C# 클래스 SimEvtList, plausible-deniability

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공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
addEvt ( this events, SimEvt, evt ) : void

inserts specified event into list in order of ascending event time

peekTime ( this events ) : long

returns time of first (earliest) event in list, or long.MaxValue if list is empty

pop ( this events ) : SimEvt,

pops the first (earliest) event from the list, returning null if list is empty

메소드 상세

addEvt() 공개 정적인 메소드

inserts specified event into list in order of ascending event time
public static addEvt ( this events, SimEvt, evt ) : void
events this
evt SimEvt,
리턴 void

peekTime() 공개 정적인 메소드

returns time of first (earliest) event in list, or long.MaxValue if list is empty
public static peekTime ( this events ) : long
events this
리턴 long

pop() 공개 정적인 메소드

pops the first (earliest) event from the list, returning null if list is empty
public static pop ( this events ) : SimEvt,
events this
리턴 SimEvt,