C# 클래스 StewartVarLibraryPtjBaseScript, aura

상속: QuestScript
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: aura-project/aura

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Load ( ) : void
OnComplete ( Creature, creature ) : void

Removes other quest items for PTJs involving more than one book.

Fix #414: Lingering books on quest completion for Stewart PTJ This might be removed when "any order" quest objective completion is implemented.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
OnFinish ( NpcScript, npc, string npcIdent ) : Task,

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddRewards ( ) : void
GenerateBookcaseAfterIntroHook ( string objectiveIdent, int bookItemId ) : NpcScriptHook
GenerateNpcAfterIntroHook ( string objectiveIdent, NpcBookPair nbp ) : NpcScriptHook
GetLCollectDescription ( int itemId ) : string

Returns a localised objective description in the forme of

"Receive [{BookTitle}] for return."

But if there is no definition for the specified book item ID, issues log warning and

returns "Receive the overdue [Book]."

Intended to be used when not shelving books.

GetLDeliverDescription ( string bookcaseNpcIdent ) : string

Returns a localised objective description in the forme of

"Return the book to the [{BookcaseName}] section."

Intended to be used when shelving books.

GetLItemReceivedNotice ( NpcBookPair nbp ) : string

Returns localised notice text in the forme of

"You have received {BookTitle} requested for delivery from {NpcName}."

But if there is no definition for the specified NPC and book item ID, a log warning is issued and a blank string is returned.

GetLTalkDescription ( NpcBookPair nbp ) : string

Returns a localised objective description in the forme of

"Receive [{BookTitle}] from {NpcName} at {Location} for return."

But if there is no definition for the specified NPC and book item ID, issues log warning and

returns "Receive a book from {NpcIdent} for return."

Intended to be used when shelving books.

Some texts have been shortened to account for textbox overflow: https://files.gitter.im/aura-project/aura/4QYo/blob

GetLTalkDescription ( string npcIdent ) : string

Returns a localised objective description in the forme of

"Talk to {NpcName} at {Location}."

But if there is no definition for the specified NPC identifier, issues log warning and

returns "Talk to {NpcIdent}."

Intended to be used when not shelving books.

GetMatchingBookcaseNpcIdent ( int bookItemId ) : string

Returns the NPC identifier of the bookcase corresponding to the specified bookItemId.

If no matching bookcase NPC identifier is found, returns fallback _bookcase05, [Specialties] section.

Not all books need to be shelved.

메소드 상세

Load() 공개 메소드

public Load ( ) : void
리턴 void

OnComplete() 공개 메소드

Removes other quest items for PTJs involving more than one book.
Fix #414: Lingering books on quest completion for Stewart PTJ This might be removed when "any order" quest objective completion is implemented.
public OnComplete ( Creature, creature ) : void
creature Creature,
리턴 void

OnFinish() 보호된 메소드

protected OnFinish ( NpcScript, npc, string npcIdent ) : Task,
npc NpcScript,
npcIdent string
리턴 Task,