Name |
Description |
ACorFunction |
AbsExpression |
The absolute expression |...| which returns the absolute value of the evaluated value inside. |
AbsFunction |
AdjungateOperator |
This is the operator for adjungating a matrix. |
AllFunction |
AlphaConstant |
AndOperator |
The basic and && operator. |
Annotation |
The abstract base class for plot annotations. |
AnyFunction |
ArccosFunction |
ArccotFunction |
ArccscFunction |
ArcoshFunction |
ArcothFunction |
ArcschFunction |
ArcsecFunction |
ArcsinFunction |
ArctanFunction |
ArgFunction |
ArgsOperator |
Operator for arguments () for symbols (usually functions!). |
ArgumentsAttribute |
ArsechFunction |
ArsinhFunction |
AssignmentOperator |
This class represents the basis of the assignment operators as well as the simple assignment operator (=). |
AssignmentPrefixOperator |
This class represents the abstract basis for all combined assignment operators (binary operator and =). |
AvgFunction |
BarFunction |
BaseConstant |
This class gives an abstract base class for your own implementations of classes that represent constants. |
BaseFunction |
The abstract base class for StandardFunctions and ArgumentFunctions |
BernoulliConstant |
Bessel0Function |
Bessel1Function |
BesselFunction |
BetaFunction |
Bin2DecFunction |
BinaryOperator |
The abstract base class for any binary operator (+, -, *, ...). |
BinaryOperatorMappingList |
A list of binary operators. |
Block |
This is an abstract basic parse block. |
BodyKeyword |
The abstract base class for all keywords with a body. |
BootstrapFunction |
BracketExpression |
The bracket expression (...). |
BreakKeyword |
This is the class responsible for the break keyword. Basic syntax: break; |
BreakableKeyword |
Represents the abstract base class for any keyword that allows the break keyword to be used in an inner scope. |
CGFunction |
Cart2PolFunction |
Cart2SphFunction |
CastFunction |
CatalanConstant |
CeilFunction |
CholFunction |
ClearFunction |
ColumnOperator |
The matrix column operator , - used to seperate various columns in the entered matrix. |
CommaOperator |
This is the class used for the operator that seperated various arguments in round brackets. |
ComplexPlotValue |
Holds the complexplot data. |
ConjFunction |
ContainerConstant |
ContainerExpression |
Represents a container for expressions and corresponding operators. |
ContainerExtensions |
ContainerFunction |
ContourFunction |
ContourPlotValue |
Contains the data for contourplot data. |
ContourPlotValue.ContourPoint |
Represents one point in the contour. |
ConventionExtensions |
Contains some extensions used to tackle some conventions used in the code. |
ConvnFunction |
CorFunction |
CosFunction |
CoshFunction |
CotFunction |
CothFunction |
CovFunction |
CplotFunction |
CscFunction |
CschFunction |
CumprodFunction |
CumsumFunction |
DateFunction |
DegConstant |
DeltaConstant |
DescriptionAttribute |
Deserializer |
The deserializer class for helping in the serialization process. |
DetFunction |
DevFunction |
DiagFunction |
DiffFunction |
DigammaFunction |
DimFunction |
DistFunction |
DoKeyword |
The class representing the do keyword for do {...} while(...); loops. Basic syntax: do STATEMENT while ( CONDITION) ; |
DotDivideOperator |
The right divide operator ./ |
DotLeftDivideOperator |
The .\ operator. |
DotMultiplyOperator |
The .* operator. |
DotOperator |
The abstract base class for any dot operator (.*, ./, ...), which is essentially a special binary operator. |
DotPowerOperator |
The .^ operator. |
EConstant |
EigFunction |
EigValFunction |
EigVecFunction |
ElseKeyword |
The else keyword - can (and should) only be instantiated by the if keyword. Basic syntax: else STATEMENT Can only be used after an IF or ELSE IF |
EmptyExpression |
The empty expression - just a dummy! |
EqOperator |
The basic equals == operator. |
ErfFunction |
ErfcFunction |
ErrorPlotValue |
Is the type for errorbar plots. |
ErrorPlotValue.ErrorPointPair |
Represents an error point. |
ErrorbarFunction |
EvalFunction |
ExampleAttribute |
ExpFunction |
ExpressionExtensions |
EyeFunction |
FFTFunction |
FactorialFunction |
FactorialOperator |
This is the factorial operator !. |
FaddeevaFunction |
FalseConstant |
FatArrowOperator |
The fat arrow used for lambda expressions. |
FindFunction |
FixFunction |
FloorFunction |
ForKeyword |
The for keyword with the corresponding loop construct. Basic syntax: for ( INIT ; CONDITION ; END ) STATEMENT |
FormatFunction |
FplotFunction |
FunctionKeyword |
