드

Visits the version.
public VisitVersion ( VersionModel model ) : void
model VersionModel The model.
리턴 void