메소드 | 설명 | |
CheckCurrentObjective ( |
Checks and updates current obective's count.
Dispose ( ) : void |
Disposes quest script, removing all subscriptions.
GetDefaultRewardGroup ( ) : |
Returns the default reward group (0 or 1).
GetRewards ( int rewardGroup, QuestResult result ) : ICollection |
Returns rewards for the given group and result. Mainly used for PTJs. |
Init ( ) : bool |
Initializes the script, loading the information and adding it to the script manager.
OnComplete ( |
OnReceive ( |
QuestScript ( ) : System |
Creates a new quest script instance.
메소드 | 설명 | |
AP ( short amount ) : |
AddObjective ( string ident, string description, int regionId, int x, int y, |
Adds objective that has to be cleared to complete the quest.
AddPrerequisite ( |
Adds prerequisite that has to be met before auto receiving the quest.
AddReward ( |
Adds reward the player can get for completing the quest.
AddReward ( int groupId, RewardGroupType type, QuestResult result, |
Adds reward to a specific reward group, that the player can select after completing the quest. Mainly used for PTJs. |
And ( ) : |
ClearDungeon ( string dungeonName ) : |
Collect ( int itemId, int amount ) : |
Completed ( int questId ) : |
Create ( int itemId, int amount, SkillId skillId, int quality = -1000 ) : |
Deliver ( int itemId, string npcName ) : |
Enchant ( int optionSetId ) : |
Equip ( string tag ) : |
EventActive ( string gameEventId ) : |
Exp ( int amount ) : |
ExplExp ( int amount ) : |
Gather ( int itemId, int amount ) : |
GetKeyword ( string keyword ) : |
Gold ( int amount ) : |
Item ( int itemId, int amount = 1 ) : |
Keyword ( string keyword ) : |
Kill ( int amount, string raceType ) : |
NotSkill ( SkillId skillId, SkillRank rank = SkillRank.Novice ) : |
Or ( ) : |
Pattern ( int itemId, int formId, int useCount ) : |
QuestScroll ( int questId ) : |
ReachLevel ( int level ) : |
ReachRank ( SkillId skillId, SkillRank rank ) : |
ReachedAge ( int age ) : |
ReachedLevel ( int level ) : |
ReachedRank ( SkillId skillId, SkillRank rank ) : |
ReachedTotalLevel ( int level ) : |
SetAdditionalInfo ( string info ) : void |
Sets additional info of quest.
SetCancelable ( bool cancelable ) : void |
Sets whether the quest can be canceled.
SetCategory ( QuestCategory category ) : void |
Sets quest's category, which is used to determin the tab it appears in.
SetClass ( QuestClass class_ ) : void |
Sets quest's class, which is displayed in squred brackets in front of its name.
SetDelay ( int delay ) : void |
Sets delay with which the quest arrives if sent via owl.
SetDescription ( string description ) : void |
Sets description of quest.
SetHours ( int start, int report, int deadline ) : void |
Sets PTJ hours.
SetIcon ( QuestIcon icon ) : void |
Sets quest's icon.
SetId ( int id ) : void |
Sets id of quest.
SetLevel ( QuestLevel level ) : void |
Sets quest's level (required for PTJ).
SetName ( string name ) : void |
Sets name of quest.
SetPtjType ( PtjType type ) : void |
Sets type for PTJs.
SetReceive ( Receive method ) : void |
Sets the way you receive the quest.
SetScrollId ( int id ) : void |
Sets id of the quest's item scroll.
SetType ( QuestType type ) : void |
Sets type of quest.
Skill ( SkillId skillId, SkillRank rank ) : |
Skill ( SkillId skillId, SkillRank rank, int training ) : |
StatBonus ( Stat stat, int amount ) : |
Talk ( string npcName ) : |
UseSkill ( SkillId skillId ) : |
WarpScroll ( int itemId, string portal ) : |
메소드 | 설명 | |
CanMakeProgress ( |
Returns true if creature can make progress on this quest. Used from objective event handlers, to see if the quest should receive the progress. |
CheckPrerequisites ( |
Returns true if all prerequisites are met, receive method is auto, and the creature doesn't have the quest yet.
CreatureGotKeyword ( |
Checks and updates current objective.
OnCreatureCreatedOrProducedItem ( |
Updates Create objectives. Creation and Production events share same event due to having the same ObjectiveType code. |
OnCreatureGathered ( CollectEventArgs args ) : void |
Updates gathering objectives.
OnCreatureKilledByPlayer ( |
Updates kill objectives.
OnCreatureLevelUp ( |
Checks prerequisites.
OnPlayerClearedDungeon ( |
Updates ClearDungeon objectives.
OnPlayerCompletesQuest ( |
Checks prerequisites.
OnPlayerEquipsItem ( |
Updates equip objectives.
OnPlayerLoggedIn ( |
Checks and starts auto quests.
