메소드 |
설명 |
BuildConnectionString ( bool integratedSecurity, string databaseName, string serverName, string userName, string password ) : string |
CanUseExtendedProperty ( string connectionString ) : bool |
Determines if we can use extended properties, Azure does NOT allow them |
CreateDatabase ( InstallSetup setup ) : void |
DeleteExtendedProperty ( string connectionString, string propertyName ) : void |
ExecuteSQL ( SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction, string sql ) : void |
ExecuteSQL ( SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction, string sql, string>.List failedScripts ) : void |
ExecuteSQL ( SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction, string sql, string>.List failedScripts, List successOrderScripts ) : void |
ExtendedPropertyExists ( string connectionString, string property, string user, string table, string column ) : bool |
GetDatabaseMetaProperty ( string connectionString, string propertyName ) : string |
GetDatabaseNames ( string connectString ) : string[] |
GetHistory ( string connectionString ) : List |
GetSQLDropScript ( string sql ) : string |
Try to strip a name of a database object from a create script |
GetServers ( ) : string[] |
GetSkipSectionName ( string text ) : string |
GetSqlColumnsForTable ( string tableName ) : string |
GetSqlForForeignKeys ( string parentTable, string childTable, string constraintName ) : string |
GetSqlForRelationships ( string tableName ) : string |
GetSqlForTableExtendedPropertyLikeCount ( string tableName, string likeString ) : string |
GetTableColumns ( string connectString, string tableName ) : DataSet |
GetTableNamesAsArrayList ( string connectString ) : ArrayList |
GetTables ( string connectString ) : string[] |
HasCreatePermissions ( string connectString ) : bool |
InsertExtendedPropery ( string connectionString, string property, string propertyValue, string user, string table, string column ) : void |
RemoveTable ( string connectString, string tableName ) : void |
SQLAllocHandle ( short hType, IntPtr inputHandle, IntPtr &outputHandle ) : short |
SQLBrowseConnect ( IntPtr hconn, StringBuilder inString, short inStringLength, StringBuilder outString, short outStringLength, short &outLengthNeeded ) : short |
SQLFreeHandle ( short hType, IntPtr handle ) : short |
SQLSetEnvAttr ( IntPtr henv, int attribute, IntPtr valuePtr, int strLength ) : short |
SQLStripObjectName ( string sql, string objectHeader ) : string |
SelectExtendedProperty ( string connectionString, string property, string user, string table, string column ) : string |
SqlRemoveTable ( string tableName ) : string |
SqlServers ( ) : System |
TestConnectionString ( string connectString ) : bool |
UpdateDatabaseMetaProperty ( string connectionString, string propertyName, string propertyValue ) : void |
UpdateExtendedProperty ( string connectionString, string property, string propertyValue, string user, string table, string column ) : void |