C# 클래스 Azavea.Open.DAO.Criteria.Grouping.GroupCountSortOrder

This can be used to indicate you want to sort based on the count in a count where you're aggregating values.
상속: SortOrder
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: azavea/net-dao

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GroupCountSortOrder ( )

Default sort order is ascending.

GroupCountSortOrder ( SortType direction )

Lets you specify the sort direction.

메소드 상세

GroupCountSortOrder() 공개 메소드

Default sort order is ascending.
public GroupCountSortOrder ( )

GroupCountSortOrder() 공개 메소드

Lets you specify the sort direction.
public GroupCountSortOrder ( SortType direction )
direction SortType Do you want counts going up or down?