C# 클래스 Accord.Math.Optimization.QuadraticConstraint

Constraint with only quadratic terms.
상속: NonlinearConstraint, IConstraint
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: accord-net/framework 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
QuadraticConstraint ( IObjectiveFunction objective, double quadraticTerms, double linearTerms = null, ConstraintType shouldBe = ConstraintType.LesserThanOrEqualTo, double value, double withinTolerance = 0.0 ) : System

Constructs a new quadratic constraint in the form x'Ax + x'b.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
function ( double x ) : double
gradient ( double x ) : double[]

메소드 상세

QuadraticConstraint() 공개 메소드

Constructs a new quadratic constraint in the form x'Ax + x'b.
public QuadraticConstraint ( IObjectiveFunction objective, double quadraticTerms, double linearTerms = null, ConstraintType shouldBe = ConstraintType.LesserThanOrEqualTo, double value, double withinTolerance = 0.0 ) : System
objective IObjectiveFunction The objective function to which this constraint refers.
quadraticTerms double The matrix of A quadratic terms.
linearTerms double The vector b of linear terms.
shouldBe ConstraintType How the left hand side of the constraint should be compared to /// the given .
value double The right hand side of the constraint equation.
withinTolerance double The tolerance for violations of the constraint. Equality /// constraints should set this to a small positive value. Default is 0.
리턴 System