C# 클래스 BrightIdeasSoftware.AbstractRenderer

상속: System.ComponentModel.Component, IRenderer
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: soywiz/cspspemu

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetEditRectangle ( Graphics g, Rectangle cellBounds, BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVListItem item, int subItemIndex, Size preferredSize ) : Rectangle

When the value in the given cell is to be edited, where should the edit rectangle be placed?

HitTest ( BrightIdeasSoftware.OlvListViewHitTestInfo hti, int x, int y ) : void

What is under the given point?

This method should only alter HitTestLocation and/or UserData.

RenderItem ( DrawListViewItemEventArgs e, Graphics g, Rectangle itemBounds, object rowObject ) : bool

Render the whole item within an ObjectListView. This is only used in non-Details views.

RenderSubItem ( DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e, Graphics g, Rectangle cellBounds, object rowObject ) : bool

Render one cell within an ObjectListView when it is in Details mode.

메소드 상세

GetEditRectangle() 공개 메소드

When the value in the given cell is to be edited, where should the edit rectangle be placed?
public GetEditRectangle ( Graphics g, Rectangle cellBounds, BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVListItem item, int subItemIndex, Size preferredSize ) : Rectangle
g System.Drawing.Graphics
cellBounds System.Drawing.Rectangle
item BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVListItem
subItemIndex int
preferredSize System.Drawing.Size
리턴 System.Drawing.Rectangle

HitTest() 공개 메소드

What is under the given point?
This method should only alter HitTestLocation and/or UserData.
public HitTest ( BrightIdeasSoftware.OlvListViewHitTestInfo hti, int x, int y ) : void
hti BrightIdeasSoftware.OlvListViewHitTestInfo
x int x co-ordinate
y int y co-ordinate
리턴 void

RenderItem() 공개 메소드

Render the whole item within an ObjectListView. This is only used in non-Details views.
public RenderItem ( DrawListViewItemEventArgs e, Graphics g, Rectangle itemBounds, object rowObject ) : bool
e System.Windows.Forms.DrawListViewItemEventArgs The event
g System.Drawing.Graphics A Graphics for rendering
itemBounds System.Drawing.Rectangle The bounds of the item
rowObject object The model object to be drawn
리턴 bool

RenderSubItem() 공개 메소드

Render one cell within an ObjectListView when it is in Details mode.
public RenderSubItem ( DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e, Graphics g, Rectangle cellBounds, object rowObject ) : bool
e System.Windows.Forms.DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs The event
g System.Drawing.Graphics A Graphics for rendering
cellBounds System.Drawing.Rectangle The bounds of the cell
rowObject object The model object to be drawn
리턴 bool