C# 클래스 CutsceneTracksView, silverscreen

상속: ICutsceneGUI
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: mminer/silverscreen

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CutsceneTracksView ( CutsceneEditor, ed ) : UnityEditor
OnGUI ( Rect rect ) : void

Displays the tracks GUI.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
DisplayClip ( Rect trackRect, CutsceneTrack, track, CutsceneClip, clip ) : void

Displays a clip.

DisplayTrack ( Rect rect, CutsceneTrack, track ) : void

Displays visual tracks upon which clips sit.

DrawInLine ( Rect rect ) : void

Draws the in point line over the timeline.

DrawLines ( Rect rect ) : void

Draws the in, out, and playhead lines.

DrawOutLine ( Rect rect ) : void

Draws the out point line over the timeline.

DrawPlayhead ( Rect rect ) : void

Draws the playhead over the timeline.

SplitClip ( CutsceneTrack, track, CutsceneClip, clip, Vector2 mousePosition ) : CutsceneClip,

Splits a clip into two separate ones.

메소드 상세

CutsceneTracksView() 공개 메소드

public CutsceneTracksView ( CutsceneEditor, ed ) : UnityEditor
ed CutsceneEditor,
리턴 UnityEditor

OnGUI() 공개 메소드

Displays the tracks GUI.
public OnGUI ( Rect rect ) : void
rect Rect The tracks' Rect.
리턴 void