C# 클래스 SomeEnumHelperMethodsThatMakeDoingWhatYouWantEasier, code

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공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
HasFlag ( Enum, variable, Enum, value ) : bool

Check to see if a flags enumeration has a specific flag set.

Include ( Enum, value, append ) : T,

Includes an enumerated type and returns the new value

IncludeAll ( Enum, value ) : T,
Remove ( Enum, value, remove ) : T,

Removes an enumerated type and returns the new value

메소드 상세

HasFlag() 공개 정적인 메소드

Check to see if a flags enumeration has a specific flag set.
public static HasFlag ( Enum, variable, Enum, value ) : bool
variable Enum, Flags enumeration to check
value Enum, Flag to check for
리턴 bool

Include() 공개 정적인 메소드

Includes an enumerated type and returns the new value
public static Include ( Enum, value, append ) : T,
value Enum,
리턴 T,

IncludeAll() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static IncludeAll ( Enum, value ) : T,
value Enum,
리턴 T,

Remove() 공개 정적인 메소드

Removes an enumerated type and returns the new value
public static Remove ( Enum, value, remove ) : T,
value Enum,
리턴 T,