Represents the syntax for a function keyword. The basic syntax is function NAME ( ARGS ) STATEMENT |
FunctionParameters |
Container for conserving information about parameters. |
FunctionValue |
A function value, i.e. a lambda expression or existing function wrapped as a value that can be used within YAMP. |
GMRESFunction |
Gamma1Constant |
GammaFunction |
GaussConstant |
GcdFunction |
GroupExpression |
This class represents a group of statements. |
GtEqOperator |
The basic greater equals operator. |
GtOperator |
The construction scheme for a greater than operator. |
HeatmapFunction |
HeatmapPlotValue |
Contains the data for heatmap plots. |
HeatmapPlotValue.HeatPoint |
Represents one point in the heatmap. |
HeavisideFunction |
HelpFunction |
Hex2DecFunction |
HistFunction |
HistogramFunction |
HmeanFunction |
IConstant |
IfKeyword |
The class for the if keyword. Basic syntax: if ( CONDITION ) STATEMENT |
ImagFunction |
ImgToRGBFunction |
IntFunction |
InvFunction |
InvOperator |
Inverts the given scalar. This operator is a unary operator, but is used as a binary one with a pseudo expression on the left side. |
IsComplexFunction |
IsInfiniteFunction |
IsIntFunction |
IsNaNFunction |
IsPrimeFunction |
IsRealFunction |
Keyword |
Abstract base class of scripting keywords. |
LUFunction |
LeftDivideAssignmentOperator |
This is the class for the \= operator. |
LeftDivideOperator |
This is the left divide operator \ |
LeftUnaryOperator |
LengthFunction |
LetKeyword |
The let keyword to create local variables. Basic syntax: let NAME [OP STATEMENT]; |
LinfitFunction |
LinkAttribute |
LinspaceFunction |
LnFunction |
Log10Function |
Log2Function |
LogFunction |
LogLogFunction |
LogicOperator |
The abstract base class for any logic operator (==, ~=, >, >=, ...), which is essentially a binary operator. |
LogspaceFunction |
LsqFunction |
LtEqOperator |
This is the representation of a lighter or equal to operator. |
LtOperator |
This is the lighter than operator. |
MagicFunction |
MandelbrotFunction |
MatrixExpression |
The matrix [ ... ] expression. |
MatrixIndex |
Information about a specific matrix index. |
MatrixValue |
The class for representing a matrix value. |
MaxFunction |
MeanFunction |
MedianFunction |
MemberFunction |
The abstract base class used for all MemberFunction functions (with @this). |
MemberOperator |
The member (dot) operator used to access members of objects. |
MeshFunction |
MeshgridFunction |
MinFunction |
MinusAssignmentOperator |
This is the class for the -= operator. |
MinusOperator |
The usual - operator. |
ModFunction |
ModuloOperator |
The class for the standard modulo operator. |
MultiplyAssignmentOperator |
This is the class representing the *= operator. |
MultiplyOperator |
The class for the standard multiply operator. |
NcrFunction |
NegateOperator |
Returns the given scalar(s) with a switched sign. This operator is a unary operator, but is used as a binary one with a pseudo expression on the left side. |
NeqOperator |
This is the not equal to operator. |
NeqOperator.AliasNeqOperator |
NeqOperator.StandardNeqOperator |
NewtonFunction |
NotificationEventArgs |
This class is used to transmit notifications in interactive mode. |
NotifyFunction |
NumberExpression |
This class evaluates and creates number 012345 expressions. |
NumericValue |
Base class for numeric classes. |
ObjectExtensions |
ObjectValue |
The class for representing an object value. |
Oct2DecFunction |
OmegaConstant |
OpDefinitions |
This public class declares some exposable operator's symbols and levels |
Operator |
The abstract base class for any operator (unary, binary, ...). |
OrOperator |
The basic or || operator. |
ParseContext |
Class that describes the current parse context (available functions, constants, variables, ...). |
ParseEngine |
The parse engine of YAMP. This engine has been introduced with YAMP v1.2 and is called YAMP-PE, which stands for YAMP-ParseEngine. |
Parser |
The YAMP interaction class. |
ParserExtensions |
Useful extensions for the Parser class. |
PauseEventArgs |
Data used for giving user prompts. |
PauseFunction |
PhiConstant |
PiConstant |
Plot2DValue |
Is the type for basic 2D plotting. |
Plot2DValue.PointPair |
One point of a series. |
Plot3DValue |
Container for 3D plots. |
Plot3DValue.PointTriple |
Represents a 3D point. |
Plot3Function |
PlotEventArgs |
Contains information about which variable changed its value into what. |
PlotFunction |
PlotValue |
Abstract base class for any plot. |
PlusAssignmentOperator |
This class represents the += operator. |
