C# 클래스 FileIOHelper, TabMigrate

Helper for file io
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: tableau/TabMigrate 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CreatePathIfNeeded ( string localPath ) : void

Ensures the specified path exists

EnsureProjectBasedPath ( string basePath, IProjectsList projectList, IHasProjectId project, TaskStatusLogs, statusLog ) : string

If we have Project Mapping information, generate a project based path for the download

FilenameWithDateTimeUnique ( string baseName, Nullable when = null ) : string

Gives us a high probability unqique file name

GenerateWindowsSafeFilename ( string fileNameIn ) : string

Take any text in an munge it into name that is valid on windows

PathDateTimeSubdirectory ( string basePath, bool createDirectory, string newDirectoryPrefix = "", Nullable when = null ) : string

Creates a high-probabilty-unique path based on the current date-time

Undo_GenerateWindowsSafeFilename ( string fileNameIn ) : string

Reverses 'GenerateWindowsSafeFilename_Reverse'

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetFilenameSwapValues ( ) : string>>.List

메소드 상세

CreatePathIfNeeded() 공개 정적인 메소드

Ensures the specified path exists
public static CreatePathIfNeeded ( string localPath ) : void
localPath string
리턴 void

EnsureProjectBasedPath() 공개 정적인 메소드

If we have Project Mapping information, generate a project based path for the download
public static EnsureProjectBasedPath ( string basePath, IProjectsList projectList, IHasProjectId project, TaskStatusLogs, statusLog ) : string
basePath string
projectList IProjectsList
project IHasProjectId
statusLog TaskStatusLogs,
리턴 string

FilenameWithDateTimeUnique() 공개 정적인 메소드

Gives us a high probability unqique file name
public static FilenameWithDateTimeUnique ( string baseName, Nullable when = null ) : string
baseName string
when Nullable
리턴 string

GenerateWindowsSafeFilename() 공개 정적인 메소드

Take any text in an munge it into name that is valid on windows
public static GenerateWindowsSafeFilename ( string fileNameIn ) : string
fileNameIn string
리턴 string

PathDateTimeSubdirectory() 공개 정적인 메소드

Creates a high-probabilty-unique path based on the current date-time
public static PathDateTimeSubdirectory ( string basePath, bool createDirectory, string newDirectoryPrefix = "", Nullable when = null ) : string
basePath string
createDirectory bool
newDirectoryPrefix string
when Nullable
리턴 string

Undo_GenerateWindowsSafeFilename() 공개 정적인 메소드

Reverses 'GenerateWindowsSafeFilename_Reverse'
public static Undo_GenerateWindowsSafeFilename ( string fileNameIn ) : string
fileNameIn string
리턴 string