C# (CSharp) Windows.Mvvm.UI.Controls Namespace


Name Description
BooleanToVisibilityConverter Convertes boolean values into visibility values and vice versa.
EnumDisplayNameConverter Represents a value converter that is used to get the localized name of an enumeration value.
EnumToBooleanConverter Converts an enum to a boolean value, if the parameter has the same value as the enum value.
EnumToVisibilityConverter Converts an enum to the visible value, if the parameter has the same value as the enum value.
InvertedBooleanConverter Convertes boolean values into their negated boolean value (true => false, false => true).
InvertedBooleanToVisibilityConverter Convertes boolean values into visibility values and vice versa. Unlike the standard boolean to visibility converter it inverts the boolean values, which means, that false converts to visible and true converts to collapsed.
TypeToBooleanConverter Converts a type to a boolean value, if the parameter has the same value as the type.
TypeToVisibilityConverter Converts a type to the visible value, if the parameter has the same value as the type.
TypedDataTemplate Represents a data template for a specific data type.