C# 클래스 Carrot, carrot-unity

상속: Vegetable
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: GoCarrotArchive/carrot-unity 1 사용 예제들

공개 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
SDKVersion string

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
authStatusString ( AuthStatus authStatus ) : string

Return the string value of an AuthStatus value.

popupFeedPost ( string objectInstanceId, object>.Dictionary objectProperties = null, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void
postAchievement ( string achievementId, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void

Post an achievement to Carrot.

postAction ( string actionId, IDictionary actionProperties, ViralObject viralObject, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void

Sends an Open Graph action which will create a new object.

postAction ( string actionId, IDictionary actionProperties, string objectInstanceId, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void

Sends an Open Graph action which will use an existing object.

postAction ( string actionId, ViralObject viralObject, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void

Sends an Open Graph action which will create a new object.

postAction ( string actionId, string objectInstanceId, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void

Sends an Open Graph action which will use an existing object.

postHighScore ( uint score, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void

Post a high score to Carrot.

postPremiumCurrencyPurchase ( float amount, string currency, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void

Inform Carrot about a purchase of premium currency for metrics tracking.

signParams ( string hostname, string endpoint, string secret, object>.Dictionary urlParams ) : string
validateUser ( string accessTokenOrFacebookId ) : void

Validate a Facebook user to allow posting of Carrot events.

This method will trigger notification of authentication status using the AuthenticationStatusChanged event.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
feedPostCallbackHandler ( object>.Dictionary reply ) : void
javascriptSDKFeedPostCallback ( string message ) : void
unitySDKFeedPostCallback ( object fbResult ) : void

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Carrot ( ) : System
CarrotCertValidator ( object sender, X509Certificate, certificate, X509Chain, chain, SslPolicyErrors, sslPolicyErrors ) : bool
OnApplicationPause ( bool isPaused ) : void
OnApplicationQuit ( ) : void
Start ( ) : void
addCommonPayloadFields ( UnityEngine payload, object>.Dictionary urlParams ) : void
assignUnityObject2Instance ( string message ) : void
cachedRequestCoroutine ( ServiceType, serviceType, string endpoint, object>.Dictionary parameters, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : IEnumerator
cachedRequestHandler ( CarrotCache, cachedRequest, CarrotRequestResponse callback ) : CarrotRequestResponse
hostForServiceType ( ServiceType, type ) : string
postAction ( string actionId, IDictionary actionProperties, string objectId, IDictionary objectProperties, string objectInstanceId = null, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void
postAction ( string actionId, string objectId, IDictionary objectProperties, string objectInstanceId = null, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void
sendAppOpenedEvent ( ) : IEnumerator
sendInstallMetricIfNeeded ( ) : IEnumerator
servicesDiscoveryCoroutine ( ) : IEnumerator
signedRequestCoroutine ( Request, carrotRequest, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : IEnumerator
validateUserCoroutine ( string accessTokenOrFacebookId ) : IEnumerator

메소드 상세

authStatusString() 공개 정적인 메소드

Return the string value of an AuthStatus value.
public static authStatusString ( AuthStatus authStatus ) : string
authStatus AuthStatus
리턴 string

feedPostCallbackHandler() 보호된 메소드

protected feedPostCallbackHandler ( object>.Dictionary reply ) : void
reply object>.Dictionary
리턴 void

javascriptSDKFeedPostCallback() 보호된 메소드

protected javascriptSDKFeedPostCallback ( string message ) : void
message string
리턴 void

popupFeedPost() 공개 메소드

public popupFeedPost ( string objectInstanceId, object>.Dictionary objectProperties = null, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void
objectInstanceId string
objectProperties object>.Dictionary
callback CarrotRequestResponse
리턴 void

postAchievement() 공개 메소드

Post an achievement to Carrot.
public postAchievement ( string achievementId, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void
achievementId string Carrot achievement id.
callback CarrotRequestResponse Optional which will be used to deliver the reply.
리턴 void

postAction() 공개 메소드

Sends an Open Graph action which will create a new object.
public postAction ( string actionId, IDictionary actionProperties, ViralObject viralObject, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void
actionId string Carrot action id.
actionProperties IDictionary Parameters to be submitted with the action.
viralObject ViralObject A describing the object to be created.
callback CarrotRequestResponse Optional which will be used to deliver the reply.
리턴 void

postAction() 공개 메소드

Sends an Open Graph action which will use an existing object.
public postAction ( string actionId, IDictionary actionProperties, string objectInstanceId, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void
actionId string Carrot action id.
actionProperties IDictionary Parameters to be submitted with the action.
objectInstanceId string Carrot object instance id.
callback CarrotRequestResponse Optional which will be used to deliver the reply.
리턴 void

postAction() 공개 메소드

Sends an Open Graph action which will create a new object.
public postAction ( string actionId, ViralObject viralObject, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void
actionId string Carrot action id.
viralObject ViralObject A describing the object to be created.
callback CarrotRequestResponse Optional which will be used to deliver the reply.
리턴 void

postAction() 공개 메소드

Sends an Open Graph action which will use an existing object.
public postAction ( string actionId, string objectInstanceId, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void
actionId string Carrot action id.
objectInstanceId string Carrot object instance id.
callback CarrotRequestResponse Optional which will be used to deliver the reply.
리턴 void

postHighScore() 공개 메소드

Post a high score to Carrot.
public postHighScore ( uint score, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void
score uint Score.
callback CarrotRequestResponse Optional which will be used to deliver the reply.
리턴 void

postPremiumCurrencyPurchase() 공개 메소드

Inform Carrot about a purchase of premium currency for metrics tracking.
public postPremiumCurrencyPurchase ( float amount, string currency, CarrotRequestResponse callback = null ) : void
amount float The amount of real money spent.
currency string The type of real money spent (eg. USD).
callback CarrotRequestResponse Optional which will be used to deliver the reply.
리턴 void

signParams() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static signParams ( string hostname, string endpoint, string secret, object>.Dictionary urlParams ) : string
hostname string
endpoint string
secret string
urlParams object>.Dictionary
리턴 string

unitySDKFeedPostCallback() 보호된 메소드

protected unitySDKFeedPostCallback ( object fbResult ) : void
fbResult object
리턴 void

validateUser() 공개 메소드

Validate a Facebook user to allow posting of Carrot events.
This method will trigger notification of authentication status using the AuthenticationStatusChanged event.
public validateUser ( string accessTokenOrFacebookId ) : void
accessTokenOrFacebookId string Facebook user access token or Facebook User Id.
리턴 void

프로퍼티 상세

SDKVersion 공개적으로 정적으로 프로퍼티

Carrot SDK version.
public static string SDKVersion
리턴 string