C# 클래스 Box.V2.Managers.BoxSearchManager

The manager that represents the search endpoint
상속: BoxResourceManager
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: box/box-windows-sdk-v2 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
BoxSearchManager ( IBoxConfig config, IBoxService service, IBoxConverter converter, IAuthRepository auth, string asUser = null, bool suppressNotifications = null ) : Box.V2.Auth
SearchAsync ( string keyword = null, int limit = 30, int offset, List fields = null, string scope = null, List fileExtensions = null, System.DateTime createdAtRangeFromDate = null, System.DateTime createdAtRangeToDate = null, System.DateTime updatedAtRangeFromDate = null, System.DateTime updatedAtRangeToDate = null, int sizeRangeLowerBoundBytes = null, int sizeRangeUpperBoundBytes = null, List ownerUserIds = null, List ancestorFolderIds = null, List contentTypes = null, string type = null, string trashContent = null, List mdFilters = null ) : Task>

Search for items that are accessible by a single user or an entire enterprise.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
BuildDateRangeField ( System.DateTime from, System.DateTime to ) : string
BuildRangeString ( string from, string to ) : string
BuildSizeRangeField ( int lowerBoundBytes, int upperBoundBytes ) : string

메소드 상세

BoxSearchManager() 공개 메소드

public BoxSearchManager ( IBoxConfig config, IBoxService service, IBoxConverter converter, IAuthRepository auth, string asUser = null, bool suppressNotifications = null ) : Box.V2.Auth
config IBoxConfig
service IBoxService
converter IBoxConverter
auth IAuthRepository
asUser string
suppressNotifications bool
리턴 Box.V2.Auth

SearchAsync() 공개 메소드

Search for items that are accessible by a single user or an entire enterprise.
public SearchAsync ( string keyword = null, int limit = 30, int offset, List fields = null, string scope = null, List fileExtensions = null, System.DateTime createdAtRangeFromDate = null, System.DateTime createdAtRangeToDate = null, System.DateTime updatedAtRangeFromDate = null, System.DateTime updatedAtRangeToDate = null, int sizeRangeLowerBoundBytes = null, int sizeRangeUpperBoundBytes = null, List ownerUserIds = null, List ancestorFolderIds = null, List contentTypes = null, string type = null, string trashContent = null, List mdFilters = null ) : Task>
keyword string The string to search for. Box matches the search string against object names, descriptions, text contents of files, and other data.
limit int Number of search results to return. The default is 30 and the maximum is 200.
offset int The search result at which to start the response. The default is 0.
fields List Attribute(s) to include in the response.
scope string The scope for which you want to limit your search to. Can be user_content for a search limited to only the current user or enterprise_content for the entire enterprise. To enable the enterprise_content scope for an administrator, please contact Box.
fileExtensions List Limit searches to specific file extension(s).
createdAtRangeFromDate System.DateTime The from date for when the item was created
createdAtRangeToDate System.DateTime The to date for when the item was created
updatedAtRangeFromDate System.DateTime The from date for when the item was last updated
updatedAtRangeToDate System.DateTime The to date for when the item was last updated
sizeRangeLowerBoundBytes int The lower bound of the file size range in bytes
sizeRangeUpperBoundBytes int The upper bound of the file size range in bytes
ownerUserIds List Search by item owners
ancestorFolderIds List Limit searches to specific parent folders
contentTypes List Limit searches to specific Box designated content types. Can be name, description, file_content, comments, or tags.
type string The type you want to return in your search. Can be file, folder, or web_link
trashContent string Allows you to search within the trash. Can be trashed_only or non_trashed_only. Searches without this parameter default to non_trashed_only
mdFilters List Filters for a specific metadata template for files with metadata object associations. NOTE: For searches with the mdfilters param, a query string is not required. Currenly only one BoxMetadataFilterRequest element is allowed.
리턴 Task>