PlusOperator |
The class for the standard + operator. |
Pol2CartFunction |
PolarFunction |
PolarPlotValue |
Container for polar plot data. |
PolarPlotValue.PointPair |
Represents one point in the polar plot. |
PolyfitFunction |
PolyvalFunction |
PosateOperator |
Just returns the given value. |
PostDecOperator |
This is the postfix decrement operator --. |
PostIncOperator |
This is the postfix increment operator ++. |
PowerAssignmentOperator |
This class represents the ^= operator. |
PowerOperator |
This class contains the construction plan for a power operator. |
PreDecOperator |
This is the prefix decrement operator --. |
PreIncOperator |
This is the prefix increment operator ++. |
PrecisionFunction |
PrintfFunction |
ProdFunction |
PromptFunction |
QRFunction |
QueryContext |
Represents the context that is used for the current input query. |
QueryContextExtensions |
Useful extensions for QueryContext instances. |
RGBToImgFunction |
RandFunction |
RandbFunction |
RandeFunction |
RandgFunction |
RandiFunction |
RandlFunction |
RandnFunction |
RandpFunction |
RandrFunction |
RandwFunction |
RangeOperator |
This is the class for the range operator : - this one is also available as a stand-alone expression. |
RangeValue |
A special kind of matrix which is a range (vector). |
RealFunction |
Register |
Helpers to handle operator registration. |
ReturnKeyword |
Represents the return keyword to cancel the current execution and return the given expression [if any]. |
ReturnsAttribute |
RightDivideAssignmentOperator |
This is the class for the standard /= operator. |
RightDivideOperator |
The standard right divide / operator. |
RightUnaryOperator |
RootFunction |
RoundFunction |
RowOperator |
This class represents the matrix row seperator operator ;. |
ScalarValue |
A scalar value, which is a complex double type. |
SecFunction |
SechFunction |
SemiLogXFunction |
SemiLogYFunction |
Serializer |
Helper class for the serialization process. |
SetDefFunction |
SetFunction |
SignFunction |
SimpsFunction |
SinFunction |
SinhFunction |
SizeFunction |
SleepFunction |
SolveFunction |
SortFunction |
SpecialExpression |
This is the class that represents some special expressions (like :). |
Sph2CartFunction |
SphereFunction |
SplineFunction |
SplitFunction |
SqrtFunction |
StandardFunction |
The abstract base class used for all standard functions. |
StringExpression |
Presents the class for string expressions "...". |
StringValue |
The class for representing a string value. |
SubPlotValue |
A container class for various plots. |
SubPlotValue.SubPlot |
Container for subplot information. |
SubplotFunction |
SumFunction |
SurfFunction |
SurfacePlotValue |
Contains the data for surface and mesh plots. |
SurfacePlotValue.Vertex |
Represents one point in the surface plot. |
SvdFunction |
SystemFunction |
SystemFunction is a special kind of ArgumentFunction, which saves the passed ParseContext in a variable, which can be accessed over the property Context. |
TanFunction |
TanhFunction |
TimeFunction |
TimerFunction |
TraceFunction |
TransposeOperator |
Represents a transpose operator (in analogy to the adjungate operator). |
TrapzFunction |
TreeExpression |
This is the abstract base class for expressions that contain other expressions (and operators), i.e. for containing a container expressions. |
TrilFunction |
TriuFunction |
TrueConstant |
TypeExtensions |
TypeFunction |
UnaryOperator |
The abstract base class for every unary operator (!, ', ...) |
UserInputEventArgs |
Data used for giving user prompts. |
Value |
Abstract base value for any value type. |
VarFunction |
VariableEventArgs |
Contains information about which variable changed its value into what. |
VariableInfo |
Represents information of a variable. |
VectorFunction |
VerFunction |
VisualizationFunction |
The visualization function is a special kind of system function, which takes care of the given plot (setting it as "LastPlot"). |
VoidOperator |
This class is only used as a dummy placeholder for operators that have not been found. |
WhileKeyword |
The while keyword has its logic defined here. The basic syntax: while ( CONDITION ) STATEMENT |
WhoFunction |
XCorFunction |
XYPlotValue |
Abstract base class for plot values that are based on an XY (or similar) coordinate system. |
XYZPlotValue |
Abstract base class for plot values that are based on an XYZ (or similar) coordinate system. |
YMath |
Capsulates an ensemble of internally (frequently) used math functions. |
ZerosFunction |
ZetaFunction |