C# (CSharp) WinRTXamlToolkit.Imaging Namespace


Name Description
BitmapImageLoadExtensions Extension and helper methods for loading a BitmapImage.
IBufferExtensions Contains extensions for an IBuffer interface in the context of a WriteableBitmap, which exposes one to access its pixels.
IBufferExtensions.PixelBufferInfo Gives access to the pixels of a WriteableBitmap given an IBuffer exposed by Pixels property.
PixelMath Contains basic pixel processing helper methods for double- and byte-type pixel color components.
WriteableBitmapBlitBlockExtensions WriteableBitmap extensions for blitting.
WriteableBitmapColorPickerExtensions Extension methods for WriteableBitmap used for generating color picker bitmaps.
WriteableBitmapCopyExtensions Extension methods for WriteableBitmap to copy pixels from a source bitmap.
WriteableBitmapDarkenExtension WriteableBitmap extensions to make the image darker.
WriteableBitmapFloodFillExtensions WriteableBitmap extensions for filling regions of the bitmap with flood fill and similar algorithms.
WriteableBitmapFromBitmapImageExtension WriteableBitmap extensions for creating or populating a WriteableBitmap from a BitmapImage (or rather the source Uri of the image).
WriteableBitmapGrayscaleExtension WriteableBitmap extensions to remove the color from the image.
WriteableBitmapLightenExtension WriteableBitmap extensions to make the image brighter.