C# 클래스 Akka.Persistence.TestKit.Journal.JournalSpec

상속: PluginSpec
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: rogeralsing/akka.net

보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
Config Akka.Configuration.Config

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
Initialize ( ) : IEnumerable

Initializes a journal with set o predefined messages.

IsReplayedMessage ( ReplayedMessage message, long seqNr, bool isDeleted = false ) : bool
JournalSpec ( Config config = null, string actorSystemName = null, ITestOutputHelper output = null ) : System
JournalSpec ( Type journalType, string actorSystemName = null, ITestOutputHelper output = null ) : System
PreparePersistenceId ( string pid ) : void

Overridable hook that is called before populating the journal for the next test case. pid is the persistenceId that will be used in the test. This method may be needed to clean pre-existing events from the log.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ConfigFromTemplate ( Type journalType ) : Config
Journal_optionally_may_reject_non_serializable_events ( ) : void
Journal_should_not_replay_messages_if_count_limit_equals_zero ( ) : void
Journal_should_not_replay_messages_if_lower_sequence_number_bound_is_greater_than_upper_sequence_number_bound ( ) : void
Journal_should_not_replay_messages_if_the_persistent_actor_has_not_yet_written_messages ( ) : void
Journal_should_not_replay_permanently_deleted_messages_on_range_deletion ( ) : void
Journal_should_not_reset_HighestSequenceNr_after_journal_cleanup ( ) : void
Journal_should_not_reset_HighestSequenceNr_after_message_deletion ( ) : void
Journal_should_replay_a_single_if_lower_sequence_number_bound_equals_upper_sequence_number_bound ( ) : void
Journal_should_replay_a_single_message_if_count_limit_is_equal_one ( ) : void
Journal_should_replay_all_messages ( ) : void
Journal_should_replay_messages_using_a_count_limit ( ) : void
Journal_should_replay_messages_using_a_lower_sequence_number_bound ( ) : void
Journal_should_replay_messages_using_an_upper_sequence_number_bound ( ) : void
Journal_should_replay_messages_using_lower_and_upper_sequence_number_bound ( ) : void
Journal_should_replay_messages_using_lower_and_upper_sequence_number_bound_and_count_limit ( ) : void
WriteMessages ( int from, int to, string pid, IActorRef sender, string writerGuid ) : AtomicWrite[]

메소드 상세

Initialize() 보호된 메소드

Initializes a journal with set o predefined messages.
protected Initialize ( ) : IEnumerable
리턴 IEnumerable

IsReplayedMessage() 보호된 메소드

protected IsReplayedMessage ( ReplayedMessage message, long seqNr, bool isDeleted = false ) : bool
message ReplayedMessage
seqNr long
isDeleted bool
리턴 bool

JournalSpec() 보호된 메소드

protected JournalSpec ( Config config = null, string actorSystemName = null, ITestOutputHelper output = null ) : System
config Akka.Configuration.Config
actorSystemName string
output ITestOutputHelper
리턴 System

JournalSpec() 보호된 메소드

protected JournalSpec ( Type journalType, string actorSystemName = null, ITestOutputHelper output = null ) : System
journalType System.Type
actorSystemName string
output ITestOutputHelper
리턴 System

PreparePersistenceId() 보호된 메소드

Overridable hook that is called before populating the journal for the next test case. pid is the persistenceId that will be used in the test. This method may be needed to clean pre-existing events from the log.
protected PreparePersistenceId ( string pid ) : void
pid string
리턴 void

프로퍼티 상세

Config 보호되어 있는 정적으로 프로퍼티

protected static Config,Akka.Configuration Config
리턴 Akka.Configuration.Config