OnPlayerReceivesOrRemovesItem ( |
Updates collect objectives.
OnPlayerUsedSkill ( |
Updates UseSkill objectives.
OnSkillRankChanged ( |
Updates reach rank objectives.
UpdateQuest ( |
Updates quest on client(s), depending on its type.
protected AP ( short amount ) : |
amount | short | |
리턴 |
protected AddObjective ( string ident, string description, int regionId, int x, int y, |
ident | string | |
description | string | |
regionId | int | |
x | int | |
y | int | |
objective | ||
리턴 | void |
protected AddPrerequisite ( |
prerequisite | ||
리턴 | void |
protected AddReward ( |
reward | ||
options | RewardOptions | |
리턴 | void |
protected AddReward ( int groupId, RewardGroupType type, QuestResult result, |
groupId | int | |
type | RewardGroupType | |
result | QuestResult | |
reward | ||
options | RewardOptions | |
리턴 | void |
public CheckCurrentObjective ( |
creature | ||
리턴 | void |
protected ClearDungeon ( string dungeonName ) : |
dungeonName | string | |
리턴 |
protected Collect ( int itemId, int amount ) : |
itemId | int | |
amount | int | |
리턴 |
protected Completed ( int questId ) : |
questId | int | |
리턴 |
protected Create ( int itemId, int amount, SkillId skillId, int quality = -1000 ) : |
itemId | int | |
amount | int | |
skillId | SkillId | |
quality | int | |
리턴 |
protected Deliver ( int itemId, string npcName ) : |
itemId | int | |
npcName | string | |
리턴 |
protected Enchant ( int optionSetId ) : |
optionSetId | int | |
리턴 |
protected Equip ( string tag ) : |
tag | string | |
리턴 |
protected EventActive ( string gameEventId ) : |
gameEventId | string | |
리턴 |
protected Exp ( int amount ) : |
amount | int | |
리턴 |
protected ExplExp ( int amount ) : |
amount | int | |
리턴 |
protected Gather ( int itemId, int amount ) : |
itemId | int | |
amount | int | |
리턴 |
public GetDefaultRewardGroup ( ) : |
리턴 |
protected GetKeyword ( string keyword ) : |
keyword | string | |
리턴 |
public GetRewards ( int rewardGroup, QuestResult result ) : ICollection |
rewardGroup | int | |
result | QuestResult | |
리턴 | ICollection |
protected Gold ( int amount ) : |
amount | int | |
리턴 |
protected Item ( int itemId, int amount = 1 ) : |
itemId | int | |
amount | int | |
리턴 |
protected Keyword ( string keyword ) : |
keyword | string | |
리턴 |
protected Kill ( int amount, string raceType ) : |
amount | int | |
raceType | string | |
리턴 |
protected NotSkill ( SkillId skillId, SkillRank rank = SkillRank.Novice ) : |
skillId | SkillId | |
rank | SkillRank | |
리턴 |
public OnComplete ( |
creature | ||
리턴 | void |
public OnReceive ( |
creature | ||
리턴 | void |
protected Pattern ( int itemId, int formId, int useCount ) : |
itemId | int | |
formId | int | |
useCount | int | |
리턴 |
protected QuestScroll ( int questId ) : |
questId | int | |
리턴 |
protected ReachLevel ( int level ) : |
level | int | |
리턴 |
protected ReachRank ( SkillId skillId, SkillRank rank ) : |
skillId | SkillId | |
rank | SkillRank | |
리턴 |
protected ReachedAge ( int age ) : |
age | int | |
리턴 |
protected ReachedLevel ( int level ) : |
level | int | |
리턴 |
protected ReachedRank ( SkillId skillId, SkillRank rank ) : |
skillId | SkillId | |
rank | SkillRank | |
리턴 |
protected ReachedTotalLevel ( int level ) : |
level | int | |
리턴 |
protected SetCategory ( QuestCategory category ) : void | ||
category | QuestCategory | |
리턴 | void |
protected SetDescription ( string description ) : void | ||
description | string | |
리턴 | void |
protected SetHours ( int start, int report, int deadline ) : void | ||
start | int | |
report | int | |
deadline | int | |
리턴 | void |
protected Skill ( SkillId skillId, SkillRank rank ) : |
skillId | SkillId | |
rank | SkillRank | |
리턴 |
protected Skill ( SkillId skillId, SkillRank rank, int training ) : |
skillId | SkillId | |
rank | SkillRank | |
training | int | |
리턴 |
protected StatBonus ( Stat stat, int amount ) : |
stat | Stat | |
amount | int | |
리턴 |
protected Talk ( string npcName ) : |
npcName | string | |
리턴 |
protected UseSkill ( SkillId skillId ) : |
skillId | SkillId | |
리턴 |
protected WarpScroll ( int itemId, string portal ) : |
itemId | int | |
portal | string | |
리턴 |