C# (CSharp) multithreading Namespace


Name Description
JobCenter Represents a job center that creates and manages workers and assignes jobs to them. Not thread-safe!, should only be used from a single thread environment.
JobCenter.Worker Represents a worker. A worker does work. One can assign as many jobs to him, as one likes. They all get stored in a queue, which the worker works on. You can rest while he's doing your work and he will wake you up, if he's finished. If there are no jobs to do for the moment, the worker rests, releasing system resources. A worker is implemented as a thread, so creating multiple workers and letting them work on independent jobs grants a performance benefit on multi processor systems. Or you just can realize asnychronous operations (on a single processer system).
MergeDepthBufferJob A job that merges a shared depth buffer.
RenderObjectJob A job that renders an object.