메소드 | 설명 | |
DistrictManager ( IUnitOfWork uOW ) : System | ||
EditDistrict ( DistrictDTO district ) : DistrictDTO |
Manager method that edits specific district entry which id property value matches input parameters id property value
GetFilesDistricts ( ) : IEnumerable |
GetIQueryableDistricts ( ) : IQueryable |
GetSortedDeletedDistrictsBy ( string parameter ) : IEnumerable |
RestoreDistrict ( int Id ) : DistrictDTO |
Manager method has restoring function. It changes specific district entry Deleted property to false. It chooses required entry by input parameter.
SetDistrictDeleted ( int id ) : bool |
Manager method we use to delete specific district entry. District entry will not be deleted completely, only iit`s Deleted property will be set to true.
SetParent ( int id, int parentId ) : bool | ||
addDistrict ( DistrictDTO district ) : DistrictDTO |
Managaer method that adds new district entry to Db
deleteById ( int id ) : string |
Managaer method that deletes a specific district enty with id matching id parameter
getById ( int id ) : DistrictDTO |
Managaer method that gets one district entry which id property value matches input parameter.
getDeletedDistricts ( ) : IEnumerable |
Managaer method that gets new list of deleted district entries. These entries doesnt have Deleted property set to true.
getDistricts ( ) : IEnumerable |
Managaer method that gets new list of avialable district entries. These entries doesnt have Deleted property set to true.
searchAndSortDeletedDistricts ( string search, string sort ) : IEnumerable |
searchDeletedDistricts ( string parameter ) : IEnumerable |
searchDistricts ( string parameter ) : IEnumerable |
메소드 | 설명 | |
GetAllChildren ( int id ) : List |
SetDistrictStateModified ( |
Private managaer method that incapsulates edititng logic. Used by edit method, that changes specific district name property.
SetStateDeleted ( |
Private manager method that incapsulates all logic we need to set specific district entry to deleted state.
SetStateRestored ( |
Manager method that is used to set specific district object to avialable state. It changes object`s Deleted property to false.
SortCoordinates ( |
SortCoordinates ( List |
public DistrictManager ( IUnitOfWork uOW ) : System | ||
uOW | IUnitOfWork | |
리턴 | System |
public EditDistrict ( DistrictDTO district ) : DistrictDTO | ||
district | DistrictDTO | Input parameter that represents object of type District |
리턴 | DistrictDTO |
public GetSortedDeletedDistrictsBy ( string parameter ) : IEnumerable |
parameter | string | |
리턴 | IEnumerable |
public RestoreDistrict ( int Id ) : DistrictDTO | ||
Id | int | Input parameter that represents id property value. |
리턴 | DistrictDTO |
public addDistrict ( DistrictDTO district ) : DistrictDTO | ||
district | DistrictDTO | parameter that represents a new object |
리턴 | DistrictDTO |
public deleteById ( int id ) : string | ||
id | int | Input parameter thats represents specific district id |
리턴 | string |
public getById ( int id ) : DistrictDTO | ||
id | int | Input parameter that represents id property value. |
리턴 | DistrictDTO |
public searchAndSortDeletedDistricts ( string search, string sort ) : IEnumerable |
search | string | |
sort | string | |
리턴 | IEnumerable |
public searchDeletedDistricts ( string parameter ) : IEnumerable |
parameter | string | |
리턴 | IEnumerable |
public searchDistricts ( string parameter ) : IEnumerable |
parameter | string | |
리턴 | IEnumerable |