C# 클래스 Box.V2.Managers.BoxCollaborationsManager

상속: BoxResourceManager
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: box/box-windows-sdk-v2 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddCollaborationAsync ( BoxCollaborationRequest collaborationRequest, List fields = null, bool notify = null ) : Task

Used to add a collaboration for a single user or a single group to a folder. Either an email address, a user ID, or a group id can be used to create the collaboration. If the collaboration is being created with a group, access to this endpoint is granted based on the group's invitability_level.

BoxCollaborationsManager ( IBoxConfig config, IBoxService service, IBoxConverter converter, IAuthRepository auth, string asUser = null, bool suppressNotifications = null ) : Box.V2.Auth
EditCollaborationAsync ( BoxCollaborationRequest collaborationRequest, List fields = null ) : Task

Used to edit an existing collaboration. Descriptions of the various roles can be found here

GetCollaborationAsync ( string id, List fields = null ) : Task

Used to get information about a single collaboration.

GetPendingCollaborationAsync ( List fields = null ) : Task>

Used to retrieve all pending collaboration invites for this user (with user being determined by access token or As-User header value).

RemoveCollaborationAsync ( string id ) : Task

Used to delete a single collaboration.

메소드 상세

AddCollaborationAsync() 공개 메소드

Used to add a collaboration for a single user or a single group to a folder. Either an email address, a user ID, or a group id can be used to create the collaboration. If the collaboration is being created with a group, access to this endpoint is granted based on the group's invitability_level.
public AddCollaborationAsync ( BoxCollaborationRequest collaborationRequest, List fields = null, bool notify = null ) : Task
collaborationRequest Box.V2.Models.BoxCollaborationRequest BoxCollaborationRequest object.
fields List Attribute(s) to include in the response.
notify bool Determines if the user, (or all the users in the group) should receive email notification of the collaboration.
리턴 Task

BoxCollaborationsManager() 공개 메소드

public BoxCollaborationsManager ( IBoxConfig config, IBoxService service, IBoxConverter converter, IAuthRepository auth, string asUser = null, bool suppressNotifications = null ) : Box.V2.Auth
config IBoxConfig
service IBoxService
converter IBoxConverter
auth IAuthRepository
asUser string
suppressNotifications bool
리턴 Box.V2.Auth

EditCollaborationAsync() 공개 메소드

Used to edit an existing collaboration. Descriptions of the various roles can be found here
public EditCollaborationAsync ( BoxCollaborationRequest collaborationRequest, List fields = null ) : Task
collaborationRequest Box.V2.Models.BoxCollaborationRequest BoxCollaborationRequest object.
fields List Attribute(s) to include in the response.
리턴 Task

GetCollaborationAsync() 공개 메소드

Used to get information about a single collaboration.
public GetCollaborationAsync ( string id, List fields = null ) : Task
id string Id of the collaboration object.
fields List Attribute(s) to include in the response.
리턴 Task

GetPendingCollaborationAsync() 공개 메소드

Used to retrieve all pending collaboration invites for this user (with user being determined by access token or As-User header value).
public GetPendingCollaborationAsync ( List fields = null ) : Task>
fields List Attribute(s) to include in the response.
리턴 Task>

RemoveCollaborationAsync() 공개 메소드

Used to delete a single collaboration.
public RemoveCollaborationAsync ( string id ) : Task
id string Id of the collaboration to delete.
리턴 Task