C# 클래스 Alba.Jaml.MSInternal.XamlLanguage

Defines constants that provide strings or objects that are useful for XAML markup or for programming with XAML types. These strings or objects are relevant to XAML language concepts, to the implementation of XAML language concepts in .NET Framework XAML Services, or to both.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Athari/Alba.Jaml

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명
GetAllDirectives ReadOnlyCollection
GetAllTypes ReadOnlyCollection
GetSchemaContext XamlSchemaContext
GetXamlDirective System.Xaml.XamlDirective
GetXamlDirective System.Xaml.XamlDirective
GetXamlDirective System.Xaml.XamlDirective
GetXamlType XamlType
GetXmlDirective System.Xaml.XamlDirective
LookupXamlDirective System.Xaml.XamlDirective
LookupXamlType XamlType
LookupXmlDirective System.Xaml.XamlDirective
TypeAlias string

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetAllDirectives ( ) : ReadOnlyCollection
GetAllTypes ( ) : ReadOnlyCollection
GetSchemaContext ( ) : XamlSchemaContext
GetXamlDirective ( string name ) : XamlDirective
GetXamlDirective ( string name, AllowedMemberLocations allowedLocation ) : XamlDirective
GetXamlDirective ( string name, XamlType xamlType, XamlValueConverter typeConverter, AllowedMemberLocations allowedLocation ) : XamlDirective
GetXamlType ( Type type ) : XamlType
GetXmlDirective ( string name ) : XamlDirective
LookupXamlDirective ( string name ) : XamlDirective
LookupXamlType ( string typeNamespace, string typeName ) : XamlType
LookupXmlDirective ( string name ) : XamlDirective
TypeAlias ( Type type ) : string